LFR (Looking for Raid) , good or bad

And the point that you miss, every time on demand because you lack any actual response to it, is that this is still an mmo, communication and strategy are still a thing, these difficulties are designed with that in mind, and we have seen time and time again that even with nerfed and reduced mechanics that random groups have trouble doing the content they are in the group to do.

Your entire argument is you want the group to exist via queue and that is the end all be all. You fail to understand that the queue exists specifically to access the content that requires that same group. That group’s purpose is to do the content. Without any care for composition, as we see with random bgs, you very much get comps that just fail, but now couple it with mechanics tuned for communication and team work but scratch that from the group as well because it is, once again, a random queue based group.

Your entire idea exists specifically to fail, which is why it will never be implemented.

But I guess I’m the fool, because I keep expecting a player who puts an agi enchant on his caster staff while half and half hybrid spec’d with the sole intention of windfury bonking people to death in arena, then calling people who beats him cheaters, to understand the basic fundamentals of this game.


He left riot last year so it’d of had to of been ~2 years ago, I don’t know why he’d consider WoW to be one of his biggest failures but there’s surely more to the story.

That adds armour and dodge though.

was last year
There isn’t much to the story. He just said that

He left in March so I guess it was very early last year.

So you are unable to queue for RDF? Battlegrounds? LFR is not a thing yet so that is not relevant to my question?

Much like you, they are allowed to express what they’d like. If you don’t like people expressing their opinions on the forums, don’t come to read them.

Oh look the gas-lighter is imposing his views on what an MMO is.

I’ll decide what’s too difficult or not as a random accessing customer, thank you very much.

I don’t need your permission or explanations on what randoms can or cannot do

Yet I know you’re a PvE nerd shill the company listens to.

You’re just reiterara
 regurgitating the same nonsense over and over

Because at the end of the day, what content random groups wish to access is none of your business

Yet we be both know that as a lliason shill to the company that you are, you impose your PvE elitist Andy ideas anyways.

Even so, it’s none of your business if that’s how I want to access the content.

Of course you are

Because you’re talking to someone that has been playing since vanilla;

Which means that you don’t have a clue about what I can or cannot accomplish in the game. You don’t have a clue on how I use my spec

You don’t know anything about me or how I play

Even though you pretend to out of pure disdain and ignorance.

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P.S. You’re 100% wrong BTW

Players would learn in time to do all the content; not needing your precious guilds or organized PuGs ever again

That’s why they won’t open up LFR to all raiding content.

If not for that idiot B B-ham, that I’m sure you’re his biggest fanboy, I would not have been able to.

You’ll never convince him of anything, so there is no need trying to have any type of adult conversation with him.

He thinks everyone and everything is out to get him personally, all the while being toxic. It is a very sad situation.

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I knew one of his favorite words were going to come out eventually. Gaslight (or some variant of it) and gatekept (or some variant of it).

I’m not sure who or what a B B-ham is but everyone needs to have at least one fanboy.

Brian Birmingham or however you spell it.

To be honest, I have no idea who that is

Who is he and what does he do?

Former lead software engineer who worked on Wrath Classic. Allegedly fired for refusing to throw his workers under the bus to meet a quota. Also possibly the guy who blocked RDF from being added for so long, the dude with the Wailing Caverns story

LFR gear was only 384. The DS heroic dungeons gave 378

Ironforge(dot)pro → wafectus

We can see what you’re doing just based off of your gear and talents. Stats all do specific things. We can see what you’re trying to do based off of what your character stats are. We know what abilities a level 80 shaman has and we know what talents you run.

You’re a half ele half enhancement for your arena build. You run a caster staff with an agi enchant. You have split your stats with your gear as well, specializing in nothing. You have yet to break 1700 as your peak for LKC.

You can pretend that it’s 05 and we have no idea how this game works, but that doesn’t change reality, which is that it’s 2024 and this is a rerelease and we know how the game works.

I literally explained my reasoning, again. It’s right there. Read it.

I keep saying it because your only response is “noooooo you’re wrong blizzard shill and I won’t actually argue against your points other than just stomping my foot like a manchild and saying I’m right.”

