Just checked and yep…theyre on religion right now in my server. That always ends well. Toxicity at its finest. Happens every day. Religion or politics. Every single day.
A. Raid Finder is primarily intended for players who don’t already raid consistently. These are players who may not have had the opportunity to take part in raid content due to scheduling conflicts, playtime constraints, limited access to other raid-capable players, or a lack of experience with higher-end content. These players may want to experience World of Warcraft’s raid content and storyline without being able to commit to the additional time investment of a raiding guild. The Raid Finder is also a great way to quickly and easily gear up alternate characters without having to worry about raid lockouts.
Raids represent an enormous commitment of developer resources. In the same way that we would never make 20 new Arenas just for Gladiator-level players, we don’t want to develop a raid that only 2% of our raiders can see.
While I was not able to find an exact quote in the time I spent searching, I did find corroborating evidence for my earlier statement.
I don’t mind at all. I will admit that I didn’t really do a thorough search though. I’m sure that if someone were to take the time and trouble of actually doing a really thorough search, that they would find much better links to use.
yeah…there ARE quotes from Blizzard staff that have been posted in here ten thousand times for these people.
Ive seen it posted myself and I likely have a link somewhere in my bookmarks, just been leveling up a new panda so Im too lazy to look right now.
I feel like this is one of those things that’s personal. For me, LFR is the only reason I would get into raids. Back in the day (for me), we had a raiding guild and we did raids, definitely more casual than hardcore. Getting the Sun Fury Bow on my hunter was really cool. That was a big deal back in the day. You knew you had “made it” if you had that bow.
Anyway, time moves on and now my guild has fallen into such disarray that I’m the guild leader…because I’m nearly the only one who logs in. So without LFR, and quests that are completed in raids, I wouldn’t raid. LFR and the quest thing makes it worth the effort.
I have to disagree. I think most are like myself a casual with a job schedule that cannot commit. To will be there 8pm friday and sunday, or what two consistent days a guild raids on. For my self LfR helps me see a part of the game I would never be able to see, due to real life constraints of Job, Family and having to live a real life, over just playing a video game. So should I not just be able to get a watered down glimpse of content, that is important as part of the WoW story. Does not my 14,99 a month mean as much as yours, for the lore and story of WoW? I think it does!
I didn’t start tanking Uldir in normal. I started in LFR. LFR taught me the bare bones basics of what these bosses are capable of. By the time I had gone through 2 full LFR Uldir raids, I was ready for normal. LFR works the way it was intended if the player utilizes and learns from the experience. As long as players pay attention to both the mechanics and the dungeon journal, actively avoiding mechanics that would otherwise outright kill them in normal and heroic, its a great learning tool. Blame the player not the difficulty!
Dont really care about lfr much one way or the other, but I see these quotes brought up a lot in these types of threads, so I wanted to add a few qualifiers.
First the post is like 7.5 years old, game has changed a good bit in that time, dev’s may have new feelings right now, but to my knowledge they haven’t really posted much one way or the other on lfr in the last expac or 2. (One of the reasons these threads are so entertaining, lot of conjecture on both sides.)
Second people need to understand that
Key word is that they don’t want to make a raid for the 2% not that they ever did. While it can be argued few ppl saw naxx 40 or sunwell while current, far more than 2% of ppl raid at normal or above difficulty, also lots more people raided but never full cleared those instances while current, and most dev quotes speak to final boss numbers.
Just throwing that out there as people twist a lot of facts in these threads.
Third, and just curious, why do so many ppl get baited by these threads? Have the dev’s ever suggested removing lfr? Not that I’m aware of, yet lfr threads always get dozens of replies. with varying degrees of coherence, always curious why folks felt the need to defend something that doesn’t seem to need defending, and instead keep posting and prolonging the thread.
Just throwing it out there, both sides feel free to resume your regularly scheduled arguments
I would not be doing a raid, except for LFR. I don’t even think I’ve done that on this character, but did TWO on my “Main” hunter (one was for the classhall/flying, the other was at the end of the incursion quest for the other Kitty Mount.)
A flaw with Vanilla, which I played, was that you had to be the belle of the ball and ingratiate yourself to a guild. It was exhausting.
Luckily, I went in with some people from UO/Everquest. So I was already pretty much set up. However, I could not keep up with their insane raiding schedule (5 nights a week, 5 hours a night, 40 people for 3 loot drops a night (maybe.) )
Some people just can’t keep up with whatever requirements, social or otherwise, for such content.
Starting with Legion, where a raid is REQUIRED for flying, you HAVE to have something like LFR.
Arbitrarily requiring such a thing, would be like requiring X number of some kind of pet battles for a RAIDER to be able to fly. Now, picture if on top of that it had to be done with a “Pet Battling Guild” you had to socialize with, setting up just for that purpose rather than an automatic system?
Classic Wow will fail, because it has no LFR. Mark my words. That is really the one thing that would have made it playable, LFR and a more generous loot system than Vanilla had.
It will be an “old” game, where you have to have an insane raiding schedule, with 40 other people, in a convoluted DKP system, where you can’t miss a single night ever, or all the “kids” get everything. Again, unless people are lucky and go INTO it with that like-minded raiding guild, it will be difficult.
I completely agree with the item level ramping and power curvature being harmful but there are too many people rooted into the idea it’s needed for the game so cutting it won’t help any.
It should stay but either not drop loot or reward gear equal to the current dungeons.