Correct since people demanded to armory snipe me.
Edit: yet they’re not posting on their mains either. Just pointing that out.
LFR man bad.
Armory sniping is a favorite past time on this forum
love this… I was about to post that this reply is brought to you by the letters F, U, and the number 2
We’ve already done this once today and the post got removed. Was fun while it lasted.
LFR is good practice for new healers. There are plenty of others to fill in for your mistakes, which no one will notice.
Tell us how you really feel.
What causes you to behave this way? Why is other people enjoying different fun such a problem for you?
Pretty obvious that you read nothing of what I posted above.
Nice attempt at being witty, but failed to impress.
Ive noticed that the ‘real’ raiders are out doing that instead of in here whining about LFR as the closet LFR heroes do.
LFR not bad for game
Tf/wf not bad for game (these are meant to be fun lucky bonuses not something to farm for BiS)
I agree on multiple difficulties though, and i think alot of LFR/LFD complaints really loop back to this as well. Base difficulty of dungeons is to easy and can be steamrolled without thought
Should be normal and heroic. LFD and LFR should only work for normal. Meaning heroic is strictly manual pick up group style or guild/friend group content.
Not high end but its endgame regardless good enough for me.
Finding a group for normal is probably faster than LFR q times.
LFR isnt a problem no matter how many times some claim it is.
When you present end-game content in a social game, and the player has to neither make friends or put forth effort to complete it, then of course it hurts the game. The player doing that doesn’t really care because they want to just consume the content via the path of least resistance. It’s ultimately Blizzard’s fault for setting it up that way.
Quote me where I said LFR is the ONLY reason the subs are down.
I said in general the trend of the outlets of the game(effectively the best way of advertising) have been on a solid decline since these artifical “see other people” features have been introduced.
When I said subs, I meant the general population(the playerbase),not the actual numerical value of sub numbers. Perhaps that is where you’re misunderstanding.
Id be impressed if you could show even 2 or 3% of unsubs happening BECAUSE of LFR…or LFR being remotely involved in their decision to quit.
Until you do any claims that ‘LFR bad’ are entirely in your own mind.
You’re the type of person that tells people they shouldn’t be affectionate to their spouse in public because it offends you
When you present end-game content in a social game, and the player has to neither make friends or put forth effort to complete it, then of course it hurts the game.
absolute nonsense.
funny that you make this claim SOLELY about ‘end game content’.
Why is it ONLY end game content that is affected?
And friend…LFR IS A SOCIAL game. Everytime Ive run it Ive been locked in with other REAL live human beings.
That they were randomly gathered together means absolutely squat in the grand scheme of this ‘social’ game where Im on a server FULL of strangers to begin with.
Heroic dungeons should drop 310 ilvl gear
Mythic dungeons should drop 320 ilvl
Normal raid should drop 330 and be same difficulty as is now
Heroic should drop 340
And mythic raid should drop 345.
And next tier should be normal = 340. Heroic = 350
Mythic = 365The ilvls increases way too much thru expansion. As it is we might be up too million dps aoe by end of expansion.
This part of the OP I agree with. Here’s a way to do it without removing LFR:
WF/TF, instead of being 5 and 10-25 point jumps, could be +2/+5 ilvl jumps such that in a given area you at best get +5 ilvls above the base if you grind it without moving on.
Heroic dungeons: 310
Mythic dungeons: 315 for the M+0, and then 1 ilvl for each two levels such that a M+10 drops 320 gear in your weekly chest or whatnot. Maybe this base rises with each tier by an appropriate amount to keep M+ grinding relevant.
LFR, tier 1: 310
Norm, tier 1: 320
Heroic, tier 1: 330
Mythic, tier 1: 340
LFR, tier 2: 325
Norm, tier 2: 335
Heroic, tier 2: 345
Mythic, tier 2: 355
Things like warfronts, world quests, and timewalking dungeons drop gear the same as M+0 dungeons or maybe a little more, and these drops stay 5, maybe up to 10, ilvl points above LFR drops.
We can let the tier-to-tier ilvl rewards overlap a bit. No reason that LFR tier 2 needs to drop the same or higher ilvl base as Mythic tier 1.
Other players in LFR could be NPCs and it wouldn’t make a difference. They’re generally just there to dps the boss for you. You don’t need to be their friend and they don’t need to be yours, so you’ll just kill the boss typing almost nothing in chat and then never see each other again.
So now I’m a LFR closet hero? Also I’ve politely answered to your request to show my armory and asked you to do the same,which you have failed to do it seems.
I don’t need to show you any numbers, you can tell there’s a crowd that is not happy with LFR and those that quit over it are gone long time ago.
LFR is perhaps not a direct cause of player discontent, but a symptom in causing such even if subconciously.
And as well like the poster previosuly asked me for numbers, I will answer the same to you. You provide me with % of how many people stayed because of LFR. If you don’t have such information, then don’t ask me to provide the same.
That would mean we’re both speculating.
But to me it seems you have no logical arguments, and prefer to resort to armory sniping and name calling.
Edit: you have also failed to provide a quotation where I said LFR is the cause of playerbase decline.
It’s important to take into account the LFR players’ sensibilities when discussing this subject, or else they’ll start reporting.