I was for that long ago. Or making LFR=Normal mode and able to random group it, heroic=mythic and get rid of mythic as well.
The funny thing is while you’re advocating for group loot.
Everyone rolling need is the equivalent of PL
They are not the same at all.
Again no.
Since you don’t do the content don’t make terrible ideas on the content.
WoW breeds bigotry because class balance. Bro go outside
Actually lets take group loot a step further and tanks and healers get priority because they are way more important than dps.
I like the outdoors. It does not change the fact that some races and classes are hated in the community. Maybe not as a whole but there are groups that have that mentality.
edit: I mean who wants a Vulpera sub rogue?
Thanks for proving you have zero clue how gearing works at high end.
Tanks and healers are usually lowest priority.
Dps then healers then tanks for tier and priority.
Get rid of the most used raid mode (casuals VASTLY outnumber hardcore raiders)… yep, that makes sense. Makes more sense to get rid of mythic raiding (hint: it doesn’t).
LFR and normal combine don’t even equal heroic. So no heroic is the most used raid mode.
I’m a casual mythic raider. You don’t know what casual actually means.
The only people crying about loot are LFR heroes. So either get rid of LFR or loot from LFR
Or let the people who do LFR have a loot system that makes sense instead of one that is meant for coordinated groups that have enough respect for each other to use the GL system as it was intended.
If Blizz just enforced the roll system so that it is used as intended, the “LFR heroes” wouldn’t be complaining. Instead, we have people rolling need because they “need” it for transmog (despite there being a transmog button), or they “need” it to vendor / alts (despite there being a greed button).
ML is the loot system for coordinated groups.
GL is the middle ground between ML and PL.
Even with Pl LFR heroes have shown an inability to not throw a tantrum about loot.
On top of that yall don’t even know how PL works or that everyone hitting “need” in GL is PL
You guys can’t even refute the people needing for an actual upgrade point I have made multiple times in this thread.
Yall seriously need to stop being so entitled and worrying about who won and what they had.
the power of the gear will be replaced in a week
the transmog is forever
And normal / heroic raids are great for GL. They are the middle ground of raiding.
Give mythic raids ML, normal and heroic GL, and leave LFR with PL.
The reason people are complaining is that despite what the claims are, we are seeing less loot with GL than with PL. On top of that, all of our frustrations are being directed toward other players who make the conscious decision to roll need on something they don’t need. With PL, we can point our frustrations at the system instead.
Objectively false, it is 1/5. We had 1/5 when I took a break in SL.
Your frustrations are directed at players who decided that they needed an item they were eligible to roll need for because you feel entitled to someone else’s items.
Nope. LFR doesn’t deserve any special
Treatment. It gets gl like everyone else.
I don’t care why they are complaining. I honestly don’t. None of their complaints are justified because it’s a pure lack of understanding on how the loot systems work.
I think it’s just feeling entitled to the items. We all know the same posts happened with Personal loot.
Clearly you misunderstand what lfr is for or maybe you are just stupid
Anytime I bring this issue up in game or on the forums I am berated by people who try and claim that a LFR item is somehow better their 610 gear.
Then where are those items you aren’t winning going? Blizzard hasn’t changed the number of items that drop in raid since the transition from BFA into SL. The same number of items are being distributed to the same number of people. It’s mathematically impossible for all players to experience the same stroke of bad luck unless fewer items are being awarded.
Because sometimes it is. There are a lot of gaps in item level as it relates to the power level of the gear.