LFR (Looking for Raid) , good or bad

The use of the word “bootlick” tells me everything I need to know about you and the way you think but with having said that…

I won’t disclose where I live, that is not necessary, but I can tell you I am not related to any law enforcement, nor associated with them.

If you feel as though I projected those examples onto you, then it seems I’ve hit onto something. These are called general examples of why people “get mad at cops”, or they think “cops are condescending”.

So, if you have no had issues with “cops” nor ever been pulled over by “cops”, how do you know they have condescending attitudes (since you pay their salary)? Just curious??? :thinking:

I was mostly ambivalent towards LFR, but reading this thread and the elitism really shows that LFR is necessary. That kind of toxic gatekeeping really requires something like LFR as an option.


'tElLs Me EvErYtHiNg i NeEd To KnOw AbOuT yOu". Thats you. Thats how you come off…

Ever watch the news, or youtube with their behavior happening in real time on video?

Also projecting doesnt work the way you think it does… You projecting is not an indication you’ve hit anything. Other than maybe your head…

Anyway. Thanks for trying to highjack the conversation away from LFR, and project your own issues onto other people breh…


Funny you are having a tantrum about this, it just for sure means I hit a nerve. I am unable to help you with your tantrum if the truth hurts. In addition, your “bootlick” comment is very telling into the way you think… that is not my issue.

I watch the news all the time. What I don’t watch are nonsense videos on youtube that have been highly edited. YouTube is not indicative of people in normal behavior. No one films themselves acting in the wrong …they edit that out (that excludes the videos where people are being filmed by 3rd parties because the person in the video is acting all crazy… and those are not usually the “cops”). Let’s not pretend like YouTube is the place you want to go get your actual news from.

When you lash back with comments like bootlicking and then connect your “I pay your salary comments” combined with I know whose alt this belongs to, yea, it does indicate I’ve hit something.

As a public forum, I am allowed to reply to any subject that is injected into this LFR conversation. If the conversation went in a direction that you don’t like and to be honest, you are the one who took it there, that is a you problem, not a me problem.

No such word a “Breh”.
If you mean Bruh? No such word as that.
If you meant Bro - I’m not your Bro.

So you hit your head then breh? Gotcha.

No ones having a tantrum except for you. Which based on your post history seems like a regular occurrence :person_shrugging:

Your post isnt the “win” you think it is. I’ve never actually put someone on ignore on the forums, but you are a special lil fella.

Nice hidden profile. Too bad people can still block you even though you tried to hide it. Also its super easy to find your post history even with your profile hidden. Yay external websites that archive these forums.

Back to the LFR discussion. Since thats what the thread is about, and not you, or your weird projections, or opinions.

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Im just so confused by some of the people in this thread. Why does anyone care if “people are getting gear!” via LFD? Why do they want to nerf that gear further lol. Why punish people who would prefer that route over any of the other options?

To me it seems like meaningless gatekeeping. If you want to run the raid with your guild, run the raid with your guild. If you want to pug it in lfg chat, pug it. If you want to run it via LFR, run it that way. How “other people” are acquiring gear should not be a concern… just play the way you want to play and stop worrying about everyone else. Its PvE for christ sakes… the boss dies = awesome. The boss dies in some other person’s LFR group = awesome. Its us vs the Dragons guys, stop pushing each other down lol.


Because they’re toxic gatekeepers. It’s that simple. Don’t overthink it.

There’s some people who literally get offended at the notion that ‘plebs’ get to experience raid content. They take this game so seriously, that actually upsets them. It’s sad and pathetic, obviously. But it is what it is. WoW is all some people have.


This response reveals you are either supremely uneducated or trolling and I don’t care enough to find out thanks for playing🙂

I am.

If you think I’m not off of forum posts and forum posts alone, then that sounds like a you issue.

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Press X to doubt…

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I am not sure why you think I’ve hit my head, but ok, if that makes you sleep better at night. Breh is still not a word no matter how you use it in a sentence.

You seem rather peeved that I replied back to someone else in the forum (not you) but you still felt the need to interject and then derail the conversation into people’s salary you pay and how bad their attitudes are. – Seem pretty tantrum like to me.

I am not having a conversation to win or lose or anything else. I state my opinion w/o calling names or in any attempt to degrade anyone by saying things like “sock puppet”, “bootlicker”, “retail Andy” or whatever other nonsense that people type. If you don’t like my replies, then I’d suggest don’t come into my space.

I am on your ignore list? ok, sounds good. You had to add someone at some point with this alt of yours, so I might as well be the first.

Thanks, I think my hidden profile is nice too and your support in how nice it is, is appreciated.

I am going to assume you didn’t know how to block people, but yes, you can block people with or without a hidden profile. This is not news or new.

I’ve never felt the need to go look at someone’s posting history, but I am sure there are webcrawlers out there that capture old data. Internet Achieve (aka: waybackmachine) is a good example. I am not sure it will give you what you want since my profile is private though. The crawler has no way to consolidate my posting under my name into a nice, neat grouping. Maybe you can do that, I have no idea nor care. I say have at it.

Well, you got two things correct. The thread is about LFR and opinions. You can thank yourself for taking examples and feeling like they are projections.

:point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

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And LFR gear should be worse than Normal gear, worse than normal raids but better than heroic dungeons.

This little back and forth you two are doing is fun to read.


Act acoustic if you want, doesn’t change anything about me.

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…I’m hoping there’s no “check post history” option, otherwise it’d be hilarious for you to categorize me as a raider. I get the feeling “ran Kara enough times to get Violet Eye to Exalted on one character and did the Nightbane attunement chain in the process” doesn’t count as a raider.

