LGBT+ History Month

Let’s also not forget that now, words are hate crimes, not using proper pronouns are hate crimes, giving you the stink eye because you said something stupid…hate crime. Don’t spew statistics about hate crimes when you are the one determining it’s validity. Words are not hate crimes, nor violence. freedom of speech means I don’t have to call a man she/hers, regardless of any garbage laws they manage to pass. I want to be clear, I respect everyone the same, all are people, humans, to me. this is not to be confused with the fact that to me and most of the free world, a man is a man and a woman is a woman. the exchanging of gender is not possible, if gender doesn’t exist. Do what makes you happy, this is America, but you don’t get to decide for me what is or isn’t. the rest is a non issue.

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I agree wholeheartedly. I’m pretty comfortable with my sexuality but am aware many are not. It’s sad to see people ignore that.

Probably for the better. It’s hard enough trying to go to bed when you’re over caffeinated. Another when the noisy Egyptian goose decides it wants to scream/honk at random intervals around 2 AM. Really puts a hyper mind at ease. LOL


Straight people weren’t killed in the Holocaust for being straight. Gay people however, were targeted for their sexuality.


That’s because it’s damn stupid and all that happens with idiotic threads like this is they turn into death matches between dorks

I don’t know how this thread hasn’t been deleted yet and a thread about toilet paper running out got deleted

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I’m in agreement.

/offers :beer:

Scroll up. I already explained.

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I’m not scrolling up

You explain it now or Just live with the fact I’ll never know

There are over 2000 posts to in this cesspool

Of which you are now swimming, or floating. Probably sinking cause you’re an undead wearing plate armor.

In a nut shell. A mod has looked at the thread and removed some comments. I know today a comment was removed because in the middle of responding to it, it disappeared.

blizz wont lock cause they afraid of the twitter army

Spoken like someone who hasn’t seen how many times this thread has been locked :clown_face:


Probably because emotions flare and people don’t behave and keep their emotions in check when posting and break rules and what not. Resulting in people getting reported and such. All of the thread locks have been automatic locks initiated by the system due to large number of reports.

We could certainly have alot less in all forms of media the whole media is flooded in representation like a twink in the back room of a free for all during pride parade I’m sick of it like a floozy on margarita night at discovery I just want great characters I dont push my sex life into the game because its not anyones bussiness and being gay dosent represent me as a person just like being straight dosent represent a person’s likability id like the game to have lovable characters represented more or make more likable characters ina game about war strife its make war not lovecraft so who ya bang has no relevence I got plenty of LGBT representaion in my playable furry novels oooh Amicus <3

Now is my que to pop in here and remind the detractors that none of this would have ever been this big had they just passively accepted people trying to live free lives. No one was asked to partake in it themselves unless they felt the need to. In fact I often stress that you need to be bloody sure before having anything to do with being LGBT.

But I think we are well past that now…

I have not seen a decent argument against this yet. Most of what I’ve seen are good reasons to have a LGBT history month.


“Well put, and I totally agree.”


the only time I hear “Gender War” used is on far right Christian websites. lol