LGBT+ History Month

Well of course your not. It’s abundantly clear from your grammar and statements that you haven’t got the courage to face me in an intellectual contest, because you know very well that you could lose quite spectacularly.

I mean it seems like you have an especially weak foundation when one considers how quickly you fell back on two potentially fictional professors who would serve as your cheerleaders, and credentials that may or not be worth the paper they were stamped on. That speaks heavily of your insecurities. I hope the degree didn’t cost too many box-tops.

Contrasting that, I don’t need anyone to back me up. Logic and critical thinking are enough.

This is likely going to shatter you, and I apologize in advance if it does… But do remember that just because you have “1-2 professors” and a “History Major” who trained you on how to think doesn’t make your view right.

If anything it means you dutifully followed your superior’s instruction from Point A to Point B. Well done my fellow. You can now boast that you have the same intellectual capacity as any common ant in the grass, on errand for his Queen.

Citing them and your education doesn’t aid your argument, it makes them look witless, and you even more so for never actually growing beyond them or deigning to challenge their views so as to increase your own stores of wisdom.

By all means feel free to keep chanting with the rest of the glorious mob that you claim to have the ear of such logic like… “The Earth is flat!”, and do be sure to let us know how history remembers your efforts surrounding the Digital Inquisition when you inevitably attack people for their heresies. This sort of thinking seems to be working out very well for you. Please carry on.


How about no.

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“Your grammar”, this is the wow forums, if you think nit picking my grammar while writing TLDR statements on why you don’t support diversity is beneficial continue to do so I do not care. But you take WoW forums a little too seriously.

Calling this rude … right now actually.

what she says: I’m fine

what she means: and then I fired again. and then I missed. and then I fired. and then I fired, and I missed. I missed both times. and then I fired, and I missed. this went on for several hours. and then I fired. and then I missed. and then I was out of bullets. and then I got sad. I had a popsicle. and then I passed out in the snow. and then I woke up. and then I reloaded. and then I fired. and then I missed. I missed again. I fired. I hit something, but it wasn’t what I was going for, so I guess I missed. I passed out again. had another popcicle. I had a dream that I was firing at something. I missed. oh, so she can pick a snowball fight with ‘em. I threw up a snowball at 'em. I missed. I packed another snowball into my gun. that’s my secret weapon. I missed. yeah, she’s really something. I threw a snowball at her. I missed. I passed out. I woke up with a popcicle stick in my mouth. don’t piss me off woman. I’ll take a swing you, I’ll miss though. I guarantee it. then I’ll take another swing. and I’ll miss. then I’ll have myself a popcicle. would you care for a popcicle? just don’t bring it into the sauna. I reached into the fridge for another popcicle. I missed. I got the cabbage. I put it back, but I missed. I dropped it on the floor. long story short, missed.

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That’s not me being rude. That’s me being honest. Rude would be me saying that it was factually accurate, which I will not do since I don’t know you personally my good fellow. I merely said with such logic, you can boast the same thing that every other creature in nature can. Don’t argue with me. Argue with nature if you dislike it’s system.

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No it was rude, and you went out of your way to reply to me so perhaps it was you fishing for micro aggression. Because what you said is far more rude then me saying it’s telling of character to gate keep diversity.

Yes, it is. C’mon. Comparing a person to an ant to take a shot at them? That’s rude any way you shake it.


I agree with you. The only time people have a problem with romance is when it’s same sex or queer culture. They say “why do we need that. It’s a game” why do we need straight romance too? Sometimes it’s nice for people to feel representation in a game they play. Allowing themselves to identify. If it isn’t hurting you or your game play then why not? Stop being a snow flake the world isn’t only a straight white mans world


Nope I am equally sick of this agenda pushing stuff least theres equallity in getting tired of this narrative


Not really, though if offense was taken I will apologize for the sake of ensuring things remain positive and upbeat in this thread. But do not misconstrue my words. I will reiterate my point here again so it cannot be mistook.

I am merely pointing out that by citing a degree, you are claiming you have the capacity to follow instructions. That doesn’t seem like an exceptionally strong statement, since it is a feat which any creature on this planet is capable of. Again that’s a simple fact, not an insult. An insult would be claiming that you were incapable of even that.

Frankly speaking. I envy you now, if this was is worst thing that has ever been said to you. It has been my regrettable experience with humans that there are countless worse things that a person can be called. May you never encounter such words, as I fear the experience will make this passing banter on the forums seem tame by comparison.


I mean at least we’re not trying to eradicate non lgbt like the non lgbt “agenda”

Uh… she was comparing humans to ants because we are very common as a species on this world we occupy. It works as a comparison because ants are unbelievably common.

Was the metaphor that hard to understand? I didn’t think so…

Need to make a bingo board for TV and movies. It seems every TV show/movie (and many commercials) are trying too hard to “check the boxes”.

Organic, they are who they are but it’s not the only facet of their character. = ok.
“We checked that off this list, what’s next?” = not ok.

Edit: Changed “what” to “who” because who makes the character the focus and not their lifestyle.

It’s not but claiming I am rude for saying gate keeping diversity is telling of character, while resorting to name calling isn’t something that was going to be lost on me.

So to apologize you both dispute that it was rude…? And seek to restate your statement by giving the definition of being called an ant. I think I’m good on any more apologies from you if they seek to re iterate the insult in the apology.

Apparently the metaphor was more difficult to understand than you reckon.

This is an insult. It implies a person isn’t intelligent enough to think for themselves.

I recall the rage over the straight pride parade thing not too long ago and the people that do the eradication are 3rd world hyper religious countries imo LGBT representaion would be more meaningful in life not in a game thats bleeding players from horrible PR and creative failures


Huh. The final words of the quote were absent from the quote box I saw which read “You can now boast that you have the same intellectual capacity as any common ant in the grass.”

The last few words add much needed additional context.

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Not to be too strongly contrarian here, but we’re not all that far off chronologically from certain western groups advocating for conversion therapy. That too is eradication of a kind. Some of them still advocate for it.


Hm, I don’t necessarily agree – comparing a person’s intelligence to that of an insect seems like it’s an insult by any metric one uses, at least to me. But, I do respect the fact that you can look at the situation with context you didn’t have before and change your mind.

That’s not always an easy thing to do.

Are you yourself queer?

Do you speak for others? As an actual queer person myself I can say that when I see a queer person in a video game or a book it is more engaging for me and keeps me invested because I see myself represented.

So your statement isn’t true. It’s just as meaningful to have representation in life and in other platforms as well.

Since you do not have blizzards actual statistics you can’t really say “it’s bleeding player base” since you truly don’t know.

To elaborate on that. It could be a reason to draw new players or keep some more invested. Maybe it’s because you’re so used to more straight oriented media that you assume it’s the only valid or viable answer. Your arguments are mere conjecture. You just don’t know.

We don’t need a straight pride month because every thing in every day life is directed to straight. Gay pride was created as a memorial. A way to remember those who have passed and have fought for the rights we have and the rights we still strive to achieve.