LFR is not getting removed. Get over it already

I kind of enjoy the irony that when your accused of making a canned response and not reading a post you make a canned response…

How did it devalue their experience? They beat harder content and got better rewards. Oh, well if they’re the types that think dirty casuals should have nothing to do aside from WQs and dungeons, then I guess it’s good they moved on.

I agree that with how many awful system were added to the game leading it to be in its least popular incantation in all of history that lfr is no longer the main concern.

That said it is still a utterly terrible system and I have been repeatedly told that if they fixed it and brought it into line with the progression system it would kill the mode.

LFR either needs to have a real palatable challenge or it needs to be removed entirely from the progression system for it to fit into the game properly and I don’t believe it will ever be either of those things.

now THAT one gets the award for most absurd statement of the day.
If they were falling BEFORE LFR then yeah…the CAUSE of the losses existed already.
Adding LFR didnt REMOVE that cause. EZ enough?

Idk, who do you have to socialize with when playing an MMOrpg, a game built on social interaction that has been slowly stripped away over the past 15 years with less and less group content, more and more and more automated systems, and even official Blizzard bots now being designed that function well in PvP so who knows how long until that is applied to dungeons and raids as well.

Yeah, Who do you have to socialize with in an MMOrpg.

You know, there was a time when Group Quests were a thing, now group quests can be soloed by almost anyone and are more just for bluster and show.

Me thinks that the anti-social have drug this game far enough and its time that the voices of those who are tired of it are heard.


I didn’t make a canned response. I responded to your post, you split hairs instead of comprehending the statement. But yes, your posts generally follow the same theme: you being a wet blanket, regardless of the subject.

If I am making as many flimsy arguments as you say I am I doubt your only rebuttal would be a plea to popularity.

i like how you didnt CAP the RPG there friend… :wink:
AGAIN…WHO do I HAVE to socialize with when doing the CORE CONTENT of this game…QUESTING?

So sorry, but this AINT a first person shooter that requires interaction with other players no matter how much you want it to be.

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Uh…one of the selling points of WoW is the lack thereof for social interaction. The notion it has been stripped away over time is an inaccurate one. Many MMOs of the time mandated groups for completing some of the most basic of quests. WoW is exceedingly casual, and allowed one to complete much of the content solo.
So to suggest social interaction is being stripped away when largely, it is gained through guilds, is not an accureate one.


he said while tossing a fit about LFR yet unable to just not play LFR :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m unsure if you are acting the fool or simply are the fool to be honest either way I am amused.

They beat harder content to see the same story. that annoyed them so they left.

Because every aspect of MMO has slowly, over the past 15 years, been slowly drained away from the game to the point that the MMO aspects are minimal. So to answer you, no one! Because group quests are a joke now, everything is automated, and now bots are being made to replace players and have proven successful in PvP.

So yeah, no one because of people like you.

Also, speaking in all caps doesn’t make your argument any more important, friend.

ah…so we’re back to the ad hominems again because facts are failing us.
Its usually about this point I break my my victory cigar.

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puhlease…I played a bit of classic. it was pretty much EXACTLY the same as retail running quests and leveling up.
Try harder.


LFR needs neither of these things.

If you want a challenge ,go play normal, or heroic, or mythic.

LFR isn’t here to offer difficulty.

NOOOOOOOoooooo…not that common sense thing again. How dare you :rofl::rofl::+1:

You didn’t even group to do dungeons? or do any MC/Ony?

Whew, this is the most accurate statement in this entire thread lol.

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Did you have to google that?

Here is the thing simply digging your heels in and screaming “NO NO NO NO NO NO NO” isn’t a argument. At some point people simply chuckle shake their head and move on. If that is victory to you well the more power to you. People will simply move past you.