LFR should share lockout with normal and heroic raids

If we get WoD classic then your brain is going to overload, every raid difficulty won’t share a lockout then.


Or they are in a sweat lord guild they will have them “forced” here.

But, it’s not really forced. choosing to stay in that demanding a crew is a personal choice.

I say that as member of some of eve’s sweatiest crews in the past. till the day I realized…its a game not a job.

If guilld/corp leadership wants that, we have reached a conflict of personalities with no resolution.

I went to less intense crews and enjoyed the game more.

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And the funny part about that was mythic raiders never complained about it much.

It was the wannabees in heroic. Who complain about mythic as much they do about LFR lol.

mythic raiders accept wow is not jsut 1 raid night a week. Want to be the best “5%”…you need to play wow more.

Mythic raiders don’t care about LFR or anyone who uses it. Their interest is beating the content at the highest level for bragging rights (and rightly so).

Do they care if my alt runs LFR? - No and who would other than the ones who think they are some sort of mythic raider being carried or using GDKP to buy gear.

Do they care if someone gets gear massively lower than the highest Mythic raid? No. They run much higher tear for a reason.

Do they care about “community” or talking in LFR or RDF? No… This is why they have guilds, friends, their own mythic community.

Your milage may vary.


Mythic raiding is to Cataclysm Classic. Mythic raiding will not be available until the final phase of Mists of Pandaria, which is more than a year away.

You are right, I do not care if your alt runs LFR. This post is not about that. This post is simply about LFR sharing a lockout with normal and heroic. Stop attempting to derail the topic at hand irrelevant nonsense.

No one said Mythic raiding was in Cata.

Stop trying to pick apart sentences to fit your little narrative that only 1% might agree with.

It is not changing. Quit or deal with it – pretty simple.

This has been your style since the beginning, especially after you lost your battle w/no LFR… you changed tactics/troll – totally obvious especially given you other toons name.


This discussion is focused on the idea that LFR should share a lockout with normal and heroic modes, nothing else. If you cannot respect that, please refrain from posting.

I’m allowed to post. Feel free to flag if you want.


While it is true that everyone is allowed to post, it is important to maintain the focus and respect the topic of discussion. The purpose of this thread is to discuss the idea that LFR should share a lockout with normal and heroic modes.

I never said that you were not allowed to post; I merely asked that you refrain from derailing the topic and stay on topic, which is in line with the forum’s guidelines.

If you have relevant points to contribute to this specific discussion, feel free to post them. However, if your posts continue to stray from the topic, it may be more appropriate to start a new thread where those points can be discussed in detail.

It is patently disingenuous to levy accusations of derailment when, in actuality, the invocation of tangentially relevant discourse serves to elucidate the multifaceted dimensions of the subject at hand—an intellectual exercise that you, when bereft of substantive rebuttal, routinely evade through deflection and obfuscation. Your proclivity for dismissing inconvenient perspectives as diversions is a transparent stratagem designed to insulate fragile assertions from rigorous scrutiny. Fortunately, this is an open forum wherein the free exchange of ideas is not contingent upon your arbitrary gatekeeping, and no amount of rhetorical sophistry will preclude others from contributing their cogent analyses.


Your response seems to deviate from this topic and includes personal accusations, which do not contribute to a constructive dialogue. I never said that you were not allowed to post; I merely asked that you refrain from derailing the topic and stay on topic, which is in line with the forum’s guidelines.

The purpose of this thread is to discuss whether LFR should share a lockout with normal and heroic modes. NOTHING MORE AND NOTHING LESS!!!

It is patently disingenuous to levy accusations of derailment when, in actuality, the invocation of tangentially relevant discourse serves to elucidate the multifaceted dimensions of the subject at hand—an intellectual exercise that you, when bereft of substantive rebuttal, routinely evade through deflection and obfuscation. Your proclivity for dismissing inconvenient perspectives as diversions is a transparent stratagem designed to insulate fragile assertions from rigorous scrutiny. Fortunately, this is an open forum wherein the free exchange of ideas is not contingent upon your arbitrary gatekeeping, and no amount of rhetorical sophistry will preclude others from contributing their cogent analyses.

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When someone seems to bring up other opinions on the matter, disagrees with you, or brings up other issues to discredit your opinions (important for actual discussions), you immediately resort to saying that they are derailing the discussion and telling them to get out of your thread.

The purpose of this thread is obviously to be an echo chamber for your opinion - “NOTHING MORE AND NOTHING LESS!!!”

Holy thesaurus batman! :slight_smile:

You need to run a vague idea and opinion through ChatGPT so that it creates a bullet point list before it will be in his preferred format.

I wouldn’t mind getting rid of all shared lockouts. It may explode some hardcore raiders brains and sense of entitlement, but I’m betting that most would appreciate the freedom that comes with being able to play the game the way they want. If some tiny portion of the player base wants to do LFR + normal + heroic each week, then let them do it IMO. The restriction that you can only get loot once per week per difficulty is enough to keep the typical player progression in check.


This, imo, is the correct route to go if we want to do anything about lockouts. It would allow people to play the game, but prevent rapid gearing.

Thank you for pointing out the instances where I asked participants to remain on topic. The purpose of this thread is to discuss whether LFR should share a lockout with normal and heroic modes.

When I ask participants to stay on topic, it is not to dismiss differing opinions or to create an echo chamber. Rather, it is to prevent the conversation from being derailed by unrelated issues. Constructive dialogue is essential.

Holy Batman did we actually agree on something?

Dude likes ChatGPT so I figured I might as well respond in a manner he can understand :smiley:

I’m not putting that much into the effort for a known troll. :smiley:

I think they should not share a lockout because i want more chances at loot. I think they should add the determination buff on LFR launch to help the noobs/casuals, catering to new/casual players is how we keep wow alive!


You do understand that Dragonsoul will last about 6-7 months right? MoP isnt launching til Autumn 2025 (So that means it can launch anytime in September, October or November)

I don’t know if you’re being sarcastic, but it’s not a bad idea. Up until now Blizz has given casuals the boot in Classic. Be nice if they actually catered to the majority of players for once. Well, if they can bring those players back.


Society seems to have a serious problem with people wanting to use a ladder to climb to a ledge, then pull the ladder up with them before anyone else can use it themselves.

There’s a term that describes that which is generally used as a pejorative against whatever it’s used to describe: pay-to-win. You’re not really EARNING anything, you’re just throwing gold at a problem in order to get effectively carried to the end. The only reason it’s not more pathetic than Elongated Muskrat’s attempts at gaming is because that’s literally the lowest that meter can go.

This is easily the most fun comment I’ve read in years. ^___^

Pretty sure most people got their fill of pointless timegating with the Molten Front dailies. Hell, just look at Destiny 2 to see the laundry list of ways timegating goes wrong EXTREMELY fast.

The Booterang? :wink:

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