LFR shouldn't drop the same tier pieces as mythic

Yep, part of being an adult is realizing you can have an argument with someone and it doesn’t mean you hate that person, you just have strong opinions and don’t agree on the topic.

and for the folks that need the power boost by having those tier sets in order to be useful to their friends in higher end content? Too bad?

You should gear for mythic in heroic. You should gear for heroic in normal. I don’t see a ton of validity to gearing in LFR for mythic.

And LFR gear wouldn’t be totally worthless. It just wouldn’t link with mythic and heroic pieces of tier.

Your saying folks that go from LFR - > Normal → Heroic should have to get thier set pieces twice before being able to use them in heroic. Or possibly even normal. Not sure if you realize this but your saying folks should put in twice the effort to getting their sets just because you either lack self control, or there is too much peer pressure in the game. Sounds to me like there is another issue here that needs addressed somehow.


It’s PvE.

Are you a World First competitor?

If not, who do you think you are competing against?

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Other players for raid seats. It’s understandable but I think it’s a different issue at the core here that needs addressed. Without damaging folks with skillcaps.

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They throw casuals a bone by lettting LFR drop tier, they throw mythic raiders a bone by offering an ultimate conduit item for completing their content.

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I’m kinda slow when trying to understand these kinds of topics, but your answer actually gave me a clue as to what op is talking about.

I thought something changed to complain about, but it’s just not that big of a deal for any player really. It really is a “don’t do it if you don’t like it” type thing. I’m sorry OP.


If anything it should be even better since it represents a much larger part of the population. And besides Mythic is about the challenge. You don’t need special gear to make it easier.


Why? This doesn’t make sense.

Not entirely accurate.

There’s a lot of thing’s in this game that isn’t fair, but I accept it and do the best within the bounds of what I can do.

They did that in WoD. There is a reason it was the worst expansion. Sorry you are wrong.

You are not even 10 of 10 yet. That lfr piece is not going to make you a better player.


This was the same reason why they removed tier set bonuses in the first place.

You’re not wrong…just too early. But give it a few tiers first before complaining about this. People haven’t had tier set bonuses for a while so they’ve forgotten. You’ll start to see more support after a few iterations.

I ran five bosses on heroic last night on my warlock she got 3 shards.

If your solution is to take something away from casuals, you are wrong. The end.

I agree, a lot of people only have time for LFR, since it lets you skip sitting and applying through LFG and running to raid across a zone filled with elites and dying on the way. There is already a bad rep attached to LFR, which makes people who only do LFR feel frustrated because they are looked down on. If anything, it should be improved and give more loot drops. Everyone should have a chance to have fun and feel like their characters are becoming more powerful with every week regardless of how much time they play.

Right now, LFR is just pointless because you can get 220 korthia gear. How is this good game design? Where is the incentive to play the game? Dom shards? Most people don’t even know what those do, how to upgrade them, that you have to upgrade them evenly not just 1 to max, that you need an item to remove them, etc. But people still do LFR because the korthia grind sucks even more if you play only a couple hours a week.

Stop trying to ruin the game for people. I wish they brought back titan-forging so that we can see all the mythic raiders doing LFR again :joy:

It doesn’t matter at all this far into a tier. But it matters until you have your four piece bonus.

Wait, what?

So folks join a guild and then have to compete against their fellow guild mates to be able to do the content they joined the guild to do?

So, instead of guilds fostering a healthy co-operative atmosphere, they are creating an insecure adversarial atmosphere?

I had no idea. That explains so much.

(Note: I have never been a part of a guild but my son ran one consisting of RL and in-game friends that developed organically during TBC and that was not how they did things. They played together as a team. Did they ever compete against each other? Of course. But it was for fun, not an excuse to shut people out and boost their egos.)

This takes literally nothing away from casual players, who do not kill heroic or mythic bosses, so therefore do not need their LFR/normal tier pieces to be part of the same set bonus as the heroic and mythic pieces.

This is mainly true only for mythic raids that are limited to 20 people, and you have usually 25 on a roster in case someone doesn’t show up. If you have less than 20, you pretty much have to call it on prog.