LFR (Looking for Raid) , good or bad

Who indeed.

Yeah okay don’t answer me, give me an ambiguous response.

You really are the WoW conspiracy theorist.

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He didn’t create WoW. He joined Blizzard at the tail end of TBC.

He doesn’t even work at Riot anymore.

And there’s no way he said that.

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Ghostcrawler was a meme from the start, was supposed to balance things, WoW community wasn’t impressed and years later League fans also not impressed.

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Did he even work on League? I thought he was only working on the Riot MMO.

He was lead game designer at riot, at least that’s what I remember he said during the transition between blizz and riot.

I say add it, but they would have to do something to save the hardcore sweaties from themselves making it “mandatory” to compete.

Conspiracy theorist and paranoid to be honest.

No, clown.

Literally it’s anyone who plays wow and understands the game. It’s pretty easy to figure out if you just rub your brain cells together and comprehend what you even quoted from me. In my quote, I’m talking about how we, the players, can know what abilities other classes we don’t play as much have, because it’s a known and solved game.

You always say this exact response as cope and derailment, and I’m just going to report you for doing it. It does nothing to add to the discussion and you only use it as a means of shifting my narrative so you can then say this cope about it instead of actually addressing it.

You literally don’t elaborate what I even said that is wrong, because you can’t.

This isn’t 05. This is a rerelease. Sure, Druids and paladins got some changes. They aren’t radical enough to change the fact that this is a rerelease and we’re in 2024 and not ignorant of the game.

Just because you are doesn’t mean we are.

Condescending? Sure.

The rest, no you can’t. You’re already attempting to by purposefully avoiding what I’m saying and trying to craft this narrative.

You then go and say I’m these things but always fail to elaborate.

I want you to say it. What is gaslighting and how am I currently doing it. I want it in your own words. Go on. Show us your intellectual prowess by actually explaining your stance for once.

You won’t.

I physically can’t entertain your narrative. It’s not even a rebuttal to what I stated.

You purposefully ignored my rational for why players who only play in the lowest difficulty, as explained by using the exact inverse for the high end, mythic raiding.

You follow it up with this bogus narrative that I work for blizzard because you can’t actually come up with an tangible argument as to how I’m wrong about the players who would use the system your so intent on wanting.

Offer a rebuttal and I’ll continue. Keep offering your braindead narrative because you lack a rebuttal and I’ll just go back to casually roasting you while explaining how you’re wrong. Everyone else has no issue understanding what I’m saying, so, look inwards.

But again, you’re someone who violently believes that you’re losing to cheaters while objectively playing wrong so whatever.

Stay hardstuck lmao.

100% true. It’s shocking that people like wafectus, who actively say they’re awful at this 3 button game then insist that they get inserted into content that actively checks you as an individual player and actively checks your raid as a group.

If you’re new to this wafectus train, it’s a rabbit hole you may want to prepare for.

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You dont need to worry about that. He’s a dog with no teeth in that regard.

To reiterate my previous point

What players?

Pot meet kettle.

When I know it’s just going to go in one ear and out the other.

Really? you’re in the middle of doing it yourself.

If I was the only one saying it, sure

I’ve even pointed out others saying it, which you then proceeded to accuse me of hiding behind their posts.

You mean you invited yourself to come to my server to “talk” to me when I explicitly told you I had no interest in acknowledging you in the game, other than the chance of finding each other in a BG?

What exactly did you expect out of me when I dislike you for being the pathetic nerd you are

It’s almost as if you only came over to try to bait me to say things that could get me reported

Which is why I didn’t give you the satisfaction.

Speaking about a dog with no teeth

I haven’t seen any warning signs handed out to me. Put your money where your mouth is.

Making the world a better place with your abilities and life skills of defeating pixelated creations?

A testament to your accomplishments and contributions to society

To be awed and revered for such noble endeavors

You raiders are.

To reiterate my previous point

Wow players. The only requirement to be in the “we” is you know how to play wow. It a big net actually. You’re an outlier.

Wrong again, clown.

I’ve been elaborating and defending my stances without needing to craft head canon narratives.

What I say about you is objectively true, viewable, and confirmable.


Objectively wrong. The few times you’ve attempted to, you’ve been rebuttable’d into the ground, hence why you don’t do it anymore. You lack any defense and say this as cope.

