LFR (Looking for Raid) , good or bad

You may as well not play Cata then Free. Cause itll be there. Just like RDF was added in WoTLK.

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I hope they get rid of it and also all gnomes

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Since we’re wishing for things that wont happen. I wish people could only post on classic chars on the classic forums.

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For what purpose?

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LFR should of been a training mode for raiding. Something that lets people learn by doing instead of studying youtube vids.

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It’s a raid difficulty designed so that casuals who don’t raid can and then maybe actually want do the harder versions.


That’s what normal mode is for dumb gnome #2

And yet Blizzard felt the need to add a difficulty below normal so that the people that aren’t raiding might be interested in it.

It’s not a hard idea to grasp.

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Always funny to watch elitists who get offended because more casual players get to experience the content.

What a weird thing to get upset about.


If you can’t clear the raid on normal mode it isn’t elitism.

You should genuinely not be raiding.

It takes 5 minutes on YouTube or google to figure out how to not waste the time of the people you are playing the game with.

Have you ever considered gatekeeping is really just protecting us from people who intentionally waste the time of others.

Blizzard should not be putting extra effort into those people.

Those people shouldn’t be raiding

Nah, those people should be in LFR. And it should be in Cata.


Sometimes that’s what it is. Other times it’s to create over powered groups because some people like to make the game as easy as possible.

Blizzard is a business that wants to make as much money as possible. To do that they have to appeal to a broad a number of people as possible. It’s just good business to try to make the game accessible to as many different types of players as they can.

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Show me all the groups turning off the ICC 30% buff.

You guys are delusional

Putting all the bad players together in one hyper nerfed raid is a punishment.

We don’t want people who can’t spend 5 minutes on YouTube in our raid.

That’s not gatekeeping that’s common sense.

No one puts them there. You have to choose to join lfr. I get that you don’t want people to have different choices but I’m all for giving people choices, even people like you.

Then you should be glad there’s a place for them to go. You won’t need to gatekeep them since they won’t be bothering you to join your raids.

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There’s a difference between knowing what do to and actually doing it, LFR allows those that aren’t used to a raiding enviroment acclimate to one, I really don’t understand why you struggle to understand this very simple thing.

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It’s a strange dichotomy. People with simple minds struggle to understand simple things. It would seem that that would be their bailiwick.

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They have different choices.

Normal mode (joke)

Heroic (challenge)

If you need LFR to experience the content in cataclysm I sincerely recommend you quit playing wow classic and go over to SOD where the raids are even easier.

I’ve always been able to find a guild to do raids so I’ve never used lfr. But it never bothered me that it was there. If there are people who want to use it it doesn’t hurt me at all. It’s like transmog. I don’t really care much about how my character looks so I never did it. But it never bothered me that other people found it fun.

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You shouldn’t be rewarded for not putting effort into stuff.

Normal mode is already a joke.

Let’s just give gladiator titles to everyone that wins a duel outside of stormwind I’m sure that will add meaning to the content not take away from itđŸ€Ł

Why are you bothered by what other people get? It’s just a game. But again you’re not thinking like a businessman. It’s in blizzard’s interest to make a game that accessible to as many people as possible. And the more people that play a game the more resources blizzard has to put into the game. So it’s in my interest too.

I’ve never done lfr but it’s my understanding that the rewards are less than what you get from normal raids. I don’t care if people get lessor stuff than I get in higher level raids. Why do you?