LFR (Looking for Raid) , good or bad

brother, we are all human. i know plenty of decent and intelligent people that are simply garbage at video games; some that are skilled, but will never be able to play at mythic raid skill level; and of course there’s kids can do it all in their sleep.

wow is meant to be enjoyed by all. for those that lack the ability to perform at the level that you find adequate: maybe they don’t have good muscle memory. or they find it more fun to click their abilities, or they like zooming the camera into fps view. maybe they have missing fingers, or they are colorblind, or any other kind of disability. Maybe they are only 8 years old, or 80. these people aren’t all trolling or out to get you personally. they just want to play the game, play with their friends, see the content, etc., and there’s nothing wrong with that.

LFR made a lot of content more accessible to a lot of people. And I thought it was loads of fun. I’ve played it to see encounters for the first time, in combination with watching a youtube guide in preparation for my guilds first pulls on it. I’ve used it to dominate the meters with my overgeared toons. I’ve used it to farm an elusive trinket.


This is what I used LFR for. I can see the raid firsthand in an environment that has a lot more people who are forgiving of messing up (well that is the theory) so I can learn the fights and be that much more ready for when I raid w/my guild.

I also used it to practice tanking or healing or dps (to experiment). I also used it to run Alts through when I was bored.

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If you aren’t able to raid what do you need the gear for?

It certainly isn’t pvp cuz that requires a quicker reaction time

That leaves questing?

These “non raiders that need our help” is literally a made up group of people in order to funnel RP raid gear to players who inconvenience those they play with.

Those people deserve nothing because they play a game where everyone else is not a time waster and they choose to be.

And see the elitist is still raging at the prospect of normies getting to experience raid content. :rofl:


I’ve seen nothing to convince me he actually has accomplished any of the things he’s bragged about. The ability to brag on line isn’t proof that he’s done it in game.


His ‘accomplishments’, whether real or imagined, mean nothing to me. It’s still just a silly elitist attitude.

Imagine being this offended because players you deem unworthy have their on raid difficulty. That’s just kinda sad.


Definitely do not want LFR

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The lfr heroes took our jobs!

A truly no skill lfr hero is never taking anyone’s spot. You could give them a bis loaded char to borrow…and a true lfr hero would still not be good

They’d not take a spot unless that spot holder….was not as good as they thought they were.

I’d put myself there. I don’t live for raid. Give me full bis….id die like a muppet in heroic. Lfr was just a nice game mode to give blizzard 1 or 2 more hours of Mau’s.

I also liked the comedy gold of bosses like ner’zhul aoe knock back in SL.

15 plus people first time getting aoe knocked off the edge? Morbid comedy gold.

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Hey i feel personally attacked by this post! >:(


Well if they are going into LFR then they are LFR raiding and the gear can be used to raid LFR. Listen, I won’t be messing with LFR if it happens outside of maybe the first week or two to roll on some tier tokens to see if I can more quickly hit a 4 piece or something. Might as well take advantage if it is there and get a few extra shots. If it isn’t there no big deal I just continue as is.

Really nothing to be concerned about.

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Pro bitter vets can also be social and give some guidance.

What some like me consider being social actually. In eve I see this often. I run content that mixes the bitters with the noobs.

We instruct the noobs there. Some dude hasn’t played the game for 14 years. Cool, games need new blood so you share some wisdom with them.


I still don’t understand why it concerns me. I can do that if they run LFR or not. Or if I do or not? Your point makes no sense.

For lfr I really hope they add a feature where you can cue for level 70 raids, for like you know personal reasons. Because can you imagine, if you could cue for raids not seen much like battlegrounds.

It has been forever since I even used LFR, but I don’t recall that was a feature of LFR and it was only current raids. I think for lower ones you had to go to custom maybe? Whew it has been a long while.

I see no reason why not. If you were there for the pre-wrath with wrath talents but cap 70 it was honestly good. The raids were en-casual ed, there was still those wanting to run the content even if level ~78 gear would replace. It has the strong fun raids. Plus cata has IT become usable by dk.

It wont be in the first 2 raids guaranteed. They would have to redesign mechanics and I doubt they will waste dev time.

Could you imagine an lfr lord rhyolith? He would go straight to the lava everytime. Original lfr also didn’t have determination or personal loot.

Oh man. Thinking about this has me laughing quite a bit. Thank you for the good chuckle.

Got me thinking about the amount of trolling that could be done on other bosses. Atamedes could have a troll go hit all the gongs when they shouldn’t be hit. Nefarian/Onyxia could be a wipe fest if people just nuke Ony too fast and she zaps the raid. I imagine Alysrazor and Ragnaros could cause major issues without re-works as well.

Rhyolith still takes the prize though.

The faster the boss went down, the more I liked it, people had less reason to look up my below par damage and comment on it. Not that I remembered it happening much, just was always afraid it would.

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