LFR (Looking for Raid) , good or bad

The problem is that the main goal blizzard is aiming for is not player enjoyment, but hours played.

LFR is about keeping idiots playing the game and that’s it.

It’s not like it’s hard to kill the end boss of the expansion yet LFR would make it even more meaningless than it already is.

If they’re having fun in a game that’s fine with me. I don’t call them idiots because they have fun in a different way then I do. I find most popular music boring. I don’t call people who don’t like jazz or classical music idiots. It’s fine with me if they find enjoyment in pop or rap. I just do what’s fun for me. I don’t really care much what other people do for fun. Why do you?

I people do a simple raid for lessor loot how does it make people doing a harder raid for better quality loot meaningless?

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No you don’t understand

This isn’t about people preferring different things.

This is about people whistling on the way to their car and demanding a Grammy award.

That is the level of low effort it takes to complete LFR.

“I logged in today so I am entitled to kill death wing”

Absolute garbage.

Do the raid see the content.

Also they should get no loot in LFR

It’s not like that at all. It really seems like you don’t understand. As I understand it lfr gives lessor quality loot then even a normal raid. I’ve never seen anyone demand they should get the same loot as a heroic raid in lfr.


And normal mode gear is better than LFR gear as it should be.

The content is easier than normal but harder than dungeons so the gear reflects that.

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You get to kill the last boss of the raid

Without clearing the raid

The loot isn’t the end goal

The end goal is finishing the raid

You get that for free with LFR you can turn your monitor off and get it.

That’s why it shouldn’t exist

LFR loot should also be removed

You’re clearly wrong about that. If all that mattered was finishing the raid no one would do heroics after they’ve done normal dungeons or raids. Yet most players that complete a raid or dungeon on normal go on to do them all over again on heroic. In later expansions some go on to doing them again on mythic levels


Not the players you are referring to.

LFR players are either regular raiders farming gear or idiots.

It doesn’t need to exist

You haven’t got a clue about what you’re talking about. Your personal fee fees don’t count as data.

It doesn’t hurt me at all if blizzard decided to add an easier raid with lessor quality loot. Just as it didn’t hurt me at all when they decided to add a harder raid with better quality loot. I’m always amazed at the trivial things some people chose to get butt hurt about.

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It’s not about you

Retail is right there if you want LFR

I hope they make the right decision and remove it

I don’t want it. I just don’t care if other people want it because it doesn’t bother me when people make different choices than I make. And it’s likely to be in Cata classic and all the other classic expansions after it.

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Doubt it

You should have to clear the raid without a gigantic nerf if you want to see the last boss

LFR wasn’t added until DS last time so maybe they will just do away with it entirely

Accessibility is garbage :heart:

Blizzard wants to make money and they don’t care at all about your personal fee fees. Giving more players more accessibility gives the game broader appeal and makes them more money. And I want blizzard to make money with classic since it gives them more resources to put into the game so I don’t care about your personal fee fees.

They tried that with rdf and it didn’t work out very well for them. I doubt they’ll try it again. BB is gone as chief dev and won’t be around to block it.

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If you think the extra money blizzard makes goes back into their video games I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you

If you don’t think that the more money a game makes the more money gaming companies put into that game you’re even dumber than you sound here. When classic was added there was no talk of classic BC and beyond. The only reason we got classic BC is classic made much more money than blizzard expected.

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as a casual player with little precious playtime, it lets me see some endgame. Yes I am in a guild and have friends that play but my schedule does not allow for raiding. Yes I have looked for a guild that is on my schedule

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Based on how upset you are over LFR I hope its in from the start now, and not just for dragon soul like OG Cata. What do the kids say these days? Cope, and seethe.


Ah – you are one of those types!

You get mad a cop pulls you over because you are 20 mph over the speed limit, lie to his/her face that you were not speeding, and then tell them they should be doing other things, inform them they work for you because you pay their salary, I can only assume you have all of the body language that says “hey I don’t like you” but you wonder why they are condescending to you. Yea I can’t imagine why.

Fun fact, I’ve been pulled over 4 or 5 times in my life, not once have I found a cop to be anything but respectful to me, but then again, I didn’t lie, I didn’t have an attitude, I’ve never told them I pay your salary, nor told them how to do their job, had any reason for them to search my car for anything, and I was respectful towards them.

You must not live in the North East, or Florida then… You are one of those types. A bootlick xD

Fun fact spotted the guy related to a cop xD

Side fun fact. I drive professionally for a living, have ZERO points or tickets on my driving history, and my vehicle is speed governed.

So no I do not get pulled over for going 20 over. Nor do I do any of the things you attempted to project onto me.

Nice try tho.


Honest question… why? Why nerf LFR gear even more, decentivizing LFR even further. Its bad enough the LFR gear is already lesser than regular normal raid gear.

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