LFR loot is not okay

Its a terrible idea.

LOL no. Thats how you kill the game.


You do realize it’s no different from personal loot, right? The only difference is you see the rolls. With personal loot, the people in 400ilvl gear still got those pieces, but the rolls happened behind the scenes. If anything, enabling rolling again is better. Because some people will actually pass if they don’t need it.


TBH I haven’t heard/used the term ninja loot in years, last I can remember it was in big groups from expansions a long time ago. I can’t remember but just thought it meant to take something not an UG for you from someone for who it is an UG, maybe it was during ML with the big pug raids? I don’t know I stopped doing those groups after Cata.

But to your second point I say, if that isn’t acceptable in guild runs why is it suddenly morally ok in LFR? The answer is it’s not. You can make more gold more easily in many other ways that don’t waste so much time. Also so many wipes in LFR, no way the gold argument has any weight AT ALL. It’s horrific logic that doesn’t add up.

are people really surprised higher lvl collectors go into LFR to get XMOG?

they have some of the finest tints across azeroth!

the staff from the rock guy for example, needing on that :100:

Did you think the trolls and griefers of WoW don’t come to the forums to defend their actions? When an mmorpg is failing, the mature players leave first, and whats left is players who join a moonfang group just to reset him and laugh themselves silly behind their keyboard, and the next day they are still there doing same thing. “Nice” players are all gone it seems.

Again, I really don’t think it is. People say it’s the same but unless I see Blizz say so themselves I don’t believe it. Did they? I ghave been gearing an army of alts through LFR for many expansions now. I easily got more gear in a week back then on a single toon than I do in a month now.

The part you’re missing is the fact that in PL the item could go to anyone in LFR regardless of their ilevel and regardless if the player wanted it.

Then you got luckier back then. You’re free to not believe it just because you don’t want to. But you’re wrong.

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I’m going to need a citation here.


You did.

The boss dropped a fixed number of items, so you winning one means that someone else didn’t.

Yes, and no. The boss drops a fixed number of items that are randomly distributed among the raid in PL. so while at the start everyone has the same odds of getting an item, If you process them in sequence you winning an item does mod the odds of someone else getting one.


Let’s say you’re right, just wondering how you know for sure? Being honest, I’m just speculating here and using my experience. Does anyone actually know? Is there any way to know for sure? Did blizz ever say so, show their algorithms or something, or are we all taking educated guesses?

Per Blizzard and their patch notes for the last patch you cannot need on an item that is lower ilvl than what you’re wearing. That being said if they’re rolling need on an item and they have a higher ilvl they’ve figured out a way to game the system.

To be fair, this is a point against you.

FOR YOU it is easy to get better gear. Not everyone in LFR goes past that. So you coming in and taking gear that you can easily blow by and replace just makes you look worse.

This is after they stated this was already a thing despite it not being accurate. All we can do is take what they say and look at what actually happens

It is not. Look at the folks who say this. They will then say GL is better.

??? If they are the same how could one be better or worse?

Indeed, I do think guild groups at least should have an option to enable it. This method we have now is just weird… as you said.

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They have talked about bosses dropping a set number of items under PL back at the start of SL, then again for tier in sepulcher.

As an example.

Maybe it’s the same, maybe it’s not. All I know is there are an AWFUL lot of people in this thread that wouldn’t pass the shopping cart theory morality test. Threads been eye opening for real.

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W… what’s the shopping cart morality test?

I put it back where it’s supposed to go. Am I not supposed to???

Honestly, the way the PL systems work should be well known to anyone that actually raided in BFA or SL. I cant believe we are having to dig up old patch notes to explain this.

I think it’s where you know you should put it in the designated spots, but there is no punishment at all for not.

I’m fairly sure I’ve fully reverse engineered exactly how PL worked under the hood TBH.

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