Lfr is bad for the game

You don’t get to make that decision


No, he’s said he’s from EU, he gets to tell us what real progression is.

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Remove mythic raiding. It’s the problem.


Prove it then.

Don’t have to prove it, the mythic raiders speak volumes.

They want the best gear and anything else that gives mythic level gear is bad for them because they want to control raids and make gold of players from carries.

It’s obvious. Mythic raiding is worse for the game than LFR by far.

… and hardly anyone does mythic raiding so it’s a waste. Also they make these crappy threads like this and irritate others all day, every day of every week. They are toxic.

Look Blizz will never listen to you guys… you have mythic and thats not good enough, you want to remove other peoples choices and if they ever did get rid of lfr or queable content then it truly is game over and they know it.

If you think for 1 minute that charging people for a game then blocking off content to them is the way to go then your in wonderland. People won’t go for it.


ok…it encourages ‘cheating’ where players who DIDNT actually work their way to that level of play are paying for carries because other players who dont care about REAL player progression are willing to help them get gear they shouldnt yet have because they didnt work their way to that level of play HONESTLY

easy enough?


I’d say remove them both. I’d be fine with 1-2 raid difficulties

Then you don’t have an argument.

You’re entire reason for wanting to remove Mythic is based entirely on player interaction.

That is an issue with these forums… grown adults that want to argue about everything. Some people need to grow up and get real.


And your reasons about Normal/Heroic + LFR isn’t going to cut it when it comes to Blizzard as a company.

You are basically asking them to lose a lot of $$ by designing the game based on what you think is actually good and healthy for the community.


I never said what I think is good for the community, I said what was I think is good for the game.

Which is;

I still have yet to see a valid reason to remove LFR or even why it is bad for WoW.


Then you shouldn’t get gear either, because if the only reason you’re raiding is for gear, you’re playing the game wrong. By your own logic.


His point ————————————-> you

You’re actually insane lol. The best gear should come from the hardest content and your conspiracy theory that this is actually the case so that people can sell you raid runs is hilarious. The game was better before they started catering to your kind.

That’s the complete opposite of what I said, but okay?

LFR is intended to be a content outlet so more relaxed or unconcerning players can see the content and story. Higher tier raids are meant to be for the highest performing players and the gear is the ability to make this characters stronger.

90% of your posts are claiming that everything leads back to good players trying to sell you runs and you are thwarting them by doing LFR which you think enrages them. And you think you are actually able to have adult conversations?

Here’s their reasons:

LFR destroyed “community”. Actually what happened was when their friends drifted away from the game, new players showed up who they felt they no longer had anything in common with. They didn’t want to have anything to do with these “noobs” and have been at war with the concept of new players ever since.

People who do LFR don’t deserve gear. LFR is a small part of the abomination that is permitting casuals to get any loot at all. Raiders deserve far more of the best stuff that is already set aside exclusively for them, it should be even better, while casuals should get no rewards in the game at all, because they deserve none, and because it will give them an incentive to be more like people who post this stuff.

Purple used to be important! I used to hang out in sw/org just to get admiring throngs to tell me how awesome I was, and the game has totally gone downhill that I can’t do that anymore.

LFR doesn’t teach people to raid Of course it is not designed to teach them to raid, and elitists are the first to be outraged by suggestions that the game should help people learn to be better players. That’s because elitists don’t want everybody to be good. They’d have no one to blame the consequences of their own choices on.

People who do LFR should set up their life around a guild’s raid schedule in order to raid, because everybody owes it to the game to change jobs and ignore their family in order to raid on my schedule. This is just LOL on so many levels. I guess it’s what they did.

Real raiding is really easy and only takes a few hours a week. This conveniently ignores 2 things: The decade or more these players have devoted to mastering the game (that they expect new players should be able to skip and become elites on day 1), and the fact that if they only log in a few hours a week, they don’t actually like the game as much as people who play more, regardless of what skill level those people are at.


The only people saying it now are usually trolls or instigators, I don’t want it removed, but it does effect the gear scaling which is bad. But it doesn’t have to be bad if some changes were made.

Just as “real raiding” is a “content outlet”.

You participate and you get participation trophies. They participate and get their participation trophies.

Maybe what you want is a game where all the casuals would just disappear, so you could play with the few friends that are still playing at that point.