I’m sort of making the same point, but from a casual’s POV along with some knowledge from Dan Olson’s two videos on WoW; LFR on a challenge level is about where I want to hang around at, where I need to pay attention to what I’m doing, but for something like 20-30 minutes instead of a couple of hours, something almost impossible for my ADD-as-all-hell brain to handle on any basis. Mythic Dungeons are probably more my speed and appetite, and those still require some level of communication.

Hell, I can even apply Destiny 2 stuff here, since in the various Sweatcicle videos where he’s doing a raid with people, they’ve still got some sort of voice chat going to figure out who’s doing what, whether it be DPS, using a weapon that applies a debuff so the burst phase is even burst-ier, or yelling-in-a-joking-way at his friends for doing something silly between bosses.

An example I always go back to is a dungeon/small raid in FFXIV where the boss drops you down to a single-digit hit point total, and you need to step into a square with a number on it that, added to your HP total, equals a prime number…and you have to do that in TEN SECONDS or you either outright DIE or get hit with a massive amount of damage AND a debuff that makes it incredibly likely that the next time you WILL DIE if you mess it up again.

Accountability, probably.

Some of us don’t have/can’t focus for two hours to do a single raid, so it’s either a simpler bite-sized version of the content…or that’s a sizeable chunk of the playerbase that doesn’t engage with raiding at all.

Yet here you are intentionally wasting our time by being the human equivalent of an ouroboros, except instead of eating your tail your head’s lodged where the sun don’t shine.

I thought the same until I dropped a full set of PvP armor I got somehow onto my current armor and thought it was awesome. :smiley:

From the more recent expansions, you get maybe a single piece of loot, some money, and runes that are a slight buff to your stats. That’s about it, unless you’ve got a quest that involves being in that raid, which counts for those quests as well.

Hey, you either get it or you don’t. :smiley:

Starting to think the problem is that you’re somewhat illiterate, hence why you keep misunderstanding what everyone’s saying.

My last job was third-shift, and yeah…finding a guild that works with that is a pain.

…Does anyone else hear N.W.A. playing or is it just me?

I could, given a few minutes, pull up several examples of people who did exactly what they were told and still ended up seriously injured or dead by direct police action; I could even likely find several examples where the person wasn’t given chance to do ANYTHING before getting shot and killed by some badge with an itchy trigger finger and something to prove.

It’s likely the same people who get seriously butthurt whenever someone puts the phrases “Dark Souls” and “easy mode” in the same sentence in anything other than the harshest language.

I actually don’t disagree with this.

These are just my opinions but:
Normal should be the least difficult dungeon level.
LFR should be the least difficult raid level.

Thanks. I give back what I receive. :grinning:

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I have no idea what N.W.A is? North West Airlines?

My apologies if I stated that never happened and there is no such thing as bad actors in the police force.

Oh wait, yea not once or ever did I even come remotely close to saying anything of the kind. I’ll give you a chance to comb through any thread or post where I stated this and link it back here please… I’ll wait…

Can we please stop talking about American Police in this forum.

This isn’t the place to discuss your opinion on your countries police force.


While Cataclysm doesn’t host my favorite iteration of LFR, I don’t see why it shouldn’t be implemented when Dragon Soul hits. If anything, I find it strange that people are so against what they clearly acknowledge is another source/chance for gear to the point they’d rather not have it at all. Better pray that Cataclysm is the end then, because Mists introduces the bonus roll feature… Oh no, more chances for gear! Not in my game!

Reduce it’s ilvl? I mean… okay, but LFR DS starts at 384, and the new dungeons (HoT/WoE/End Time) drop 378 loot. The devs have also expressed interest in continuing the beta dungeon system we have now, meaning that we’ll probably get 359 drops and access to some normal 378 Firelands gear through beta currency. So how low are we talking?

Remove tier and trinkets? Eh, at this point… if you combine this and the above, you basically get the WoD version of LFR - no tier, lower ilvl, and completely different items that looked like the crappy dungeon blues. And if I remember right, not many people enjoyed this version of LFR, and we saw this reverted when Legion hit. I mean, I get why people say to remove tier and trinkets, but if you feel compelled to run LFR to get them, then just understand that’s entirely on you.

Remove gear? This just makes it a glorified scenario, but even worse since you just waste your time/eat a repair bill if you die or wipe. LFR would be dead on arrival if there was no incentive to run it.

Remove LFR altogether? So why don’t we just nuke the LFR recolors of gear then too while we’re at it? On a more serious note: For some players, LFR is the only way they actually get to see the raid. As a matter of fact, I was one of them. If it weren’t for LFR, I would’ve never set foot in DS/MSV/ToT since I wasn’t in a guild and anxiety stopped me from asking to join/set up pug runs. LFR SoO gave me a relatively safe, hands-on environment for me to learn the basics of its boss encounters, which eventually helped build my confidence to join and even form my own flex runs.

So yeah, I’m fine with LFR coming in DS.


Does the name “Ice Cube” ring a bell? Straight Outta Compton?

This is an amusing framing, since it ignores that the entire concept of policing in the US is corrupt to the roots. If I tracked it down, I know a Twitter thread talking about the sheer amount of various crimes committed by various departments across the country that went more-or-less unreported and entirely unpunished.

That’s not relevant to the topic at hand, though.

Agreed, hence why I’m not sharing links or anything. :slight_smile:


We’ll talk about American things, on an American game, on American forums.

Dont like it. Then bye angry foreign person?

P.S. FTP :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: