LGBT+ History Month

BioWare originally got a lot of flak from the same types of people for implementing their romance options for LGBTQ characters in game that they had promised at the start of the game… and they finally did it now it’s not a problem no one talks about it, and it’s something that matters for the people it matters to and a non issue to the ones it doesn’t.

EDIT; I was referencing SWTOR


True mate but I don’t wanna like. Be stupid with it like Boogie2988

Although it reminds me of a quote / scene from the second live action TMNT movie

“They’re both right”

Yes. I have my bh as a scissor sister. I love it.

My father also used to give me flack for being a guy and playing as female characters. As if that some how equated my sexuality. I have male toons and female. Usually main a female though. My Jedi warrior is male and I chose the straight romance options. But my bh and Lana b all the way. :joy: it’s just nice to have that small option that is not even close to relevant to the story or game play but it makes others feel better represented.

It’s a complicated issue. You don’t have to ‘take sides’ with stuff like this; it’s not some ‘With us or against us’ ordeal.

I disagree. Not engaging them in terms of ‘not entertaining potentially racists people and accidentally giving them a platform’ is one thing, but seldom does anything get done when it comes to actual harassment in-game. This game isn’t as heavily moderated like other MMOs do. I used to be in a guild that advertised itself as LGBT friendly. None of the people who went on slur campaigns ever received any punishment regardless of reports, and that’s unacceptable.

Until Blizzard handles in-game moderation of hate-speech better, I won’t be supportive of anything that would easily backfire and be weaponized/paint a target on the backs of the LGBT community.

It was definitely a groundbreaking thing at the time and they have done a pretty good job with it, I think the only problem I have come across was in Mass Effect 3 with the engineer guy. The game almost forces you into a relationship with him even if you are just trying to be friendly. You basically have to have a cold disposition to him or it pushes you in that narrative.

Oh man remember when people who didn’t even play the game called Mass Effect a sex simulator?

They had to freaking cut out the same sex romances ( other than liara which was stupid ) because of that reason. I am glad they put them as options for the 3rd game tho. It makes it rather sweet like Kaidan or Ashley were like secretly crushing on you the whole time. I’m a sucker for slow burn relationships

( ALtho I am forever grumpy that Fem Shep can’t date Tali. I rarely get interested in girl girl stuff but CMON ITS TALI )

Thank you for properly re-quoting me. Since he has said he is an educated man, I must assume his omission was simply an accident, and a completely unintended occurrence. That being said…

If we’re to discuss what is and is not ‘rude’, I should think that implying that someone else should “shut up and sit down” as he did in supra, and on the basis of what I can only assume is merely disagreement; is a far ruder and uglier thing.

I say that simply because that reminds me quite a lot of outmoded logic which I heard while “I” was studying history. The logic I speak of is of course evoked in historically charged statements such as, “Get to the back of the bus.”, and “Be silent. Be compliant.”.

But then again, being a “History Major” such as he is, I am sure that such correlations and the gravity of such words; are not lost on him. I seriously doubt he’d find it to be permissible for one side to engage in such statements, but not the other. I say that because if he held that position, I would have to point out that such logic sounded extraordinarily regressive to me.

Regardless, I’ll leave folks to ruminate on the matter. Good night, and be excellent to each other.

I never played Mass Effect, but I’ve seen clips on YouTube! I think that’s a different BioWare
though of the same company but the division that handles SWTOR I want to say is BioWare Austin. But as far as the lgbtq romance BioWare didn’t add anything that wasn’t already there for the straight romances… so I would think Blizzard would the same thing Genn and his wife aren’t in your face, so it would be a parallel to what is already there that’s how I see it being handled anyways.


People who don’t play video games have been trying to force changes in video games since the late 80s or early 90s – memory’s a bit fuzzy on that, sadly.

Nothing new under the sun, as they say. My mother threw out my original PSX copy of Diablo because Diablo’s face was on the disc. Religion gonna religion.

Meanwhile my Mom took me to see South Park the Movie because A Bugs Life was sold out

Heck she even let me watch the movie Dogma with her. The only promise of it was “Just don’t quote it in front of grandma or your teachers”

Aaaand your mom instantly sounds way cooler than mine.

This is my full quote and it was in reference to what I felt was being said TO ME, I was not telling anyone to sit down and be quiet. This is what you’re taking offense to? Is my interpretation of what I felt was being said to me?

Meanwhile you began name calling???

You are purposefully misrepresenting what I said to push your agenda, as I said what I said in reference to what was being told to me.

I am going to address this too, no one pointed out my education save for you, which I proceeded to tell you I am educated after you insulted me once again. Now you’re hung up on it like I was lording it over everyone. Which I was not.

To which I said

And you followed this up with

The only one hung up on education here is you, and then you resorted to scoffing at education when I stated I have one.

You seem to be offended at me saying I am a history major, in response to you telling me I need to learn history… so idk what to tell you… get over it? Stop misconstruing peoples words, and taking the forum THIS seriously?


Yeah we used to watch the really old south park back when it started late at night if I couldn’t sleep.

I didn’t grow up with a religious family but oh sweet satan was my grandma an idiot. So Mom and I kinda had to tip toe around her with certain topics because otherwise she’d start saying racist stuff at the dinner table among other things.

I haven’t had any romance stuff going in SWTOR when I played it so I have no idea. Really I think they just missed the mark with this one particular character because he was kind of a side character and it skips like a whole facet of what you would go through for starting a relationship with the other characters in ME. Dialogue overall is probably 1/10th of your main cast. Either way it took a largely sensitive thing at the time and made it really awkward for people.

It’s not worth it, honestly. The person themselves kept up with the backhanded insults in the same post that contained a supposed apology. This is one of the ones that I don’t want to engage with on the basis that civil discourse is not their demonstrated goal.

no one really NEEDS them they simply want them

they know theyre proud then nothing else should theres a difference between pride and showing off

basically theyre plenty of groups waiting to wave their beliefs in the rest of the worlds face and be obnoxious saying you dont like it well tough the law will force you to like it

that’s not equality that’s setting social policy you either be tolerant or ill make the law come down on others for not agreeing with it

there is a difference between equality and social activism


I would post something well thought out and relevant to the discussion but this thread is just going to get locked over and over.

Also, some of the hate and nonsense in this thread is just like whoa! You can feel the self-loathing and insecurity coming through in their posts.


How do you think equality happens? Not by moving to the back of the bus, that’s for damn sure.


Untrue. The history of the pride parade was to bring the lgbt community up. Not pull other types of people down.

Life is already catered far more heavily to non lgbt. They do not need it


My mother was pretty damn religious, to an excessive degree. Used to punish me for not going to church and all that.

There was a time in my life, probably a year or two in my very early teens, when I wanted to be a minister. It wasn’t long after I started looking into that path that I found a lot of things about religion in general that made me question whether or not it was the right thing to do.

For example, if an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-compassionate deity created everyone, why would he create a group of people just to be condemned under the very divine law he had set forth for them? Why would anyone create a thing specifically intended to countermand their own directives?

Kind of an apropos mention, given the context of the thread.