Again, check the link. What I say about you is viewable and confirmable.

Yes, you do, because your logic is “The individual playing in high ranks is encountering high ranked cheaters. I am at 1600 elo and I think the person who used their dots used it “too quickly” and is thus cheating. No, I lack any recorded evidence of this, despite believing it to be rampant. Please take their post seriously so I can then hide behind them since I lack any actual evidence to support my claims.”

You then follow it up with “Boosters are cheaters. I can’t win a 2v1 with my duo despite being in almost full wrathful gear and only missing the rated pieces, which has relentless quality anyways.”

Your entire stance consists of 2 things, cope narratives, and hiding behind others and trying to tie your stance into their stance by any means necessary.

EDIT: Never forget the individuals you drug into that thread to defend you outright ignored you and never agreed with what you were saying in the details. The most agreement you had is that cheating “happens”, but what they encounter and what you “encounter” are far from the same. God it was hilarious watching the person you dragged over just outright IGNORED YOU.

An actual “”“”““verbal thrashing””“”“”

EDIT AGAIN: Because I find it hilarious to reread, in the context that this is your “verbal thrashing”, I’ll relink it.


No, clown. You have, once again, created a false narrative because you lack any rebuttal of value.

I can’t speak for Blade, but for myself, I am drawing a distinct line of player ability by talking about mythic raiding for the “everyone should be able to queue for any difficulty in raids” stance you have. I’m using it to illustrate that mythic is not even remotely the same to LFR, and why players who use LFR won’t be able to complete a random queue made mythic raid.

The first sentence you quoted outright ignores what I’m even trying to get across. Mythic is the raid tier people watch. Mythic is the raid tier people are paid for completing. Who cares about a mount. This is what I mean by titles and prestige. This just once again shows your ignorance of the subject.

Further down, you even quote it, but ignore that I say it takes strategy and planning, teamwork and communication to get done, instead opting to thinking that I’m talking about 10 Achievement Points.

You’re a clown.

TLDR - Wafectus once again denies his brain any right to function, instead opting to spew word vomit instead of an actual stance or rebuttal. Head canon will always be laughed at. One would think someone like you would understand this by now, but the self proclaimed “worst wow player” still thinks his opinions have equal weight when based on nothing but fiction and ignorance.

Pathetically sad. I legit pity you.

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The authoritave PvE raiding elite comprised of pieces of $#!+ like you.

And I told you I would give it to you in a BG, Which if you see my latest topic, I just got suspended for it again

I practice what I preach

And I was right

You only came to my server to bait me into it. Cuz you’re too lazy to actually try and find me in a BG

That’s why I didn’t give you the satisfaction.

Jesus Christ you’re pathetic.

You’re actually equating a basic fundamental understanding of the game, that raids need teamwork and communication to be done correctly at higher difficulties as “elitism”.

In order to beat the game, the game will present mechanics. You need to do the mechanics. The mechanics are a team effort.

This isn’t elitism, it’s literally the basic first step someone should know when going into a raid.

Imagine being such a selfish player that the idea of working with other people in the same video game is considered “elite”. It isn’t elite. You just suck at playing the game.

I’m sure you got suspended, but you’re delusional if you think vaguely threatening to report someone is something you got suspended for, you’re wrong.

Feel free to go ask the CS’s what exactly got you suspended. That’ll be a fun read.

More headcanon. I understand that you have no reason to believe me, but I had no intentions of reporting you when I messaged you. I wanted to see if you’re a man of your word but no, you proved to me that you are a cope filled coward crying in a corner. Don’t step up if you’re not willing to checks notes talk to someone in whispers in wow lmao god you’re so sad.

You arent getting far on that level 11 there bud

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You seem like a really nice guy /s

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LFR difficulty was an entire game mode that was designed for people who cry about raid mechanics.

Development time catered to nonsense.

Blizzard L

I must admit – they are the best reads out here. I love how almost everyone who posts (not all) is innocent and didn’t do anything and a blue comes back and is like - you did all of them and I might add X, Y, and Z.

It just makes me giggle for some reason.
It is almost like a text version of Judge Judy :slight_smile:

Its always rad to have the people whos salaries you pay be condescending to you. If I wanted to deal with that I’d just go get pulled over by a cop

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