LFR shouldn't drop the same tier pieces as mythic

Most if not all mythic raid guilds have to keep a bench at least a few people deep because real life happens and if someone can’t make a raid, you don’t want to have to call it off for everyone else.

But even if you’re not competing for your raid spot directly (and many people literally are), it feels crappy to be the weak link because you didn’t have a couple hours to queue for trivial content that isn’t fun to do.


If you were competitive , you wouldn’t be here right now making excuses how lfr is making it hard for you and you are being forced at gun point.

A competitive person in any aspect would do everything they can to get a competitive edge and not make excuses like you do.

Less that 1 % of the player base actually compete here and none of those players post here.

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it doesn’t make sense that he finds LFR miserable and unfun? sure it does - he doesn’t like the LFR experience.

it’s subjective though. what one person finds to be an absolutely awful experience, another might think is the best time ever. and the great thing about wow is, that’s perfectly ok. there’s content for everyone.

I DO wish that I didn’t feel incentivized to do LFR, because I hate everything about LFR. That doesn’t mean that I wish LFR weren’t a thing or that someone else shouldn’t enjoy it.

the solution is for blizzard to not make the drop chance of their stupid gear systems so hard to get, hidden behind so much RNG, so people don’t go months without seeing the set piece they need to get their set bonus. those are the people who feel compelled to do other difficulty levels, and quite often the ones who resent it most.

When you have people progging mythic sylvanas still wearing an LFR or Normal set piece because that’s all they could get, that is, imo, a problem. A system basically designed to make those people not feel good about their character.


Thanks - was still trying to understand the issue. (you know I’ve been too chicken-pooped to try myself some of these things,) so I don’t fully comprehend the troubles sometimes. I guess I’m trying because I’m thinking of going for some of this stuff I’ve avoided - hence starting to read these topics.

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Why have you been avoiding LFR?

That’s kind of how it reads, yes. Most people are happy to be able to ignore LFR.

LFR tier pieces are fine, they are a stop gap for raiders who are missing a piece and a way for the more casual player to get their set.

-100 dkp for a terrible attempt at Sunday trolling.

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but if you’ve been avoiding lfr, don’t let the people who say they don’t like LFR deter you from doing it.

It isn’t for me. But that doesn’t mean that many, many people don’t enjoy it, and you might find that it’s something you really like to do.

I would recommend starting with the first two wings though, don’t jump right into the later bosses :slight_smile:


The change is intended to keep other raiders on his team who are willing and able to do all 4 difficulities from getting ahead of him by working harder.

Well, that’s the thing. Maintaining a competitive edge is a small part of the game. And I sincerely doubt any “completive” raiding guild/team even bothers with LFR, or even Normal. There is no incentive for raiders do them. Not even your reason,

Historically it has been the case that raiders will do multiple difficulties weekly until they get their complete tier set.

Contrast this with Legion where we heard lots of complaints about being forced to run LFR for a one in a billion chance of a higher than mythic ilvl titanforge. That made no sense.

they absolutely do. when the tier set gives the player more damage than an off-tier item in that slot, competitive players are absolutely doing lower difficulty levels for extra chances at the set items


A lot of mythic raiders, myself included, would like to see LFR removed all together. It has had an overall negative effect on the way the community interacts with one another in favor of solo gameplay and queue-able everything.


If you think needing to do LfR to complete your mythic tier set , you don’t and even iof you did do an LfR to complete the bonus it doesn’t take away from the mythic items you got .

If anything this is

and maybe it’s time to


Blizzard did this in WoD

It did not go down that well. Hence why they returned to normal for Legion.

I’ve done every version of the raid this patch except Mythic… Don’t care for it and I am pretty casual .

As for coming off as this elite mythic raider which according to your armory shows you really aren’t .

I don’t see any CE cheevos listed for you going as far back as Mythic has been around .

If anything this just shows that you really aren’t that elite but more of an elitist Richard


I get that Blizz feels the need to slow things down to keep people subbed, but there’s a point where just letting people get stuff and have fun actually keeps more people playing. At the very least after the top 100 is cleared they should open the flow up.

Glad we got that sorted out early.

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LFR ilvl rewards should max out at a regular mythic dungeon ilvl.