LFR (Looking for Raid) , good or bad

This is a game forum. I love to talk politics but not here. I go to political blogs to do that. Just a few reports and blizzard will delete all those comments since they are against the ToS. I’ve seen it happen many times. Most recently in a long thread on Israel/Gaza. The whole thread disappeared even though it was surprisingly civil.


If we see LFR it will be different, at least how loot works.

True, it should just be personal loot. LFR was the best thing that happened for the casual wow-enjoyer.


Point me where exactly in the ToS it says that. I’ll wait…

I simply know that political threads have been deleted often even ones that have been calm and civil. If you’ve been here as long as I have and paid attention you’d know it too.

eta: I’ve been involved in some of the political threads that have been deleted. I’ve never got a suspension for being involved, but the thread was completely gone.

I’m just stating that this isn’t the place for you to talk about your political ideals, this is a place to talk about WoW. You talking about your opinions on your countries police detracts from the threads topic which is whether or not LFR is good or bad, it’s a complete tangent that has no place in this thread regardless if it’s American things on an American game. This isn’t a forum about America, it’s a forum about WoW and as such topics should be about WoW and not something unrelated to the tenth degree.

I wonder how many raiders got introduced to raiding solely because of LFR, surely it’s a high number.

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So far I noticed everyone seems to “want to experience the story and raids”, so that should be the incentive of LFR, not tier sets and powerful trinkets, the eventual solution to the issue at hand was changed by blizzard to include LFR it’s own tier set and different loot tables, that would be an apt solution to cata classic too.

Personally I’d use it to raid on the characters I don’t really play but plan on getting them into raiding. I’d bring my Hunter, Rogue etc. to LFR raids to ease them into a more proper raiding enviroment.

The point there in context was in reference to if no gear dropped whatsoever, not just tier/trinkets. There’d still be some incentive (particularly for re-runs) if gear in general dropped, even if it was made worse or completely different loot tables were introduced to exclude tier/trinkets. However, the solution you’re talking about lasted only for a single expansion (Warlords) before being reverted back to how it used to be, so take that as you will.

I don’t particularly mind in what state LFR is introduced in, or even if it gets removed from Cataclysm Classic entirely. If it arrives with no changes, then I’ll use it to help gear up and practice playing my alts if I want a change of pace from doing betas. If it’s changed, then it is what it is; worse rewards means that I’d evaluate if it’s even worth doing vs. betas.

The one thing I would like to see is personal loot for LFR DS since it originally launched with group loot. But that’s about it.

I think the change for tier in LFR was reverted as tier tokens became creatable via forges on the outside of raid, so at that point it became irrelevant to gate keep it, ultimately blizzard has a chance to undo what they didnt like about LFR first time around.

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Wow – nice only use bits and pieces of my posting for your reply to fit your narrative.
You’d make a nice Faux News reporter.

The “Thin Blue Line” channel when I’m more of a “Klack or Get Klacked” kind of person?

Who cares about LFR. GDKPs are pretty much the new LFR and give better loot as long as you have coin and the coin is available in tons of different ways. If you dont like it just don’t go into LFR. If you do then go on in. It is such a nothing burger.

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Hopefully GDKPs get banned in Cata.


And hopefully LFR goes with it.

LFR was a good idea at its time to solve an issue the devs themselves created when they put 10 man on par with 25 man and more or less pushed the casual raiders out after building them up in Wrath. LFR though created its own problems, which is why one of the guys that designed it eventually came out and said they should have just waited until they got Flex raiding figured out.

LFR isn’t still in retail today because its a good thing, it’s there because if you cut it out now you would risk losing too many people that have grown used to using it.

Personally I wouldn’t even add LFR but would add in the flex raiding so that its easier to build groups but doesn’t take the game in a direction where guilds are essentially pointless for the largest bulk of the population.

Would be great to see all of those GDKP adverts turn into MS OS, SR or actually becomes a guild.

While I don’t agree with the banning of GDKPs on any level as it doesn’t fix or solve anything just restrictions players while giving the sense that something was done when it wasn’t.

I have to agree with LFR. If Blizzard was smart There wouldn’t be 10 or 25m raiding in Cataclysm. It would simply be flex normal and flex heroic.

I don’t think you understand these people. They’re usually conservatives. Here is what’s happening:
It’s not that THEY don’t want LFR. It’s that they don’t want YOU to have LFR. As if how you choose to play the game is any of their business.

Now think about all the other “political“ issues they rally against. They could choose not to live certain lifestyles or make certain choices regarding their bodies. But NO they also want to dictate YOUR lifestyle and what choices you should be able to make regarding YOUR body.

They’re busy body little tyrants.


The best is why they are there to rant on it.

The loot fairy denied them on the heroic run. The normal run. Dopamine addiction has them now suffer the pugs of lfr. That….sounds like a matter of needing the dopamine that much to me.

Pug lfr can be ugly. No brainer there. Even I hopped into lfr not studying YouTube for 10 hours before first run lol. I study for work, not games is why.


Honestly, my experience of it during Legion was little more than a boss rush with way more people than a dungeon; half the time I barely even did anything before the boss was nuked into the ground. :grimacing: