LGBT+ History Month

Otherkin are not LGBT. Try again troll.

But they have both in game.

Correct. They are LGBT+.

Name one main character in the game who is not heterosexual.

Truthspeaker, hero of the Alliance.

Define “main character.”

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I believe Sylvanas may has been right after all…

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The amount of pseudo-science being offered here is almost as fun as ALL the High Elf and’ fly/no fly’ threads combined. So many people trying so hard to convince everyone else of…what?
People are people and will do what they will. What the majority of you fail to understand is that it is NOT FOR YOUR BENEFIT.

I have no idea who this is supposed to be referencing.


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Hi Dreta!

lol Just had something strange happen. I was typing up a reply to someone, and taking forever as I always do, and somewhere along the line I noticed their post was gone. :open_mouth:

Not sure where I was, but I saw that word recently and thought of you. :smiley:


This whole forced I WANT crap is really annoying me 100% actually makes me want to go straight so I no longer need to be lumped in with I’m Special group.
NONE of you see how much damage your doing to the LBGT cause with the demanding and ridiculing of others who do NOT support it.

You can’t FORCE people to change and yet so many are trying to. Also to the above person who said something about Trans killing themselves do some research you will find out why. It’s a medical Issue that has to do with body Image.

People need to stop posting on social media and bragging about what you are. Seriously people do NOT care what you do in your own rooms at night. I know MORE LGBT people who are ashamed of the what the movement has turned into and no longer support it.


Well, that 3% about matches the total LGBTQWhatevers in the entire world.

Sounds like 3% is about all that is “needed”.

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LGBT pride does not belong in a game. It is not mandatory and we aren’t entitled to it.

This is from a gay man, before you flame.


Lesbian before you flame, and even I support THIS!


Kind of like the person that claims to be on your team that called someone a bigot because the person said “lifestyles” and they assumed they were saying being gay was a lifestyle choice when in fact that person said it was sexual orientation in the same sentence. They were literally called a bigot because the fool couldn’t be bothered in reading an entire sentence.

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I love you all and I really appreciate your replies! much respect!

imagine being trans on the forums and feeling affirmed

Ello! No coffee today, just tea. And cheese.


I’m not even sure what there’s to be proud of. I like dudes. So what? :man_shrugging:

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