Present an actual argument against it and it’ll go away. Until then, I’ll just keep reiterating that we already see random groups struggling, and always have struggled since their introduction.

There is a reason why LFR is the lowest difficulty raid tier, and has a stacking buff for wiping.

Let’s flip it, and talk about mythic. Why do you think mythic is server locked (at least till some kills are done). I can argue a couple of points. It’s where the esports scene is (one of them), because it’s the hardest raid tier. It’s the culmination of the story for the current patch. It’s the bosses in their full mechanic form. It has titles and prestige associated with it. These are fights that take the objectively best players many hours and attempts to get done, and that involves intense strategy and planning, then wiping and redoing the strategy and planning more. Teamwork and communication are at the absolute forefront of this design.

And you want a queue based system to plop you in with 19 randoms (mythic is 20 man, insert your raid size and minus 1 for yourself for whatever difficulty you want to talk about) and just “go do the raid”.

You very well could have played since 04, but all that does is prove to me you’re an old wrinkled man who pathetically has never learned a core fundamental to the game he’s played his entire life.

Calling me a blizzard shill is not an argument btw. If I had any power or say in regards to blizzard I would have perma’d you by now.

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When practically everybody here has seen your build, stats, and rating on Ironforge pro, I can assure you this is not the flex that you think it is.


For the same reason you need to find a group manually for Mythic Dungeons in Retail?

Like I’ve said elsewhere, I don’t really care about it one way or another; it was good for seeing story bits I otherwise wouldn’t have due to not being a raider
but its loss wouldn’t deprive me of anything in Classic since the story’s already known.

Wait, what? :flushed: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

After reading more, I see now. Still, what? O.o

Hence why I specifically mentioned FFXIV excluding the most recent raid tier in Duty Finder; if something’s new, a bunch of randos with varying degrees of communication and access to Discord are going to fail hard when even the best players geared towards doing that exact type of content have a rough time at best.

Who’s we?

I’ll answer my own question

“We” is the authoritative PvE elite that sit atop of their high perches looking down at the rest of the population because you completed content that only your circle of demographics have access to.

There’s not knowing how the game works and playing the game your way. If I have to explain this to you, then it’s just a demonstration of your ignorance

Purposeful ignorance because I know you know better that, but you need to spin my truth-telling in every negative fashion that you can because the things I speak of, put your ilk and the company to shame. That’s what makes you a gas-lighter; and, a liar.

I can break down anything you say and explain exactly how you’re being a condescending, nerd feces, ignoramus, gas-lighter; but, it’s just going to go in one ear and out the other, so I don’t bother.

Goes to my point of purposeful ignorance. ^^ This statement is an example that it’s the prerogative of the PvE elite like you to determine what random groups of casuals are capable or not capable of.

It’s the small group of liaison to the devs like you (I know you deny it, I can’t prove it, but my intuition tells me you’re one of them) whose ideas are listened to, that then determine policy for the rest of the game.

That’s why classic era won’t introduce lvl boosts, tokens, an expanded in-game cash shop, etc.

The classic Andys won’t permit these things in era and they hold enough sway over the devs to keep it so.

Exactly for what? For no reason, I’m sure.

I’ve already eaten a few reprimands; reported by nerd degenerates like you undoubtedly.

But with it being group content you alone can’t speak for everyone.

You may know what to do within any given raid but to ask a random group of 24 people to also know that information, work together to beat the encounters and just be a cohesive group in general is asking a lot for what is the hardest PvE content in the game.

This doesn’t mean anything, this is like someone older than me say something wrong but when I try to correct them they say “I’m older than you so I know more than you”.

And you think that randoms would just tolerate it, that they wouldn’t just leave as soon as something goes wrong because they can just queue back up?

Because it makes the game less sociable in a game where you should be sociable? Seeking a guild, asking players in LFG to do X, Y and Z is what makes an MMO community great.

Are those people the top raiding guilds or what? Who are they specifically

Personally I’ve only reported you once and that was when you threatened abuse towards me. You can call me what you want but leave derogatory talk and threats out of these forums.

I remember it being that if you saw me in a BG you’d verbally abuse me so yeah, I reported you for that.

By the way, if you reiterate that you’ll still do it I will report you.