Yep all your opinion which does not amount to much. Classic is that way ——>
Here is why LFR is good for the game:
Blizzard themselves have said that there were not enough people doing raids for it to be cost effective to continue making them. With LFR, more people are raiding. So if they ever eliminated LFR, there would be no more raids.
I have done a few LFR runs. I don’t normally bother with raids until I can solo them.
Since I am retired, I have all the time in the world. I don’t normally raid because I am just not all that interested in raiding. With LFR, I can continue doing the content I normally do and just port in when my queue pops. I expect that there are a lot of people such as myself, who would simply not raid at all without LFR, and not because we “don’t have time,” but because we are just not interested. Thus, Blizzard has made LFR, so that they can continue making normal, heroic, and mythic raids as well.
I do agree that there are too many difficulties though.
Human warlocks are bad for the game.
Literally none of this proves that LFR is bad for the game. Try again please.
ugh…so could the people in your guild, guy.
You folks will resort to any asinine illogical nonsense you can muster up…
We ALL are just trying to kill the stupid bosses, son. It doenst matter if its a random group or your best friends.
Try harder.
Im not the one bashing LFR…I dont owe you anything.
YOU want the changes to LFR…YOU are making the claims…burden of proof is on YOU to make your case.
you havent. Not here…not today…not ever.
Secondly, this account is a new account. It has ZERO LFR or raiding of any sort on it.
And I’ll ask you to show me that youre not being a hypocrite by bashing LFR in here while PLAYING LFR for as long as it takes to prove the hypocrisy.
No…its not.
There are a dozen of you in here every few days who somehow managed to get into ‘real’ raiding after playing LFR and now you all think you need to come in here daily to bash something you yourself played and likely do still play today.
REAL raiders are out doing that right now instead of being in here crying about LFR.
The victim card too?
Say it aint so.
Sorry friend but I / we have provided a long list of facts and evidence to support our case while YOU have offered NOTHING that actually proves that LFR is detrimental to the game in any way beyond your own imagination.
So I’m going to do the same and ask you to provide quotes. For the first part,how blizzard said x
I’ve also heard that making raids is the most cost effective feature. However actual raiding was never the point(as in loot drops). It was always the social element of the game. The removal of this element harmed the game more,than benefited people who didn’t raid.
Next paragraph again is personal reasons. Refer to one of my posts above,as to what I said about those, I’m tired of repeating thr same thing.
Also you speculate that there’s a “lot” of people like you. Again we’re both speculating.
I think it is a load of crap that they think a 15% increase is the magic number for power gain. I mean they consider a +5 ilvl Warforge to be an upgrade. My addon tells me it is a 2% increase. That should be enough. Apply that to what we have now. Knock off a few extra difficulty levels and we might be able to go two or three expansions assuming we get them without needing another squish.
It isn’t my job and I am no expert also much of this is opinion but the developers are so out of touch with players these days. We have people working on WoW simply because it is their job. With maybe no heart in it. So we got a company no longer filled with gamers making games for gamers.
It’s kind of sad watching this game I have played for so many years self destruct with Blizzard but no king rules forever.
good god.
This game has always had solo aspects to it.
LFR IS NOT A SOLO thing no matter how many times you all try to convince yourselves otherwise.
If anything LFR is HARDER than higher levels of raiding for the simple fact that you dont have a team that has worked together before and can work in unison as a set guild group would.
LFR has not…did not…will not…‘harm’ this game beyond whats going on in your own imagination.
the mythic version of the dungeons and raids ruined this game.
Victim card? I’ve provided more than enough logic for you to work with, but you decided that you will not treat me equally in a debate. I haven’t made a case for anything I merely called out BOTH sides on the lack of logical arguments. You decided to reply while frothing at the mouth.
New account? You’re incredibly bad at being a flaming troll.
You’re nothing but a social justice warrior who responded with rage,frustration and an attempt to alienate debate.
Aka you responded with feeling and not facts.
You’ve done nothing to bring to the table but name calling. And I supsect your “main” account is pretty trash so you sit on defensive and flame.
Nice attempt little troll, but you have a nice day. Nonlonger going to bother with your childish responses.
As far as LFR goes, however, Blizzard is not.
They know how many players partake of LFR…most haters included based on EVERY one of them when we’ve seen their LFR progress.
I havent seen a single LFR hater who isnt also an LFR hero with most of the LFR achievements on their profile.
Sorry…but one doesnt get to scream to get rid of LFR while they are playing…or have ever played…LFR.
I’m terribly sorry that you lack the brain power to understand basic english.
Have a nice day, sincerely LFR hero.
I’ll bite one last time
If you raid normal and you’re a responsible human being, you’d be prepared for it. That means obtaining the highest ilvl possible beforehand. Guess what gives you that?
Also sit down already,you have 0 logic in your arguments.
Edit: also you fail to provide number statistics and quotes for your claims.
You’re so bad at debating lol
learn to read. Ive posted NUMEROUS posts filled to the brim with valid points. As you say…Im not repeating them for you. go read my posts.
WOW…now THAT is the pot and kettle.
Im not the one in here crying about removing something from the game while playing it myself.
And again…READ MY POSTS. Full of valid points…whether you accept that reality or not.
There’s nothing valid in your posts.
Except : me,me,me and we,we,we and muh feelings.
You bad