LFR (Looking for Raid) , good or bad

Been a week and you’re still seething.

I don’t care what devs who aren’t working on the game currently have to say. It’s the same energy as worrying about modern day politics but saying “oh but what about the 1800s agrarians who owned land and voted? How would they feel about this issue?” Like idc how they’d feel and idc how prior devs feel about a game either.

The biggest issues with different versions of LFR have been the versions that did the opposite of what you’re saying. It’s the versions that forced everyone into it with such great incentives like full active set bonuses in cata, or legendary drop change in legion. Where LFR isn’t just a story based queue for players who barely play, but a must do weekly chore for everyone.

Your concern, that players who are bad just get free loot? My brother in Christ they already do. Have done since day one in 40 mans, and it never really changed. LFR works well to get these players together into a difficulty they can hopefully manage, and should allow raiders like us an easier time filtering out our raids.

All the removal of LFR in cata does is really nothing. It doesn’t stop people from getting free loot without effort, all it does it put these players back on the board to filter into your raid and throw.

Raider mindset aside, who ever cares if bad players get bad player gear from story mode. It’s gear below what we’re using anyways for the most part, so who cares. LFR existing shouldn’t actually concern any raider.


The players who hate LFR are probably the same players who won’t invite anybody to their raid unless they all ready out gear the content. That is why LFR exists.


Here we go again with his favorite word – gaslighting! I has been a few days since I’ve seen it…

I’m not an alt.

Incorrect, in-fact I actually give a lot of people the opportunity to come and raid, ultimately checking their gems/enchants/talents gives me a far better indication of whether they are going to be dead weight or not.

Well it does concern raiders with Tier sets and good trinkets drop from LFR, raiders are going to try to get those, and in the mean time sit through 40-60minute boss pain, my concern isn’t if bad players get loot, they always will, its how much inconvenience the bad will cause to others, also those bad players can improve, just give them the incentive and not re-enforce the mentality.

I personally don’t want this trinket to be the reason to do LFR again:

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My apologies that I made it sound like it was meant for you in particular when it was meant for everyone in general… oh wait, I didn’t, I said everyone. :confused:

Or, put another way, how much spare gold they have to throw around to make what they plan on replacing anyway slightly better.

When it comes to games like this, min-maxing is little more than cancer.


Coming prepared to a raid so that youre not griefing the other players isnt min maxing. Youre not entitled to just show up to a raid with nothing and expect loot over people that actually care. Thats the mentality causing issues with the pugging scene. Sure gatekeeping is bad depending on the group but people become gatekeepers because of your crap attitude not wanting to put your best foot forward. Players showing up missing basically everything AND being unfamiliar with the content. Little more than cancer.


That thing gave me PTSD. I’d queue up just to have a minute chance at that item, only to see every class/spec combo under the sun roll need on it to either grief the people who genuinely needed it or pass it to their pals.

Just make LFR personal loot only. Then you don’t have that issue I mentioned above, and it also isn’t a means for sweatlord guilds to funnel loot to mains. Which is exactly what happened when DS launched and the first guild to drop heroic Deathwing copped a suspension because they abused the lockout mechanics for LFR.


No personal loot


If you want world of Warcraft with training wheels SOD is right there

If a game is giving you PTSD, time to find a new game.

So your needs are more important than anyone else? This is what you are saying btw if you were not aware.
How do you know they are “giving it to their pals”?
How do you know they did it just to “grief” you?
Everyone has the same in-game right to roll on the item (need or greed).

I think this bit of d-r-a-m-a is a bit much, especially after reading “PTSD” from not winning loot.

The system is neither good or bad. It serves a purpose and does that purpose generally pretty well. The issue with it really only started because people who would be doing normals first anyway felt they needed the LFR gear, which I don’t feel was the intent given the ease of LFR compared to normal and heroic or even necessary overall.

The initial version from Cata was probably a bit worse than what LFR is now. The system is much better in the subsequent expansions (outside of WoD) that I would hope we get a better version in Cata this time around. If we get it at all.

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LFR should stay. Players will use it.
Always the drama here.
Well, thats partly what the forums are for.


That’s why I don’t bother raiding in the first place; if the expectation is to have spent thousands of gold on potions, enchants, and gems just to MAYBE get something better that than needs the same treatment…why would I bother throwing away the money in the first place when flipping the bird to the entire system is much simpler and requires infinitely less effort?

This thought pattern always amuses me since someone in 2005 could have called Vanilla “Evercrack with training wheels” and been much more correct while sounding less like an idiot.


That’s extremely hyperbolic. Maybe that’s the expectation in hard core guilds but not in casual guilds. No one expects the best gems in gear that’s soon to be replaced and enchants just cost for the mats since most guilds has a few enchanters that will do it for free, and sometimes even supply the mats. And casual guilds don’t expect enchants for every item you’re wearing. After maybe 1 or 2 hundred for the gems and enchants it’s just the cost of a couple flasks and some pots for the week. I’m not sure of the flask and pot cost since I have an alchemist that makes them for me but it can’t be that expensive.

Why would min/maxing be cancer, you have cheap alternatives for alts, or while gearing, the point is to be min/maxed to show you’re worth bringing.

Yea this.

The only concern that I had for LFR was the loot distribution system. How did blizzard just expect strangers to fairly decide distribution.

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I rather enjoyed LFR, and still play it to this day in retail. I started in Vanilla and still play retail and wrath. I will love cata when it drops. I seriously doubt they will have LFR though. Too many people didn’t like it. I liked it a lot because I got to see raids and parts of the store I wouldn’t normally see.


There was a similar controversy over rdf and blizzard initially sided with those against adding it. It seems like they learned it was wanted and changed their mind. That lesson may affect how they deal with lfr.

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Every time I see something like this my brain yells “optimizing the fun out of the game” at me; that’s one of the main reasons I never really got into raiding in the first place.

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I’m more of a “sink or swim” type of guy myself…