Lfr is bad for the game

Sorry…has the current dev team removed LFR?
I musta missed that when I was looking at it last night and saw it was still there.

GC was the lead dev.

You know the difference, right?

and your own quotes say;

To be clear, the goal of getting more players into raiding is a good one.


Q. Who is Raid Finder for?

A. Raid Finder is primarily intended for players who don’t already raid consistently. These are players who may not have had the opportunity to take part in raid content due to scheduling conflicts, playtime constraints, limited access to other raid-capable players, or a lack of experience with higher-end content.
These players may want to experience World of Warcraft’s raid content and storyline without being able to commit to the additional time investment of a raiding guild.
The Raid Finder is also a great way to quickly and easily gear up alternate characters without having to worry about raid lockouts.


After that I asked a question, go back and reread.
I only repost GC because of that imbecile priest linking Bashioks post.

The joking is making a very telling point. The reason why so many people are progressing through Mythic (although, again, that means nothing. Tons of people “progressed” through ICC as well. But only a tiny, TINY fraction of the player base actually made it to Arthas, which was sort of the ENTIRE POINT of the Wrath expansion) is because the atrocious game design has driven the rest away. You may be right and purging LFR won’t drive away too many more, because they’re already gone.

But yes, your proposed changes would remove content from people. People want to see the story. The entire POINT of the game right now is raiding. Everything is tied to the raids. Every quest, every story is setting up for raids. You want to make it harder for that content to be completed. But there are people who cannot complete it at that level of difficulty.

LFR is harder than Heroic Dungeons for the same reason 25 man raiding is harder than 10. LFR requires more people. You have to have 10 idiots doing mechanics instead of just 5. Having to account for more people who don’t do mechanics is a major reason why Warfronts are so brain dead easy. Because if everyone was required to play to a skill level, people who queued and did well would get walled by people who didn’t. As soon as you argue the need to set up and force mechanics to be done, you lock my progress behind a bunch of other random nitwits who may not do the mechanics or try. I’ve been there before. No. I am not going to get my story progress locked because I perform perfectly but my group doesn’t. To hell with that.

Oh, that question.

It isn’t. A new tier is going to open up. The iLevel from the current stuff will not scale up at all.


Yes and the lfr version will give ilvl 370, which is above normal Uldir.

People that progressed through normal Uldir will now have to do LFR in order to get higher ilvl. This is a problem.

I’m well aware of warfronts and M+ currently giving disproportionate rewards, but warfronts will probably not come back in future expansions.

Also LFR is not harder than heroic dungeons because of the amount of people.

25m was harder because it’s harder to coordinate and sync mechanics than 10m

Your comparison is garbage.

5man heroics are equally as loot pinatas as 25m lfr

LOL Still thinking they can get rid of LFR so they can sell more carries. ROFL.


heh…that you utterly FAILED to see agreed 100% with the other as to why LFR was created.
which…was…the…point…by the way.


You failed to understand GCs post why LFR is bad.

yeah…we need to petition Blizzard to start banning players who give carries especially for ANY type of compensation.
If anything THAT is ruining the game by allowing unskilled players to get gear, etc that they shouldnt have been able to get yet.


Farming gold requires more brain power than LFR I assure you of that.

no…YOU failed to READ that he said EXACTLY what the other quote shows. That LFR was to allow more players to get into some level of raiding.
it doesnt matter if you didnt read your own quote before posting it


What did you read of mine? This is in zero correlation to what I actually gave as a problem for LFR, LFR would still be a thing and should be. Though removing the gear ratio from the equation, combining Heroic and Normal, and just pushing the itemlevel of everything down to what a good point should be, is what I’m trying to get across.

If you can find where I proposed to remove LFR in this thread, for the sake of exclusivity, youd have point.

No one in here is talking about Gold Sales but you.

do people even need to sell carries now that you can get max ilvl gear from rando stuff?


I make tons of gold every day with crafting
I do it with farming and AH flipping
getting gold in this game requires NO processing power beyond ‘Muh gold’.


So why are you agreeing with that person about carries being bought and sold?

Edit: here is what you fail to understand

But the way Raid Finder turned out removed, IMO anyway, a lot of the epicness of what made raiding raiding.

Mythic+ has made LFR and even normals obsolete. The gear and difficulty levels of raids need to be reevaluated.


From what I can measure not many are interested in buying them anymore, and even Mythic G’huun sales are nearly impossible due to the fight’s design. As someone who is 8/8M I don’t see it as a feasible way of making money, you’d be better off herb farming.

so hes whimpering because HE thinks something changed with the way players look at the game.
That says NOTHING about the mechanics OR that LFR harms the game in any substantial way.
He is crying about it there because he clearly has the same mentality some here do…which is wanting to keep raiding hidden from all but the elitist who have nothing to do with their time but play for months to gear up and raid.


Bfa is bad.


Mythic+ is definitely an assailant of the problem, though to be fair, all gear acquisition and scale is based purely off the raids. Is proposed pushing LFR down to be comparable to dungeons in difficulty and reward, since most who do them do it for fun or to see the content. Pushing Heroic and Normal together and then bringing dungeon gear and raid gear all down a peg evenly.

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Everything in the game is based purely off the raids. The raids get more attention than the entire rest of the expansion. Professions are trashed, classes destroyed, content cut, feedback ignored…

Oh, but the raids get tuned. They get adjusted from feedback. They get oodles of new resources and art. They matter.

Maybe Blizz should scrap raiding all together and remember that this is WORLD of Warcraft, not Raid of Warcraft.