LFR Kick Snipers?

Testie? no pal that’s been you in this whole thread. It’s perfectly clear what kind of person you are…

Have a nice day

i just think there should be a system in place to stop it happening to everyone.

No 5 people in a raid should be able to hold a raid hostage. We dont actually know if people said no to the vote kick or people didnt get pressured into vote kicking, would the tank and healer have said “we are not pulling til they are gone”

It is all very situational but is something that Blizzard should of addressed years ago when LFR was first put in during a tier token during Cata


That’s interesting, I feel sorry for your misfortune :frowning:

I appreciate that when you go to put words into peoples mouths you write it well and don’t take the simple route :slight_smile:

Also, I would be interested in why your groups are wiping on bosses and which bosses :+1:

Methinks there’s more to this story, just saying.


that is a major problem because what is stopping them just doing it endlessly, they might get a slap on teh wrist and maybe a 24hour ban, wow. They will come back and do it again and it might take 3-5months or in the current situation 4 years since last tier token for it to come up again.

I read somewhere that blizzard had a strike removal period and if their strikes are removed, thats 0 punishment in future

me thinks you dont know how to think and you are just writing your own narrative

You could make your own group, and then only you can kick people, however, you didn’t even suggest that because of reasons.

its LFR
You can go in with 25people if you want makign your own group, but for a 40minute jaunt that would take 3-Never hours to complete a grouping for. that wont happen

Those players didn’t want you there. It’s not that difficult to understand.

I was thinking it was going to be about them having interrupts sniped.

You are not reading the conversation. You are just skipping to end and saying ok here is my opinion.

Please read the conversation and come back

Or maybe it’s the fact that you’re giving credit to people who have no intention of coming when there are people waiting in queue who would actually be available to do that dungeon.

Mistakes happen. Nobody can control what other players are doing, what trash they are pulling that doesn’t need to be pulled, or that they pull a boss themselves because waiting 3 seconds for the tank to get that boss into a safe place is 3 seconds of their lives that they’ll never get back.

snipe isnt an interrupt, its a hunter pvp ability

You’re purposely being obtuse, and now I’m reporting you for trolling. Good day.

Except holding groups up is exactly what tanks and healers have done and honestly I would too if the circumstances justified it (which I don’t do queue content past leveling dungeons on alts). If someone had the means to stop a group singlehandedly from killing a boss, say a tank who can’t follow orders on a fight requiring taunt swaps and the group can’t just plow through, I absolutely would demand the bad tank go before I do another pull. Same if there are critical mechanics and key people volunteer and then delibertly screw things up to troll and wipe the group.

In dungeons, I’ve seen players get bent out of shape and start trying to wipe the group by mass pulling…I’ve also, back in Cata, seen people park at the entrance and demand to be kicked because they dont like the random dungeon they signed up for back when deserter wasn’t applied to kicked people.

Having the means to remove someone is necessary and that means there are instances where that’ll be abused but not having it is, by far, a far worse thing.

Fix the underlying issues which, in this case, fixing the drop rates if groups are trying to cheese it by kicking and not filling.

Nothing, absolutely nothing

And they could buy new accounts, boost characters and keep doing it never to be stopped.

You know I think that’s true, I heard that as well, the only place where I believe there is no cool off period is silences. If you get silenced in Legion for let’s say a year then you get silenced tomorrow it’ll be 2 years, no CD

I don’t know what anyones intentions are, I like to think the best of people though :slight_smile:

I’m sorry, I can’t get pass your name

you are reporting me for telling you to read the conversation? i mean good luck to you on that one.

thanks, he is a bank altho i have considered making him into a big boy brewmaster