LFR Kick Snipers?

No it’s not, if you allow reasons that can’t be adjudicated by a GM then you open it to trolling. Thus the categories are limited. The content isn’t hard if someone is pulling extra trash let them die and keep moving.

Well…your posts give me a real insight on why you werwe kicked and it wasn’t because you did or didn’t drop cookies. Your attitude here is enough to get you kicked


I don’t know if it’s a thing, but that’s what he means.

In leveling dungeons I have been in we would much rather have all players than take a chance on wiping because somebody isn’t going to join the group. I think a 2 minute window is fine.

some people kick before they even read the chat. They see the window to kick and do it immediately.

No the assumption is 100% correct…

i like your name op

yeah but to begin the kick process you have to have 5 people in the raid to agree to kicking you… People in your own party do not count as multiple votes until you take up 50% of the raid.

They sat there and instigated people into kicking with basically the threat of not having a tank or healer.

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In leveling dungeons I’d care even less :man_shrugging:
Assuming of course it’s not the healer or the tank that’s not there.

If you’re wiping in a leveling dungeon it’s not because the fifth player isn’t there. There’s no reality where that’s true :laughing: If you’re wiping in a leveling dungeon then it’s because someone is goofing, either the tank is pulling too much or the healer isn’t healing.

Assumptions is how most wars start and how most 1 term Presidents get elected.

Never assume, it just makes you look stupid in the eyes of those that know the truth

Well I thought that’s what you wanted us to do. You expected everyone to piece together your thought process on snipe kicking, which requires assumption.

But that was just my opinion, and I’m wrong plenty. Just saying you aren’t building a really strong case for yourself if you’re trying to convince the forums you were kicked without reason.

I think if you put someone on ignore, it won’t let you group with them any more. So, /ignore one of them and that should help keep them out.


i mean with out actually taking my opininon into account… if 5 people called you out on not putting down a hunter trap, and then kicked you out when you were top 3 damage on the previous bosses and everyone calling you out is on your tier token and died last boss… what would you call it?

Honestly there is no need to assume anything with you. It’s 100% clear YOU ARE THE ISSUE. That’s not an assumption thats a FACT…

i had ignored two of them from the first one, and reported two of them aswell… those same two and the tank and healer they came with were still in my second LFR group.

They said they did

So maybe it’s not working for LFR :man_shrugging:

you seem testie… is everything ok?

  • Is this a legitimate reason why somebody might deserve to be kicked?
  • Is this something I can check, ie an afk player who is elsewhere on the map?
  • Did I observe this? If I didn’t, that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

I’d call it annoying. People can suck, whatta ya do? I commute to and from work just outside Dallas every day. That sets the “annoying, selfish human being” bar pretty high.

Maybe it doesn’t work for LFR

While ignored, the player cannot whisper you, initiate duels, or send group invitations. You will not see their messages in public chat channels, and you will not be placed in a group with them via the Dungeon Finder system.

The support article says “dungeon finder system” maybe it means that literally and doesn’t mean “you won’t be grouped with them when using random group maker systems”

Glad you couldn’t care less. I see a lot of wipes due to somebody not being there.

So it’s absolutely hilarious to you that groups wipe on bosses? Wow. No wonder the game is in such a bad state.