I don’t know about gear but I got propositioned in the last LFR wing for a “great time” in Goldshire…
I miss personal loot
I don’t. It was an awful system.
Personally, I’m the type of person who tries to not roll need on things that I really don’t need, and if I do without thinking and win, I’ll give it to the 2nd highest roller because they would’ve gotten it. With group loot people can opt out of rolling. I honestly think it’s trashy to roll on loot you don’t need just to try to sell to other people. Someone trying to buy what you win off you is different though, then it’s up to the person who won to decide if the loot or the gold is worth more to them.
It wasn’t perfect, but I still prefer seeing no loot on the boss over watching it slip through my fingers. It’s less personal when you don’t watch the game do it in front of your eyes in big, red numbers. Group loot does, in theory, allow for better chances, but I think I had better luck most weeks through personal loot. The Great Vault helps a little too. Sometimes.
Don’t pay. If people pay that is going to support this ridiculousness, call them the stinky fool they are and /ignore them.
Players doing this should be banned. Ask yourself, if every single player in the group that didn’t need these specific items decided to do this would this be a fun gaming experience? No it damn well wouldn’t be. You’d have to just pray for good vaults on higher difficulties or have an insane amount of luck.
No they shouldn’t. It’s not against tos.
Or just join a guild
And this isn’t an issue.
Yea I know that it’s not against the TOS. That’s exactly why I want it to be made against TOS. Glad we worked that out captain obvious.
I think it’s a scummy practice, but I don’t think it’s ban worthy. A jerk move at best though, for sure.
Find a raiding guild. Do normal mode. Raid with people who are nicer on a more consistent schedule. Profit.
It won’t be made against tos. Blizz has taken the stance that anyone can roll on the loot and can do with it as they want.
I’m glad you ignored this part though
almost 1 mil gold for an lfr level weapon
He likes blue. It’s not about ilev.
I have zero problem with this stuff if it’s agreed beforehand, hell bring back Masterlooter if they really want gold runs. It’s the principle of running through a group of people who likely aren’t going to need on any gear they don’t need and then turning around and treating them like trash for greed. Is this really the gameplay you want to support on any level? My vote is that it shouldn’t be a valid part of the game.
I know that’s why I want it. Blue is my favorite color. Hopefully my warrior/pally will luck into it one of these days.
oh well that’s different. I can see paying 900k for a mog I really want
When Blizzard enabled it by putting GL into LFR and trading gold x-realm. Now if x-realm gold trading was still a thing but with PL, i could still see it being a thing.
- the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.
What a sorry state this community has come to when the response to this stuff is people saying it’s their loot. Then people will turn around and ponder at why some people can be so mean and toxic lol.
It’s true though. They won it, so it is theirs to do as they please. Whether anyone agrees with this or not is irrelevant, though I do think that it is valid to feel negatively about it.