LFR (Looking for Raid) , good or bad

Pipe down dude…

Saying it gave me PTSD is hyperbole. I figured that would be obvious.

And I have no clue how you arrived at the conclusion I felt my needs were more important than everyone else’s. It didn’t bother me to lose the trinket to someone that could use it.

But when mages, locks, priests were rolling on that trinket, it was either to troll the people in the raid that could use it, or to give to a friend. Many people with this exact attitude that hated LFR from jump street would queue up and do exactly what I mentioned as a form of protest:

And I think it’s reasonable to find classes that can’t possibly use an item rolling need on it to be poor form. It happened frequently in LFR during DS, and I don’t have fond memories of it. I didn’t really enjoy any part of LFR, but even the 384 iLvL version of the trinket was such a huge get one would feel compelled to do it.

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You miss-understand what I said, you don’t have to go all out, but gemming/enchanting/talenting correctly shows the people you are committed to at the very least performing to the best of your gear level, but ultimately gems and enchants are part of the game why do you not want to use them?

See its funny how your mentality is “why should I do this” and no one wants to take you, as for me, I’ve been brought to raids on my alts with the low gear level but my experience and ability to minmax the gear I had is what made them take me in the end over someone who was geared, I was useful to the raid to my best ability.

If you came to me and I saw you have the appropriate gems/enchants/talents but the were the cheap alternatives, I would of taken you still, come to me empty gems and no enchants, yeah of course I won’t.


What happened to Sarosha and the Belt Clasp?

How did I arrive? From your posting.
You’re going on about how it is unfair that someone gets loot in a video game and then having PTSD. - It is just drama.

And as for a hyperbole of course it was obvious, still just a big bag of drama, I expect nothing less from someone w/12 postings on an alt to display.

I made a single post about it, that was intended to be light-hearted banter with the person I replied to, and that’s “going on?” You chiming in like you have seems like you were in the mood to pick a fight with someone and just happened to choose me.

This is my main. We all have to start our post count at one don’t we? I have twelve posts (thirteen now) because I only post on topics that I feel passionate enough about to discuss, or to respond false assertions such as yours. I also faction changed/server transferred from Alliance-Pagle to Horde-Whiteman a few months ago so I changed my avatar so I could post from my main, seeing as how if I were to post from an alt I may offend someone’s (delicate) sensibilities.

LFR was never a fun experience during DS. It was plagued with boorish behavior and trolling from the rip. Imagine that right? But lots and lots of people that were in a guild that had planned raids felt a sense of obligation to attend LFR raids for a chance at their tier tokens, and the trinket du jour.

So yes, I feel strongly about my experience in LFR chasing Vial of Shadows. It’s a trinket designed with certain class/spec combos in mind. And it always sucked to queue up, see it drop, and then see warlocks, priests, and mages (magi), three classes that could never benefit from having the trinket roll need, and win the item. Even though it wasn’t against the rules, I believe it was unfair to those the item was intended for that were queuing up with the hopes of winning the trinket. Personal loot was a system designed to combat that exact type of behavior. If LFR is going to be thing in Cata Classic, I see no reason not to have personal loot in place for it this time around.


Not trying to pick a fight at all. I don’t know you nor anything about you. You are coming into the forums to complain how unfair it is everyone else gets to roll on loot and I’m countering with the position that is just nonsense.

Further, what you want is your own personal loot or you are looking for something that gives you priority over someone else because you think you need it more. Just because you think you can use it more than someone else, gives you no additional weight to need the item more than anyone else.

About me chiming in, yes, when you on an open forum, then be prepared for feedback from anyone. Much like you coming into the forums to chime in about every class/spec combo under the sun (aka: everyone in WoW) grief you or someone else or just passing it to their pals only, I can come in and say I don’t agree, and it is nonsense. To further state that PTSD (which is a serious issue) and to associate it with a game of pixels is even more nonsense.

You’re cherry picking part of my statement, building a straw man, then being willfully obtuse with your counter argument. I don’t know what to say to someone that thinks it’s cool when Priests, Warlocks, and Mages roll need on a trinket they have ZERO use for.

See the point about the straw man you built. What I am advocating for is implementing the “personal loot” system Blizz developed in WoD for LFR. It eliminated all of the bad behavior regarding loot, and made the LFR experience better. It is in no way the same as demanding priority on items. And yes, Hunters, Rogues, Druids, Shaman can definitely use Vial of Shadows more than priests, warlocks, and mages. There is nothing remotely debatable there. You’ve picked a weird hill to die on with this one.

