LFR is not getting removed. Get over it already

You somehow miss the point that you can make all the joke stories up you want…and 100 LFR players will tell just the opposite ?
Get it?
LFR players are playing the game. so it doesnt matter if YOU dont like it for whatever reason. make the CHOICE to just not play it.
Easy enough remedy, Id say.

if they remove m+ along with lfr ill take that trade off.

Exactly it has nothing to do with what you said.

I did read your post, which is why I gave examples of things that would actually effect other systems.

I was just pointing out LFR doesn’t have the impact any of these systems have. I wasn’t being combative with you, like you seem to think I was.

Long as they also take PvP, and raiding sure. /s

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please…you can lay off the obtuse thing any time now. You KNOW what I said.
And if you didnt, you probably shouldnt be trying to argue anything, honestly.

uh…yeah…thats pretty much exactly what being entitled is.
They feel ENTITLED to demand that someone elses content be removed just because they dont like it.

why stop there they can take leveling out as well and make wow a moba.


LFR isn’t going anywhere. This post is completely unnecessary.

OP next make a post like “BGs are not getting removed!” It will be just as stupid

People who don’t like LFR can avoid it. And most probably already do


How many?

I never understand this argument saying that someone somewhere enjoys something as justification for it being good is a extremely flimsy argument. It is on the level of the old commercials that say 9 out of 10 doctors recommend a certain brand of cigarettes.

We need to break out the timeline chart again?
Subs were in freefall before LFR existed.


You’re splitting hairs. No, you didn’t say ‘invalidate’. Pardon me :roll_eyes: But that’s an argument many people like you make when it comes to WF/TF and/or LFR.

You really didn’t.

Another multiple hundred lfr post isn’t going to resolve any debate.

But you knew this.


So it justifies you not bothering to read the post in question but offered a canned response?

How very brave and bold of you.

yeah…Im sorry…WHO do I have to socialize with when playing the CORE part of this RPG…ie QUESTING?
Oh…thats right…no one.

methinks you are confusing this game with an online shooter that REQUIRES interaction with other players simply to play the game. :slight_smile:


Okay then I misunderstood. But that doesn’t change the fact that someone who plays WoW can feel like a system affects their game play, regardless of if they are directly using that system. Whether or not their opinion is idiotic or not is a completely different story though, because most of the time it is.

Usually when people talk entitlement, they talk about someone who thinks they have the right to something that is purely based on facts. I wouldn’t say that someone wanting LFR to be removed is them being entitled, I just think it makes them a moron that is completely oblivious to facts.

There’s a difference between arguing changing LFR, and removing it. I think it needs a few tweaks, but those who say it should be removed aren’t entitled, they just lack a frontal lobe.

Oh I read it, and it’s the typical Primalmatter post. As much as you complain about various systems in the game, it’s a wonder you’re still subbed. But then for all I know, you pay your sub just to troll the forums :man_shrugging:

Going through normal and heroic dungeons, and then world quests is generally the easiest way to get through to LFR, assuming you don’t have Benthic Gear already set up. :woman_shrugging:

LFR is a terrible way to get gear, you on average get 1 peice of gear if you clear every single wing. Sometimes your more lucky, sometimes you get absolutely nothing for all wing clears.

People don’t use LFR to gear up. Unless they are going out of their way to go the least efficient way possible.

People do LFR because they find it fun. If you want gear, there’s many other methods that all give better gear than LFR does, and faster. If you want to do harder content, it’s available for you, go do it.

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how many what?
LFR players?
Clearly enough given its still here.

you are king of the land of Flimsy, friend. I get it that you dont get that fact…but it is what it is.
Plays LFR, says LFR sucks…whines about LFR instead of just not playing it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That must mean LFR had nothing to do with it right? I know a few of my buddies left when they added it, it devalued there experience so they moved onto other mmos that don’t have endgame auto-complete features.