LGBT+ History Month

Yeah, this is why people don’t want this stuff in WoW


Name calling is offensive and it’s not my job to decipher the meaning behind someone’s insult???

Furthermore you do know when someone is quoted ANYONE can click the quote and it takes them to the full post, no one is required to quote additional non-sense and since I was the insulted party I quoted the part I took offense to.

We already have male blood elves.

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I’d much rather just have some LGBT romances be present where they don’t make a big deal out of it, instead of getting our own Warcraft “Pride” month. Most people in the WoW community would probably react poorly to it anyways, and I have a feeling that’d be a surefire way to get a target painted on our backs.

For me, I feel best represented when we have something of a presence instead of making it a focal point. To me, that’s what would help normalize the LGBT presence in WoW, rather than making people feel like it’s being pushed on them or having it be made a huge deal.

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Yes I am gay but I dont put my identity into my sexual preference I keep it personal and if people need a character to be gay to enjoy the media they ingest thats their choice it dosent matter to me as long as the character is interesting I can put myself into the characers shoes if I want to worry about their sexuality then it will be an adult novel that dives into that subject. But it’s just my opinion I dont find it important.

It could be the smallest hint of gay tho and people lose their freaking minds

I have to disagree, I think the pride month idea would be good to benefit a charity, and I’ll restate what I said earlier if anyone opposes that that’s telling of their character and the fact Blizzard refuses to engage in having to explain the diversity options of Humans in wow says to me they are not people Blizzard wishes to engage with either.

that’s the thing LGBT people preach about equality and acceptance but yet when straight people want to march down a street being proud of being straight theyre accused of mocking and being racist

the bottom line tolerance and acceptance goes both ways if straight people want to march and celebrate why cant they without being labeled racist or bigots? after all freedom to be proud of who you are is the foundation of America it doesn’t mean your out to destroy minorities your just showing the same pride in who you are same as the LGBT crowd and isnt that also protected by law? the right to assemble and speak as defined by the US Constitution or does the right only apply if your a certain group?


That makes zero sense. Not everything needs to be sexualized to involve an orientation. When I was growing up -im 30 now - I was never able to see myself in characters. In heroes. Or in movies. No, I do not need my orientation to be a focal point, but some minor involvement when the media is saturated with straight sex. Then what is the harm? I also play mtg I read the books and when I read one of the most recent books they causally mentioned his significant other and he wanted to find him and make sure he was safe. The same way a straight person would. It wasn’t given fanfare or over the top, but it was treated equally and THAT is what we want. Not a single queer person wants it all gay all day. We just want to be reflected in some sort of way. Doesn’t even have to be a major character. Just allow some sort of representation


The thing is straight or just non lgbt don’t need pride parades. That’s the difference. They can be out and proud and lgbt only just recently barely got their own version of that.


… I am under the assumption that it is to mock and I reserve my right to think that. As to the other part of your statement that has a different meaning, and especially more so for LGTBQ members who are not Eurocentric descent because they can get discrimination two fold.

As to the next point if straight pride is important to you, go have a blast, it’s no ones fault but the people who wanted it that it was a flop.

I can’t deny that, but I do feel like making it something that’s just a casual thing rather than making a big event would elicit less of a negative reaction.

I’m not absolutely against pride as a whole, but I do feel like Pride needs to be handled a certain way, and I don’t trust Blizzard to handle it well, nor do I trust their ability to contend with ensuing harassment that’d be sure to follow.

I do agree on that. But I also can’t blame folks like Lannisterian and their view points.

Yeah I know I’m sitting on the fence with this but it’s a bad habit of mine.


They have dealt with the same people mad about the new Human customizations very well by simply not engaging with them at all. And reminding us that they have always considered humans diverse and that it simply
would be reflected in game with long over due customizations.

Overall I think it would be beneficial to a charity but I do agree with you that they need to handle it correctly, as far as what charity etc

Thank you! You are 100% right, Sil. There’s no need for Blizzard to copy Netflix’s approach to representation by shoving it down everyone’s throats. If you want it in the game, just RP


I disagree. It’s a good habit. Aristotle once said the following:

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

Being a fence-sitter means you are in the process of entertaining opposing thoughts – that’s all. As long as you make the right decision, a decision you can live with, in the end, that’s what matters, IMO.

This one, perhaps?

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That was my thoughts as well, as well as ensuring the money went to the charity I think it would be a good move for Blizzard to show support and no one should be bothered by an in game shop purchase they are not required to make

Some times you gotta take a sh** or get off the pot.

Would I like an in game lgbt pride of course. It would be unique and interesting, but I don’t ever see that happening in any game. What would be nice is just queer characters involved. As a minor character or anything. There is a storyline in gw2 about a same sex couple. It’s small and you finish it in a few min never to see those characters again, but I played that quest line out years ago and it still is amazing to see and made me feel like I mattered.

That’s really I think what most of us would want. We don’t need to change any existing characters stories but maybe in the future we can see some small storylines lgbtq represented

Less of one for sure but it will still be there regardless. Some people have made it almost a mission to make sure it isn’t culturally normalized. Then again through conversations I have found that most of them think western civilization should stay somewhere culturally before 1955. Ultimately there really is no way for everyone to be happy on this, such is life.