LFR Kick Snipers?

ok but you are limtied to 5 a day, so you have reported 5, and thats it. sadly its in my in game name and my name is Chad, and i like to debate …

Something’s not quite right with this story.


about mid way through the posts, around like 110 or so is a full story description, it might better shine light on your thoughts and ideas on the situation :slight_smile:

Careful the poster will start calling you Qanon and Karen in very pathetic attempts to insult you.

no no, just you. Regardless of what i posted Qanon Karen, you were like, this is false… nope, didnt happen. nope not in my game. Then you started making your own story about my personality and how i act on line is how i MUST of acted in a video game

I think they’re talking about me because I’ve been known to roflstomp people who post anti-LGBT propoganda.

i dont know what you are trying to reference

When attempting to post a story in how you were wronged…looking like a jerk the way you have this entire thread tells people that you are making your story up and does nothing to get people on your side.

And the pathetic insult attempts just show people how easy it is to make you act like a 2 year old.

And the funny thing is you don’t even understand how you are making yourself look…

i treat people how they treat others, you want to write your own Narrative, i will write one for you based on what i have observed:

  • Karen Traits:
    Doesnt think they are wrong
    Makes up their own story to fit their own Narrative or agenda
    Throws a Tantrum when called out on it.

  • Qanon Traits:
    Makes up their own story for something based on something they either experienced or read about on Duck Duck Go
    Doesnt read Facts or statements of others
    Throws a Tantrum when called out on it
    Thinks they are winning or in the right when they just seem Crazy to observers

Guess which ones you match up to Qanon Karen… thats right, all of them

Used to be a draenei mage from Stormrage that would spam anti lfr threads constantly back during Mop, and Wod. Maybe Shes back trolling lfr lol.

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Sorry but your personality on the forums is a good indicator of how you act in game. I disagreed with your claim which many others have and your little ego got hurt and started proving my initial thougt of you and your lies…

Don’t worry little one you are not the first to be shown to be a liar on the forums by acting like you are acting towards people.

And it’s hilarious how you singled me out…i must have hit a nerve and am pretty close to the truth. You’ve said bye and you didnt have time for me but you’re still running that piehole at me and just proving what many others have said.

Please do the world a favor and learn better insults…

I couldn’t find the post where you gave more information.

I mean, it could have happened as you said it did. There could also be other things going on.

I can’t say one way or the other.

But if you were actually just being chill and doing your thing and got kicked that was really crappy and I’m sorry that happened to you.

LFR is the poop. I would recommend joining a normal raiding guild and getting your boss kills that way and making friends along the way.

Yeah, your trash attitude is what probably got you the boot. One chick asked you about that the hell Snipe kicking is and you’re going off the deep end on her and the Zugster. I’m pretty sure what happened was you kept running your mouth and they got sick of it.

*[quote=“Chadurbate-korgath, post:191, topic:1207036, full:true”]
i treat people how they treat others, you want to write your own Narrative, i will write one for you based on what i have observed:

  • Karen Traits:
    Doesnt think they are wrong
    Makes up their own story to fit their own Narrative or agenda
    Throws a Tantrum when called out on it.

  • Qanon Traits:
    Makes up their own story for something based on something they either experienced or read about on Duck Duck Go
    Doesnt read Facts or statements of others
    Throws a Tantrum when called out on it
    Thinks they are winning or in the right when they just seem Crazy to observers

Guess which ones you match up to Qanon Karen… thats right, all of them

So disagreeing with you makes everyone in the thread a Qanon and karen? Ok…just proving more and more your story is a lie

I’ve just accepted the kick system is complete garbage. Doesn’t help that most people in LFG or LFR are in drone mode, they won’t bother to ask why or even read what’s going on. They see the kick button and click yes.

see i thought the same thing. In Legion there was a Hunter that specifically targetted Brazilian servers and he was from stormrage. When Antorus came out he held a Mythic first boss kill, got them all saved and kicked them all. Was a huge post about it on the forums before they switched over. Maybe its him?

Karen, please. you have been put in your place, you know it, i know it, everyone who reads this will know it. Save yourself some embarrassment and just stop. Daddy is done with you

and thats where the system should be changed. It shouldnt be you can spam kick anyone you dont want in your group so you can obtain better loot or a higher chance at said loot. It should punish you for kicking some one. Like it voids your loot for that run or something. IF the whole raid kicks then the void is cleared. 5 people should not determine 1 persons loot because they are on the same loot table as you

Stop trying to make “kick snipers” happen. It’s not going to happen.


I’ve been put in my place by someone who can’t come up with a better insult then Karen. No sorry all you have done is shown the forums you cant handle being called out for lying.

But you keep going proving with every post how easy it is to get under your skin. Which throws everything you say into the trash pile…