Before I degrade myself to your level, I bid you farewell.
You have been a poor partner for dancing, and show why the pro-LFR community is extremely toxic to even approach. To the rest of the people I will continue to reply,but you and I are done.
I wish you good fortune.
Well the good this is you don’t have to participate in LFR if you dont wish to. Stop being nosy and worrying about how others spend their game time. Btw blizzard is on the side of LFR is fine and it’s not going anywhere. Working as intended.
Lets just get rid of anything above LFR for raiding and anything above a normal leveling dungeon. No heroics, no mythics. 1/2 the toxicity in the game is gone.
I will say this. I hate Mythic Plus Dungeons. Made me not want to be a tank anymore. Sorry I don’t care what anyone else thinks but both the tank and the healer have far more to deal with for many off the affixes then the DPS. Then on top of it we have a damn timer to beat.
Why does a timer have to be the tool to decide if you succeed? Can’t something simply be hard enough to provide a reward no matter how long it takes? All this Mythic crap did was ruin the game for me. I was fine with two difficulty levels.
Get rid of farming too. There is a lot of toxic crap I see just trying to gather ore and herbs.
Maybe pet battles should also be stripped from the game.
Since players can solo level with pet battles it might ruin the ‘community’.
Lets get rid of EVERYTHING that doesnt require more than one player to do…then when the 8 players who are still here playing can afford millions to keep those servers up and running they’ll have the exact game they were dreaming of
Again with the my time is more valuable than yours.
Also I’ve stated not even a few posts above why the reason normal raiders feel compelled to do it.
Also Blizzard never took a stance on LFR and never made a claim it’s here to stay. Prove me with quotes please.
If anything, the game director(GC)that introduced LFR said he regrets putting it in the game.
Edit: also you’ve showm that you haven’t read my posts from the beginning. My stance was neutral and meant to engage in a conversation. You, again add nothing but personal feelings and getting triggered to the conversation.
That is such a ridiculous statement.
Im not going to sell the guns I own ever.
so if I dont SAY that to you personally then it cant possibly be true.
yeah…you need to stop pretending as if your debate skills are that great, friend.
Blizzard doesnt NEED to inform YOU or anyone else that LFR is here to stay for that to be an absolute fact of reality.
yeah…I see toxic crap all thru the game. Its not just in LFR, dungeons or even group content.
Lord…just read the stupid Stormwind chat most days if you want to see toxic.
LFR has nothing to do with it. Not one thing.