Understand what? that by not saying anything new that its likely that their views havent changed?
No need to repeat oneself if the story is still the same.
No need to draw different conclusions based on LACK of new comments.
meh…its something to do while we’re waiting for dungeon calls.
The real question, since LFR is here and has been, is why do a few feel to continually…perpetually…whimper and cry about something that has ZERO bearing on their game.
IF they are ‘real’ raiders, they should be doing THAT instead of being in here whining about something that isnt going to change.
(Something about serenity and accepting things I cannot change inserted here)
90% of everyone who says they want it so bad will be back to playing current wow within a month.
they’ll miss those life quality changes within a week.
Still waiting for your proof that LFR is bad for the game.
I can wait…
Q. Who is Raid Finder for?
A. Raid Finder is primarily intended for players who don’t already raid consistently. These are players who may not have had the opportunity to take part in raid content due to scheduling conflicts, playtime constraints, limited access to other raid-capable players, or a lack of experience with higher-end content. These players may want to experience World of Warcraft’s raid content and storyline without being able to commit to the additional time investment of a raiding guild. The Raid Finder is also a great way to quickly and easily gear up alternate characters without having to worry about raid lockouts.
Why do I think LFR is good for the game? Lets me see content I normally would not see as a casual, due to work, family real life constraints. I can now experience. Would I stay subbed if no longer any LFR? Well no I would cancel my sub, due to missing out on the story line of WOW since it is tied to the raid.
LFR is a good thing, as it keeps my 14.99 a month along with microtransaction buys. Like I am sure it keeps many more in the game, like myself.
Without those dollars. Blizzard would have less money for Developing the game along with the raids. Which should be win for you, since raiding is such a large part of your life, apparently.
I think the OP identified how the ilvl inflation caused by 4 difficulty levels is 4/3 = 133% of the ilvl creep that would be caused by 3 difficulty levels makes ilvl creep into something that breaks immersion and a sense of reasonable power progression over the course of an expansion (e.g. 1M dps for aoe of mob packs is too much, epecially when you compare it to beginning-of-expac numbers).
There are certainly ways that this ilvl creep issue could be solved without removing LFR entirely, but they are not wrong about the nature of ilvl creep, when you combine that many difficulty levels with WF/TF levels and also with the idea that Tier N of LFR gear base ilvl must be equal to or greater than Tier N-1 mythic raiding gear, with WF/TF buffers between each difficulty level of base ilvl for the gear that drops.
I think there is something to that, and in that sense LFR is part of the problem and removing it could be part of a solution to that problem.
I do not agree with that and I think they could solve that particular problem without removing LFR.
The OP clearly doesnt understand that ANY of the so called ‘problems’ he claims is ‘caused’ by LFR, as you say, are fixed without removing LFR.
And Ive said 1000 times in here that ‘inflation’ is what ALL of these games are about.
Im not going to work for 5 years without a raise. I want more money at intervals for my hard work.
EVERY game like this out there uses this to appease players.
‘inflation’ is the name of the game and is NOT an argument against LFR no matter how badly the OP wishes it were.
Myself I dont believe that is how it works. I feel they set the Ilvl for normal, then drop the LFR item level down from that. Especially after how they did Nerf LFR Item level reward in WOD, where the changes like that are still in effect even into this xpac. You really only have the real game item level based on Normal, Heroic and Mythic… With LFR just being a watered down, lower reward from Normal, which is the baseline for the Raids.
I think the true creep comes from WF quest, World bosses, Emissary Quests, Incursions etc… all which can end up giving 385 item level gear or better. Not LFR, which does 340 max if you are very lucky.
Yes, but if you can be happy with a 5% raise every year, when CPI-U based inflation is only 2% per year (so your raise feels like a positive QoL improvement), then there is no need for your employer to double your salary every 3 months.
I’m not arguing that it’s broken because there’s inflation. I’m saying it’s too damn high, and the idea that LFR gear ilvls for a certain tier need to meet or exceed the heroic (or even the mythic) gear for the previous tiers is not helping this level of inflation and could be curbed to something more reasonable.
“They” are not the same dev’s from 7.5 years ago, while some of them, like ion, were devs back then he was encounter designer now he is now the lead, google it and see how many people have shifted in and out of wow dev slots in 7.5 years.
It’s not that a dev said something then nothing for 7 years, it’s that we have dev’s now who have made little to no comments on lfr, thus those old quotes are dubious as debate ammo. And I see them all the time in these threads.
You would have to ask them, I basically just post on these forums when I have to be on call for work and need to pass time.
Ever play red box D&D?
At higher character levels I can kill Smaug in my underoos and foster grants.
ALL leveling games have this exact same problem where ‘inflation’ causes balance and realism problems.
It isnt new to WoW and it certainly isnt ‘caused’ by something like LFR, as you seem to already understand.
I did play Red box D&D.
And it was irritating to me that once my characters gained so many levels, their hit points were off the flipping charts.
We literally stopped playing D&D, stopped using that system, over that sort of thing.
I now make my own game systems so we can avoid the balance problems once a character has been around a while.
With my games, a character whos been thru 500 game sessions will be more ‘skilled’ than a new character, but is by no means invincible as he would have been in the D&D system, which has zero realism to it.
While the game developers here irritate me to no end, its more that they seem to be using common core math that annoys me than it is the fact that balance, power creep/inflation is a problem.
As long as they use ANY leveling system for this game its ALWAYS going to be a problem…removing LFR, as you say, isnt going to fix it.
Sorry but youre asking me to draw conclusions from LACK of evidence. I dont believe thats reasonable if even possible.
I dont care if they are different devs. If they havent changed anything or made NEW comments, and LFR remains then we INFER that all remains the same.
Sorry but thats how it works.
I’m genuinely confused by what you mean by Normal. Not sure if you mean by difficulty or abundance, since it’s always been lower than normal difficulty and I don’t think abundance has changed ever either.
LFR does not do any of that though. LFR gear drops are even a lower Item level the normal. You know what does exceed all that. The world stuff that people can solo with no issues. WQ rewards with scaling. Incursions, WF weekly reward, PVP conquest reward ( just by doing the two casual bgs a day). World bosses, The weekly event they change to every week, box reward. Sorry but all those give 385 plus for gear rewards, which hands down beat out the LFR reward which is 340 at most if very very lucky.
The distance between each difficulty is 15 ilvl points to account for WF/TF (and I think that TF is too high, and that this distance of 15 points is unnecessary). We’ll see what the LFR ilvl base is for the next tier at some point, relative to the 370-385 ilvl you get in Uldir heroic/mythic drops. Given that warfronts already drop 370 gear for players (above 355 ilvl, if I’m not mistaken), I’m guessing that LFR for the next raid tier will be at least 370 if not 385. Do you think it will be lower than that?