LGBT+ History Month

Bro whats LGBT? and why do you got 94 likes for it?

Fun! Been a while since I’ve seen it. I watched an episode of Midsomer Murders with my parents. I need to add it to my list of shows to follow.

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“I find it hard to find good shows now days, so I usually stick with Movies, or old reruns.”

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I hear ya on the reruns. Sunday night has been dinner at my parents for many years and afterwards my dad and I usually watch older shows. For the past several months we’ve been watching Dragnet and Adam 12. The stories are cheesy but I get a kick out of em. Especially looking at LA in the 60’s 70’s. As a car guy there’s a lot to look at. Also it’s amusing to listen to Joe Friday talk really badly about pot and know it’s legal in California now. lol

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“Ah yes, they can be VERY entertaining, indeed.”

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“It’s easy to look up.”

:rainbow_flag: :rainbow_flag: :transgender_flag: :transgender_flag: :rainbow_flag: :rainbow_flag:


Whaaat, since when is the trans flag emoji a thing? I didn’t see it last June for pride month :open_mouth: :transgender_flag: :transgender_flag:


“It’s in the new emoji thing, that we got with the new format.”

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Cool! Thank you for pointing that out and thank you Anxiety for posting the flag. I wasn’t aware we had em as well. I did know we had these emojis for some time. :two_women_holding_hands: :two_men_holding_hands: :couplekiss_man_man: :couplekiss_woman_woman: :family_man_man_girl_boy: :family_woman_woman_girl_boy:

Oh, and good morning everyone! :relaxed:


“I really wish we could all just get along. I don’t see why people are upset that there are people in the game, and in the WORLD, that are different, that feel differently, and believe differently. We just need to learn to accept that the whole world is full of differences. Just accept that, and we can all go back to having fun.”


Honestly if they did it like they did Seven of 9 in the new placard series , that would be ok subtle but powerful. She came out as Bi in the Star Trek Pacard series but it was really well done and fit and didn’t look forced.

This obsession with things not being “forced” is just thinly veiled homophobia.


I have my own issues with Seven’s portrayal in Picard, but that ain’t one of them.

Her murderous streak on the other hand… oof.

Even if it was revealed tomorrow that Thrall always held romantic feelings for Grom, it would feel way more organic than whatever Blizz was trying to do with Kalec and Jaina, or even Aggra and Thrall :man_shrugging:


I am…genuinely impressed that this thread is somehow still breathing.

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I am too. It’s surprising.

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Right wing cis-het victim complex is real.


Alt-left facsism is real.

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The justice system is set up specifically to make it difficult to prosecute. It’s kind of the opposite of the rest of the world in that regard. We’d rather let criminals go free than convict innocent people. It doesn’t always work out that way, but that’s the idea behind the system as it is.

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