And finally, the fact you’ve taken umbrage with me for using the term PTSD in a light-hearted manner, which you admitted yourself to knowing it was hyperbole used for effect, is for lack of a better word… stupid. People have been using expressions and terms in a figurative manner long before the advent of the internet, and will do so long into the future. No need to be so pedantic :roll_eyes:


Didn’t cherry pick at all.
I replied to everything you talked about in your posting, but cool story bro.

LFR or a random queue raid system is not bad. The way WoW implements it is bad.


It certainly improved over time. LFR for DS was a terrible experience for reasons I’ve already mentioned. I liked the personal loot system because it solved that problem, but then I think Blizz went too far in Legion where LFR had a completely separate loot table. If you were on a dedicated raid team, the only reason (unless I’m forgetting something) to do LFR at that point we’re the runes that gave a very minute buff, which was barely worth the time invested, if at all.

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Oh, cool Wafectus is posting on an alt while banned on his main.

Also LFR is great for alts, noobs, pvp only people. Lower ilvl than normal so you can just skip it if you don’t like it. There are very good trinkets available in DS and not having to join a guild & raid schedule is nice for people not wanting to actually raid.

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Not really the case with tier sets and trinkets. The DS tier is crazy powerful and 4 set of LFR is better than Heroic non-tier pieces in those slots for most specs. LFR will absolutely feel required for the groups pushing Heroic.


Its an option that otherwise wouldn’t exist. I mean if I wanted to farm all the raid difficulties I could, but if I don’t im not mad they exist. Its positives I listed above outweigh the far less amount of people your comment includes :man_shrugging:

Also think about how faceroll the content was after everyone knew the fights in LFR, nowadays people will watch 30sec videos and clearing will be extremely easy. Now you have an option to get LFR tier, or LFR doesn’t exist & now you don’t soooo you’re gear is in the same spot. There isn’t a problem tbh.

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Since I think I missed this last night, just got one phrase to answer this: cookie-cutter builds.

The last part of that isn’t actually true; as I’ve said, I don’t generally take part so the examination doesn’t even happen.

I’m not being told no, I’m not inquiring in the first place.

Speaking as someone who’s played mostly Mage in Classic…yeah, that’s kinda crappy behavior on their part. The only reason I’d even think to roll anything other than Greed on that is because I REALLY need to disenchant the item for something I wanna get done, but I’d at least ask first to see if no one else actually needed it.

Sort of like Frozen Orbs now; I’d probably roll need for my Tailor if he could get high enough for a Heroic, but I’d mention “hey, I’m crafting some gloves and need this thing for them” first. :stuck_out_tongue:

Considering that a stopgap measure I’ve seen before was locking out the Need option for anyone that couldn’t use it; unless someone needed to pad their ilevel for some reason, there’s zero harm in doing that for a trinket that a caster has zero use for.

My only complaint about it was not getting anything from a run of Ramparts last night in Retail, but that’s still a :man_shrugging: moment considering what I’m doing there with several characters.

…Glad I had the right idea in thinking “the hell is the use for these runes?”

Afaik most mechanics are removed in LFR, so unless there’s something more complex than “DON’T STAND IN THE FIRE” I don’t see why it’d be hard in the first place outside of DPS checks.

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The LFR topic is the same as the RDF topic. The dead/dying factions need it. Mega realms do not. But it really doesn’t matter to me anymore because I’ll be abandoning ship with cataclysm, like most players.

It’ll be the day wrath dies and most players quit, not exactly a positive, but I doubt you play this game in the first place, level 10 retail sockpuppet.

My stance on RDF has always been the same. I support it if a realm needs it to do dungeons, and don’t if a realm doesn’t. It’s never been different. There is no hypocrisy. My post you referenced, and in this thread, both reflect this. The real hypocrite is you, which some of us have pointed out on various topics. You simply ignore it, a coward’s way of quietly admitting defeat, but then want to come throw dirt where it isn’t going to stick.


If they add LFR, I hope the deathwing weapons, the shared boss trinkets and tier are removed.

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I’m waiting for that day. Exciting!


Personally, If they did it, it should be normal mode, you are tied to the lock and can only be queued with others (if you continue later) who defeated the same bosses. It is still time consuming as a regular raid from guilds but at least like you said, you can get the story. Just my opinion :slight_smile:

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I used to have a really strong feeling on LFR, but at this point I just moved on. It doesn’t matter. If I dont want to deal with something like LFR I just dont engage with it.


Add it to the same lockout as the standard versions of the raids. Everyone has to chose if they are doing 25’s, 10’s, or an LFR for the week. All the hardcore people won’t feel pressured to do LFR’s for filling early tier sets, and all the casuals won’t miss out on content. If 25’s and 10’s can share a lockout, it can’t be that hard to add the code to tack LFR onto the same lock. Pick your size, 25 or 10, then pick your difficulty, heroic, normal, or LFR.