I’m cutting this down because I’m away from my computer at the moment. But no it’s more of a question.
What’s the likelihood that a solo/casual player is going to join a guild with a scheduled meeting time when 1 of the difficulties is in a queue and the other 2 are available in Group Finder when the reward is the same?
And before mentioning the reward part I’m pointing out that you’re jumping through more hoops with having to join guild opposed to just signing up through Group Finder or just queueing up
The people doing LFR wouldn’t magically move on to Normal. They’re doing LFR because they don’t want to deal with the added hassle.
That’s because WotLK was still drawing in more people than it was losing. We don’t know how much churn was going on with people staying through the whole expansion or just subbing and leaving.
Then you’re playing the wrong MMO. WoW has always been more solo oriented compared to other MMOs.
Well we obviously have many types of players, including a side issue of some of them being hot headed, which Im quite sure drives people like me away from being involved raiders or a guild even though I wanted to at a point.
For me personally…there is NO reward grand enough to put up with the types of personalities I see in these threads.
Scheduling isnt really a problem for those in my situation. though Im not even a small minority, Im sure.
What I think is people are going to do what they enjoy.
No one at this point HAS to be in a guild to just see the raid content, I assume.
yet many are in guilds and are raiding.
My guess is thats exactly what will happen, regardless of the incentives for those player who play just to enjoy the game.
Im not saying that guildies shouldnt get incentives,…but how much more does one need to have offered to them before they play the video game the claim to like?
how much more incentive to they need to join a guild and get the community theyre in here complaining that we’re missing all the time?
Seems to me, if Im not misunderstanding some detail, that the incentive is the GAME itself and just playing something because we enjoy it.
I dont know man…maybe my breed died 30 years ago when games were there just to have some fun.
We played Galaga for days straight, barely sleeping just to get high score. NO one had to offer us a money or a chest of treasure to do it.
We did it because we liked the games.
and obviously a much newer game with not as many better games on the market.
Wow was literally the ONLY MMO for years that I ever heard anyone talk about.
Theyve posted other games in here to try to claim there was always competition…so why didnt I hear about any of those? Never heard of most of them, didnt play them, dont know anyone who did.
This game seems to have been king of the hill for quite some time.
Its run its course, Im sure. Desperately trying to find its former glory, but the fact is that a movie series usually does get worse as time goes by instead of better.
Nightmare on Elm Street #1 was pretty good.
And each subsequent movie, as much as I like them, got more and more weird and uninteresting than the last.
Its actually more impressive that this game has been able to be kept on life support as long as it has.
And no doubt LFR is one of many reasons it has been.
They are not the same though, the have a chance to proc TF/WF to allow them to be similar, other than that there is a clear item level differentiation. There are literally a 15 ilvl difference between each tier, sad fact is you can get better gear by pushing your emissaries than you can from LFR, but that is not the issue being pointed out is it. Raid finder is 400 ilvl, normal 415, heroic 430 and mythic 445, that’s without a forge of some sort.
People who want the higher gear do it a few ways, one with a guild, other generally is LFG. But your statement that they reward the same is false without factoring in a forge, which is a rarity no matter what the difficulty.
I think his point was more along the lines of why commit to a raiding schedule when there are groups in lfg 24/7. There is no need for guilds (or any lasting social connections) for the vast majority of the player base. (Non mythic raiders and people not pushing 20s)
But how does removing LFR even factor in? You really think the same people who can’t commit to a schedule are magically going to change when they remove LFR?
I haven’t seen it that way personally though. When people want to push the higher content they find means to do so, it’s been what I have seen anyhow. But this outright hatred some are posting in this thread make me truly believe LFR should remain. Seeing people refer to others as “garbage players”, using that good old adage “get good”, or hell hate bringing it up again, I used myself as an example. I used to raid regularly, but now I am going through cancer treatments and I can’t commit due to being unwell. I had one tell me to keep my personal issue out of the game, that compassion basically had no place here. I was trying to find it, frankly can’t be bothered to re-post the callousness of that individual, feel free to look up if you like, it’s still there. I’m not sharing my story to garner sympathy either, I am a fighter and always will be, I am simply sharing my truth so maybe others can see that it’s not always the lowest common denominator of people who partake in LFR.
Fact is the original population of this game is aging, I’m 38 now, with other concerns than raiding. WoW has evolved with the times. I don’t 100% support all the decisions that they have made currently or in past expansions, but the one thing I do support is inclusiveness. It’s nice to know that if I feel up to raiding I can.
Um, this the same company that handles TV ratings for the last 40 years. Twitch viewers doesn’t indicate anything. ESO has terrible Twitch stats, yet that game is pumping out content like a madman and from my viewpoint a very large population.
No offense to you, but this is probably one of the dumbest responses I have seen in this thread.
Edit: Candy Crush has how many viewers on Twitch? You know that cash cow that is owned by Act-Blizz.
It saddens me when all these people are trying to remove something that a portion of the populace enjoys, yet offers no sympathy or solution to those removing LFR would displace. I guess that’s part of why I still defend it.
There are zero facts to support this. WoW since 2004, had people of all ages with a various real life circumstances playing the game.
You think raiders in 2004 didn’t have jobs, schooling and families? I loath this idea so much. People have been juggling their hobbies around their real life responsibilities for ages.
For me it isn’t about the high end stuff. Mythic raid and m+ is great. It is everything outside those 2 that has been watered down. The example I always use is operation mechagon. It was a fun challenge when it released nut got insta nerfed because people complained.
I’m terms of schedule with lfg there are raids at normal and heroic going 24/7. Imo there isn’t a need for a version easier than normal. If lfr was tuned to be equal to normal that would be an improvement.
The name calling is done by both sides here too. Too much aggression going both ways.
I have waited longer in an LFG group for the proper make up of certain fight than I have in LFR. Depending on the group some waits have been hours long for me, Ghuun being a prime example.
Thanks, I’m a fighter with a generally positive attitude, which I am told by my oncologist is half the battle.
This is just a bald assertion, and trivially wrong to boot. Twitch clearly indicates interest in watching people play the game.
Now you’re just being shirty because your preferred data source can’t stand even mild criticism. How about this, DFO doesn’t even show up on Steam stats. From today:
huh…tells me how great WoW is doing, complains that LFR needs to be removed.
Clearly if wow is doing as well as you state, then better to NOT tick off those swing voters/casuals who pay the bills, Id say.