I’m gonna not be an a-hole this time around and put an actual genuine response. Fun is such a subjective word. It’s pretty clear you don’t enjoy LFR, but that doesn’t mean everyone else should be stripped of it, because its on a to do list for higher end players. LFR gear is fine, hell a lot of it doesn’t compare to even WQ gear as a patch goes on. IT’s basically story mode, a snoozefest to anyone who is even half paying attention.
That doesn’t mean it should be stripped of any value, just because you made a choice to be a competitive player. I made that choice long ago to stop with all that nonsense because my life has evolved, as i got older, and I enjoy different parts of the game now, and not be chained by a schedule.
To be competitive, you gotta do things you dislike.
Putting things in LFR to get higher skilled players to partake in it, makes said runs easier [in theory].
Don’t fuss over this garbage, if you can’t down the last few bosses in Mythic still, perhaps it’s a group problem? Don’t care but throwing that out there.
I did not say that LFR is making anything hard. I said it’s making it less fun.
Just because something can be done for a competitive advantage doesn’t make it fun to do those things. Ask RWF players how much they enjoy splits during heroic and mythic week. They hate having to do it. They do it because they don’t have a choice, but every one of them would rather it not be possible–not because it’s hard, but because it’s soul-crushingly boring and time-consuming.
This issue is utterly irrelevant after like 4 or 5 weeks when everyone has full mythic gear. It has nothing to do with where I am in the instance. I raid twice a week in a guild that did not focus on mythic until this tier. I’m neither complaining about or disappointed in progress with my group.
Obviously, I see that you’re just searching for something to insult me about, and that your statement isn’t a good-faith response to my post, but nevertheless.
I’ve done the high ranked thing before. It’s not very fun (largely for the same general reasons articulated above). And I don’t have anywhere near the time needed to do it now that I have a family and a career. I love my guild and the people I raid with. We have a lot of fun together. And that’s what I’m here for. And that’s really the point. I don’t want to be the jerk holding them back because I don’t want to do the un-fun stuff, but I also don’t want to spend the limited time I have in game doing that un-fun stuff.
Nobody wants to strip anybody of anything. You can still do LFR and get your LFR gear and be happy. But if you get a piece of mythic gear, which you wont if you’re focus is on the lower eschilon of raiding, the two won’t contribute to the same set bonus. It’s utterly irrelevant to people who are raiding lower difficulty levels. Nothing changes for them. It just a quality of life improvement for people raiding the higher difficulty levels. To be clear I’m not saying remove the set bonus or change what it does–just don’t let an LFR piece count toward a set comprised of heroic and mythic pieces.
I’m genuinely surprised so many people disagree with the general principal that to raid a certain difficulty level, you shouldn’t have to also raid every easier difficulty level each week until you’re capped on gear.
If I recall, we used to get currency from raids, with increasing amounts for higher levels. LFR could be done in addition to Normal/Heroi/Mythic. There was a massive stink from higher level raiders that felt obligated to also run LFR as a chore. The currency concept was removed due to this.
If you remove the incentive for higher skilled/geared players to run LFR, you’re hurting LFR players. This was painfully proven in WoD and it’s why Blizzard went back to handing out tier sets in LFR in Legion.
They tried giving ugly crap gear in raids during WoD. It wasn’t well received. But if we go with what you want why stop there? Remove all mounts from lfr too. Why not remove all incentive for people who don’t want to do the level of content you want to do. It will do wonders for the game!
No it really hasn’t. People have negative interactions because the community turns on each other and blames each other for the things in game they personally don’t like instead of avoiding those things or taking a break from the game. If anything destroyed the sense of community, it’s players and sharding.
LFR was put in because a large majority were not running raids. You get the content you love because they figured out a way to get a large portion of the base to play a version of it so it gives a reason for funding to be put towards raids.
What? Who you competing with if you’re in a raid guild with friends?
This whole mentality of competitive WoW is partially the reason you had an exodus. Keep it up though I’m sure the next time around you’ll get all the players back.
Yep, people care far too much about what others are doing in the game when it has zero impact on them. Like if Limit and Echo want to no life LFR for tier to compete in the world first, have it at, it has zero impact on 99% if the people in the game. The OP is simply another insecure faux hardcore raider who cant stand the fact other people might get a shiny purple.
The competitive edge thing wasn’t being pushed on us until later expansions. This game actually used to be really chill while allowing top-tier players an outlet to push for the biggest achievements. While a few people raced to max level first and a handful of guilds were racing for the first mythic kill, the other 95% of the playerbase were killing boars and chasing rabbits.
Catering to players in your position is why everyone is leaving, so no. I think LFR should be made a bit more challenging and more rewarding. FF14 has given Blizzard no excuse for group finder content.
I have stopped playing wow completely. I don’t like M+ and it seems to be a major focus of the game. Anyway I wish everyone many great loots, but I’m done.
I find it particularly baffling how incendiary the posts here have become. You’d think I said something about your moms or something. Sheeesh. Relax people. It’s a video game.
I think that most of you have either not read the top post or otherwise don’t understand what I’m asking for here.
What I’m talking about has absolutely no effect on LFR players. None. Zero. You’ll still get your LFR tier set and be just as powerful as before.
But I won’t be able to use a piece of LFR gear to complete my otherwise heroic tier set. Which means I won’t need to run LFR. That’s good for me and for people in my position (which, contrary to the wholly unsupported assertions of many people in this thread, is thousands of players).
It only benefits people also raiding at higher levels who now won’t have an incentive—an incentive I find problematic—to farm four difficulties of raid every week.
Allowing casuals to enjoy the game is important. Allowing raiders the enjoy the game is important too. For those of you who don’t think wow is a competitive game, I’m genuinely confused on what game you’re playing. It absolutely can be competitive. It isn’t for everyone, and that’s cool, but the competitive nature of the game is the draw for many people. Maximizing your characters power is basically MMO 101. Missing out on upgrades (and yes, LFR gear is an upgrade if it gets you a valuable four piece bonus or dom shard) sucks not only for you, but for the people you’re playing with.
I don’t want to have to no-life four difficulties every week to stay at the top gear wise. That’s not an issue if you’re a casual player. This only affects people raiding higher difficulty levels.
There’s a way for everyone to be happy here, folks.