LFR loot is not okay

Tell me you don’t know how the system works without saying that…

Current GL has more protections to make that easier than PL ever did.

They also killed the boss, why do you want to control whether or not they get loot?

And all of the outcomes are just as, if not more likely under PL.

Ok so you’re right, it’s easy to pass it. If my guildies are on they will slingshot me through mythics, and I do that for them. We do that a lot in the evenings. I just have a lot of alts and as a stay at home I’m on with more alts when they are not. That is the only time I run LFR. And in the past I could easily gear said alts in LFR. That did not have to change. And no, I’m not pugging mythics…shudder.

This was intentional. They’re showing people who do LFR for gear that there is no place for them in the game.

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Those are certainly all words.

My guess would be yes. OP was one of those players always checking others gear and sending whisoers when he didnt get loot.

Also 400 ilevel geared players cant roll need in LFR over lower geared players so the OP is just trolling.

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Now was that because of your character class not being intended to ever equip those items?

I have only ever ran non LFR raids with guildies, and 100% we never prioritized mog over ilvl. But no, with personal loot in LFR I would ask nicely if I saw it wasn’t an UG for them, BUT only if it was a big UG for me. I was never rude, and if they said no I moved on. I think that’s reasonable. And you’re wrong about the ilvl thing. I have seen it happen so much over the past month and have been able to do it myself. I wouldn’t have cared enough to make a post about it otherwise. Only you and one other person in this whole thread believes it isn’t possible, you are in the minority and you are wrong about it.

My main will never run LFR again either. Im not wasting my time carrying bad players for nothing. I got better things to do.

Same currency, but the price for gear for the heroic vendor would be higher. More currency would come for higher difficulty raids.

Most of those were not implemented.

Mainly only on tier pieces.

That’s fine, but that group understanding/dynamic does not exist in LFR.

Some were bugged for specific slots (tier), but those have been fixed. No rolling on a same or lower ilvl copy of an item you already have has been working since pre-patch.

Which is exactly why LFR should be PL.

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I mean, PL in this case just simulates GL without that understanding, so I don’t get how it solves your problem.

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Am I ok with another player rolling higher than me - yes, because if I roll higher than them I get the loot.

But, I would rather have the old personal loot system if I am being honest.

People keep saying this but I can’t figure out how this is logically true. When I got and item through PL another person who also needed that item could have gotten it through PL as well, no? So I didn’t win it at their expense, we both had an equal opportunity to win that same item. People keep saying “It’s the same you just see the rolls now” but I truly don’t think it worked that way. Has bliz ever officially said that or is it just being assumed? Maybe each person had a set chance for each item of loot. This is just my experience, but I got gear way more easily in a week doing LFR in past expansions than I have in this one so far. I really don’t think this is true, no matter how often it’s being repeated.

LOL, NO, but I always got angry when I’d get whispered “do you need that?” whenever I literally got ANY loot…


LFR loot is fine

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That is not ninja looting. Ninja looting is looting an item that another player cannot loot because they are in combat.

And yes, but only if that 40g allows the person to buy a higher level item from the auction house or trade system.

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Not a bad idea, the only thing I would change is to award more currency for the lower level raids so that players can progress to the higher level quicker, not the other way around.