LFR is not getting removed. Get over it already

I’d rather have 2 less bosses and another mount added to the store than LFR, yes.

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And if LFR is gone and normal is put on a queue, we’ll be in here in a week screaming about how normal is cancer and its players are lazy and such.
This isnt about the game itself, thats for certain.

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I think the bigger issue that people are putting forward is that LFR doesn’t require anything from players. And in the off chance that it actually does, people complain and ask for nerfs.

Example. Look at G’huun. The only mechanic that was present required 2 people to take an orb and run it to the end of the lane and turn it in. There were players complaining that they couldn’t brute force their way through G’huun with determination stacks.

It seems that Nomral - Mythic has bosses that actually require players to do mechanics from start to finish. While LFR has had an event where a boss wasn’t even present for the fight. I’m referring to Desolate Host in ToS.

The difference between Normal and Heroic is minimal if not even nonexistant other than damage/hp increasing stuff.

The difference between Normal and LFR on the other side is huge.
On LFR you got bosses so drastically weakened that almost every boss is missing important key mechanics to actually being able to beat them.

At one point where I would accept LFR would be if this Mode also would have the same mechanics needed to beat it as for example it is the case for Normal and Heroic.

It’s just a joke to be honest.

Correct. Its about the queue.

Queueable content acts in conflict with building any lasting or meaningful social connections, the essence of what it is to be a MMO.

See most here call it inclusiveness.

Really? I don’t see that at all, I see more players leveling alts this expansion than anything. If it weren’t for TF/WF we’d see the high end raiding guilds jumping ship like they did in the past til a new raid was dropped.

Cool, elitism at it’s finest. They may not feel the need to “get good” some actually like experiencing the content at a base level, what does this take away from you exactly?

Funny, we have oodles of new players in our guild who experience the harder content, probably because they have a supportive guild rather than people like yourself telling them to “get good”

But it is, you literally proved the points I was making by the entirety of your post. Even if LFR did not exist a lot of these players would be in the same boat they are now. Some are just not in it to do that high end content, leave them to do what they enjoy instead of lording your self perceived superiority over them.

god i hate this crap forum software…

I asked sabbia but I dont think theyre for removing LFR, so maybe you can help explain

So lets assume the game is doing fine at this point.
IF there are ‘more’ raid bosses, as mentioned about MoP in Ions quote…and IF LFR ‘justifies’ being able to do that…can we now assume some in here dont want ‘more’ raid content since if LFR is helping ‘justify’ its creation yet theyre demanding LFR be removed?

um…just to be sure. You think we’d WANT to play with other players who come in here insulting and demeaning us over a video game?

You are aware that it is optional right? That you can do your big boy runs all you want and avoid kindergarten as a whole?

Not a valid argument in the slightest, kind of anticlimactic for me really.

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uh…and if those players would just avoid LFR…problem solved, eh?
If Im poking the dog with a stick its really kinda pointless for me to then cry about being bit and i certainly cant then tell the dog owner to get rid of his dog when I caused the problem by my own actions.

if they CHOOSE to go into LFR thats on them. They cant then demand that it be removed because its too easy.

ok…and the REST of the raiding playerbase? What would those PAYING customers prefer?

Well they can demand it but I think it’s too ingrained in the playerbase to just rip it out at this point. Even though I think they’ve been throwing their chips in the wrong basket when it comes to the raiding scene.

No guilds ever did this. They geared alts and sold runs to restock guild bank and prepare for splits next tier. They brought in new trials etc.

Then don’t. I’m honestly fine with ez mode raid existing. Just don’t have it in a queue. Social apathy is killing this game and making the community garbage.

Are you in a cesspool guild? I’m confused, do you raid together? Or are they pugging hard content but just have your guild tag?

Since when is normal mode high end content?

C’mon bruh

Idk start a strawpoll, would you prefer:

A) 12 boss raid tier, 1 store mount + LFR

B) 10 boss raid tier, 3 store mounts, no LFR

Sorry muffin plenty did.

The queue is your trigger? K understood, but I truly don’t see the issue at all.

This is my bank alt, I won’t post on my main anymore mainly due to people like you taking the forum into game. You assume my guild is a cesspool, cool I assume much the same of yours given your general attitude and the old saying “birds of a feather flock together”.

Since when is LFR normal mode? Come on bruh…

well, right. I can demand that the moon be made of cheese but that would get me sedated pretty quickly, Im sure.
I just dont get the obsession.
The LFR defense makes sense. Its OUR game theyre trying to ruin.
But from their end, Im sorry to them, but NOTHING they ever present actually makes sense as far as removing LFR from the game.

AFter hundreds and hundreds of posts, flames and tears, the thing that my mind keeps coming back to is what one of them admitted…that they think we want LFR to keep from being ‘vetted’ out of raiding…ie they want to be the elites again with the exclusive end game content.

Which…if Ions quotes are accurate, and given the falling subs since then, leaves LESS raid content at some point for lack of funds and justification in making ‘more’ raid content.

Just seems to me that they arent adding up the dots to the end of raiding as its been for some time now, but just want to fight a war against LFR just because…well…for no real reason at all.

Indeed it is optional but yet an insult to be even offered.

Basically what i meant with it but that’s my opinion on that.

I’m not up right now to go against another conversation about the exact same theme I just had a couple of days ago, but this time with 2 people at the same time. It’s fine you can support eachother and get an lollipop out of LFR but that’s not for me.

I feel exactly the same about those abominable pet battles.
You know what I do?
Just ignore them :slight_smile:

uh huh…youre going to need to poll ALL raiders friend…THIS thread is hardly going to be representative of any real statistics.
good try though.

Indeed I avoid WoW as whole currently, but let’s say LFR is one small part of it’s reasoning. I of course have other priorities way before LFR, but when you see a megathread pop up about LFR once again it’s hard to miss it and take a look into it and surprisingly finding the same bunch of players who just defended LFR in the other thread to the bitter end.

Pet battles are also quite stupid I rather would love Blizzard to remove it completly and instead offer it on mobile.

I’d love to play it while being under way, but not when i am on PC.