LGBT+ History Month

This has nothing to do with anything.

He’s being dishonest with the statistics. Gender identity accounts for 2.2% only. He’s lumping them in with sexuality which is not the same. Furthermore, by far, the largest group of hate crime victims comes from ethnicity/race/ancestry.

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Yeah but even if you do, it’s still on the lower end of the spectrum.

Notice I said LGBT not just transgender.

And yet I can’t find a single reputable source talking about violence against right wingers.

Uh…what does that have to do with anything?

I will not deny that trans people have a hard time and that part of their illness can be attributed to their treatment by society. Anyone who says different isnt being honest with themselves. They are human beings are we have a duty and an obligation to RESPECT and LOVE one another. Sadly, oppression and fascism takes many forms. BUT, my point is that just because someone doesn’t want trans or non-binary gender issues in their game doesn’t mean they should be arbitrarily SILENCED. You cannot justify thought oppression simply because you don’t agree with something someone says and that’s what is going on in these forums. It’s happened to me twice.

I don’t dislike LGBTQ people at all. To the contrary, my brother in law is gay and he is one of my most loved people in this world. I love him. I don’t care what his sexual preference is, he is just a damn fine person. That being said, I play wow to escape reality and politics and I don’t care to have issues of real life, shoved down my throat for the sake of nothing more than appearing inclusive. People are defined by a lot of things besides lifestyles or sexual orientation, some people define themselves by their eating habits or religion or education or a whole host of reasons. Does that mean we need to add Bhudism or some other defining belief system to the game? No. And we shouldn’t, because then it is no longer WoW, it’s no longer a fantasy game. It’s just becomes the Sims.


What do you consider a reputable source?

People play games to escape the real world not live it.


People whose religious or political brainwashing puts them in the dark ages facing backlash for their wrongness is not oppression. It’s education. They choose not to get with the times. It’s not like they were born crappy people. They choose to be that way.

This is the equivalent of “I’m not a homophobe for not supporting lgbt issues because have a gay friend.”

Wow shoves heterosexuality down our throats all the time. Maybe LGBT people would like to see something they can relate to for once?

Except for being LGBT is not a choice. you calling it a lifestyle choice is disingenuous , harmful, and outright bigotry.

[quote=“Rougaroux-grobbulus, post:2771, topic:451845, full:true”] Does that mean we need to add Bhudism or some other defining belief system to the game? No. And we shouldn’t, because then it is no longer WoW, it’s no longer a fantasy game. It’s just becomes the Sims.

Blizzard should remove all heterosexuality in the game then because no relationship belongs in the game. Is that okay with you mister bigot?


It also shoves being a bipedal humanoid down our throats all the time. Where’s the respect for Otherkin?


That’s not the topic of this thread, go make another thread with this whataboutism.



Otherkin aren’t in the +? Your statement about heterosexuality being “shoved down your throat” is silly. Hetereosexuality is the default, not an option.

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Heterosexuality is an option. Blizzard could choose to have no sexuality represented in game. I mean, if people want heterosexuality they could go play Second Life.

As a lesbian I’d prefer to play in a fantasy world that escapes real life which means it excludes heteronormativity.

Well, as an otherkin, I’d like to play a game that doesn’t promote humanormativity.

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Make a new thread.

Option denotes choice and by that very logic, it would mean homosexuality is a choice.


Your bigotry doesn’t mean I need to make a new thread. Otherkin are accounted for in LGBT+. Check yourself.

Blizzard as a game developer should choose to not include heteronormativity if they are going to exclude other sexualities.