I have to bring this up because the loud anti LFR minority just doesn’t understand why LFR is in the game. Its time to make it crystal clear why.
The vast majority of the servers are crazy dead. I have a couple of friends on emerald dream and on non peak times there was only 43 players at their level cap on alliance. This is the 12th most populated alliance server with a 50/50 horde alliance ratio.
Those friends of mine have to play at non peak times because their job schedule is late in the day and during night. LFR is the only way for them to actually raid and remember this is the 12th most populated server. I can only imagine how low the player base is with the other 100 servers below it.
If blizzard removes LFR, then they have to stop making raid content as very few people raid as it is, and if they do continue to make raid content, then they have to merge a very huge number of servers to make up for removing it, that means people will lose their names, guilds, server culture and server identity, causing a significant player loss that that the game as never seen. It will slump down as low as everquest 2 pretty much.
If the anti LFR crowd still insists on hating on LFR, then classic is your last option. Nothing is going to change in retail wow LFR without alienating its whole player base.
Nobody is debating this. The people who want it gone is due to the nature of it removing the core of raiding. Why organize people when you can have the game do it for you.
All of your points (Busy schedule, cross realm, ect. ) in the post apply equally to Normal as they do to LFR.
Not a lick of sense coming from you here.
Could there possibly be some other reason they prefer LFR over, for example, Normal?
That’s the dumbest thing to parrot for no good reason.
Raids have existed in WoW since the very start. They wouldn’t just up and stop making dungeon and raid content in WoW because LFR was gone…
I love LFR, it keeps people that dont want to worry about their gear and rotation from having to do normal/heroic, and lets them focus on whats fun to them wile still allowing them to see the story play out…
Without it we would all suffer, its not 40 man raiding anymore we cant bring 10 afk’s to fill space.
(plus remember they also pay/payed for the game, let em see the cut scenes)
I don’t think you are aware that most servers don’t even have enough players to raid on on individual servers.
Blackrock is the lowest populated alliance server with 6 players at on at their level cap at non peak times and about 20 at Sunday prime peak times. That server doesn’t even have enough players to raid even at prime times. They HAVE to have LFR to do raiding content.
They would, now. The addition of LFR was the only way they could justify continuing to spend resources on raids at all back in, Cata I believe it was. and they stated as much at the time. No LFR, No Raids.
I don’t see why that would concern anyone when everything is cross realm at this point in time. You can pull from the entire population pool, servers aren’t a factor in this.
They certainly never said anything like "No LFR. No Raids. "
What I remember being said was some spin doctoring " LFR takes little resources to create since we have to make the raid for Normal and Heroic anyway. "
In addition, somewhere down the line they made an empty claim that LFR enabled them to justify the creation of “larger” raids like ToT and SoO.
That’s a load of bull. We haven’t been getting larger raids since LFR was implemented.
LFR is great because you can’t always get into a decent guild, or a Normal+ pug. It’s simply not a guaranteed thing. LFR is 100% inclusive and 100% guaranteed to allow you to play in the raid.
I’ve debated LFR time and time over the years and while there are folks who won’t agree with me that it should be a thing, I believe it is a good thing to have personally.
Yup, LFR isn’t going away! that’s why I just laugh when I see an anti-LFR thread and just roll my eyes at the author of said threads, they truly are laughable and at this point in the game they are 100% troll threads
Yea I’m an LFR hero by choice because Blizzard gave me one and I am thankful for it!
That was the scuttlebutt at the time. If you want to dig through Google go right ahead. I have no problem with LFR so I feel no need to do your research for you.
Going to have to disagree. OP didn’t mention physical issues (nerve damage) that keep a person from extended PVE activities… but I sure do have them. I’d love to do actual raiding… but I can’t. Sometimes life just mucks you over.
I didn’t say it was, the good thing is it keeps them out of harder content they don’t really want to do except for lore reasons.
and to be honest if your dps/hps is threatened by lfr gear you might belong among them >.>