LFR shouldn't drop the same tier pieces as mythic

LFR is a great way for casual players to get a watered-down version of raid content so they can experience the story of the expansion. But by putting things like domination sockets and pieces and, in 9.2, tier set pieces (that link with their mythic difficulty counterparts) in the LFR loot table, you create an incentive among higher-end raiders to farm that content to scoop up bonuses faster.

This is miserable and unfun, and I don’t like it.

Now, before you say “But Funki, nobody is making you do it–if you don’t like it, don’t do it,” keep in mind that so much of this game is about maintaining a competitive edge. It’s not really fair to your raid team to not do all the things you can do to maximize your power to help with progression. So no matter what, there is going to be a feeling of obligation to do it all. I really doubt that many mythic raiders want to do LFR. But many do it because it’s hard to justify not doing it, given the rewards. I don’t have the time to do every difficulty every week. And I want to spend my time in game having fun.

So lets not drop the same tier there as drops in mythic. I think the best way to do this is to make it so you cannot have three difficulty levels of tier on at a time and still get the bonus. So LFR and Normal work fine. Normal and Heroic work fine. And Heroic and Mythic work fine. But Normal and Mythic don’t work. Nor would LFR and heroic.

Thanks for reading.

Edit: Clarifications for those who seem to think I want everyone who does LFR murdered or something. :roll_eyes:


So what you’re saying is, you’re lazy and don’t want to have to do LFR and therefore the casual players have to suffer for your sake? But Funki, nobody is making you do it-if you don’t like it, don’t do it.


who care , only ILVL matter . I don’t want a crap -50 ilvl piece for tier set

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So? It’s been this way since Cata. Get the lower stuff and work your way up to the higher stuff. It’s what we did from Normal to Heroic back in the day, too.


So you want to be able to “maintain a competitive edge” for less effort, at the expense of LFR players and casuals?


LFR had a completely different loot table in WoD and pretty much everyone hated it.


No. LFR is quite literally the only way to get shards. They don’t drop worth a crap on the other difficulties.

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This post is completely out of touch. Most players aren’t Mythic raiders.


Or how about you just suck it up and stop trying to take things away from other players.


But Funki, nobody is making you do it–if you don’t like it, don’t do it.

lol competitive edge in WoW :joy:

Already done. I haven’t run LFR in like 6 years, and when I do it’s for transmog, not upgrades. :stuck_out_tongue:

You have that option right now too.

The post is out of touch because the OP is out of touch. It doesn’t have to do with mythic raiding. Most mythic raiders don’t give two turds what players outside of their “circle” are doing. Some might, but they only care what like the top 10 guilds are doing so they can try and replicate it. Legit though, no mythic raider is complaining about LFR raiders getting their gear unless they’re completely delusional and/or trolling.


Please come carry me in LFR, we need people like you to kill the bosses :rofl:


Imagine trying to pull a “but competitive players!” and then trying to remove a way for those players to increase their odds of keeping said edge with more chances to complete their tier set bonus.


Dang people still making this argument :laughing: Been hearing it since LFR first came out and high end players were doing Dragon Soul for tier.
Keep up the fight I guess :man_shrugging:


Hey look everyone, an e-sports wanna-B out in the wild.


If it completes your 4 piece, and your 4 piece doesn’t suck, it would probably be a dps increase.

It’s not “laziness.” It’s a lack of fun.

There is no downside to LFR players to not have their set pieces work when combined with mythic set pieces (since they won’t have them)

They solve this issue by staging LFR release. During most of RWF it is just straight up not even available to farm. If you lose the race, and hate LFR, why would you beat your head against content you hate to gain tiny gains slightly faster? Is your crappy LFR piece really going to be so much better than your beefed out M+ items? Heck no, if anything the opposite. A 226 tier set is not going to outperform 272 M+ gear that is going to be available week 1, that world and server first racers are definitely going to feel the squeeze to farm. LFR doesn’t even factor in, you’re asking to take a dump in 99.5% of the player base so that the 0.5% can avoid a problem that doesn’t exist.


I remember that and it went over like a lead balloon. Their hope people would step up to higher difficulties didn’t work and I think more people left than stepped up. If they tried something like this today, well, you think the boosting problem is bad now, oh boy, I can only imagine how much worse it would get.

Asking other people to suffer because you have no self control is extremely selfish.

Learn self control, having Rewarding content for players of all skill caps is -inclusive- stop ignoring the fact there is people with disabilities and LFR for some folks is just as difficult as mythic is for you. We are all built different and we all deserve to have rewards for our efforts in a video game. It’s okay to make accommodation for people to say otherwise makes a person either A, Ableist. B. Selfish. or C. Both.

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Quit asking to take stuff away. Don’t like it don’t do it


If LFR is your jam, that’s cool. I have no issue with LFR. I just don’t want badly designed incentives for me to do it. If LFR is your top tier of content, you don’t need your set pieces to work in conjunction with mythic set pieces. That’s all I really want–just have two tiers of tier. If you get it in LFR and normal, rock on, you get exactly what you would have gotten. But I won’t be expected to farm normal and LFR every week to get my 4 set for mythic.

Also, FYI everyone, you can disagree with someone without being a total jerk about it…

It’s called an opinion. We don’t all have to have the same one.

What I’m asking for only affects people raiding mythic and heroic.

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