Stop using this pathetic argument ‘don’t do it’.
There is no choice if you want to progress.
Stop using this pathetic argument ‘don’t do it’.
There is no choice if you want to progress.
So then you accept the fact that LFR is necessary.
We’re making progress
Because there’s no problem. I played in Classic. I raided in Classic and BC and Wrath. I have led raid groups. I have the Sceptre of the Shifting Sands in my bank, left over from a design decision where elitist snobs think that content for one player is the best content in the game.
There is no “problem” here to be fixed. People get to do content that you don’t want them to. That’s YOUR problem. Not the game’s. Find some way to enjoy your life without spitting on other players because they’re not as good as you, or don’t care to dedicate every moment of their free time to worshiping a game just so that they can get to see the end of the story line. It’s their game, their free time, stop trying to ruin it for them.
Now you’re just making it up as you go along.
Did you miss that as well?
You understand about 30% of the active playerbase is progressing through Mythic, right?
And if Normal was queable you wouldn’t be able to handle the increased mechanics without needing it to be nerfed down.
I accept that it’s a horrible feature that pigeonholes good players into carrying bad players.
It needs to be removed or changed
Wow, all 200 of you?
I can handle the increased mechanics fine. I can’t find two dozen other players to handle the increased mechanics that are available at the times I’m free to raid unless I want to swear my life in servitude to them and turn WoW into a job I have to clock in to every week.
WoW Classic up till TBC required you to be in a guild or wait till the content was nerfed. Wrath tried to make heroics easier to avoid the raid nerfs.
All that did was shift the qq about Heroics being hard to demanding nerfs on raids. Hardcore raiders who cry about LFR have obviously smoked or drank their last brain cells away.
I specifically remember the rage from these same people screaming at Blizzard about catering to the casuals by nerfing their content into the ground.
LFR gave casuals a way to see the content THEY ALSO PAID FOR without having to drop across the board 20% nerfs that were extremely common prior to it.
So is my free time, and the free time that my raid team commits 3h a night so people can progress and do some mechanics.
By giving higher ilvl from LFR I have to do it, because you know that free time that my team and I commit is valuable,therefore I will try and find any shortcut to power up my character in order to progress.
The ilvl difference across 10 people could mean 5-10% of dps, I’d be otherwise missing.
Use your head.
You dont like having facts thrown in your direction. Thats the reason you dont want to talk.
You gave no facts.
Sit down.
And there ya go…the REASON LFR exists. Something blizzard understands…
Q. Who is Raid Finder for?
A. Raid Finder is primarily intended for players who don’t already raid consistently. These are players who may not have had the opportunity to take part in raid content due to scheduling conflicts, playtime constraints, limited access to other raid-capable players, or a lack of experience with higher-end content. These players may want to experience World of Warcraft’s raid content and storyline without being able to commit to the additional time investment of a raiding guild. The Raid Finder is also a great way to quickly and easily gear up alternate characters without having to worry about raid lockouts.
Use your head. You can get higher iLevel gear from doing Warfronts and other sources. Heh, you think you need to do LFR to get gear. Cute.
I have a lot of regrets about Raid Finder for WoW. I am sure I worked on features that were much, much worse, but that’s the first one that came to mind.
To be clear, the goal of getting more players into raiding is a good one. But the way Raid Finder turned out removed, IMO anyway, a lot of the epicness of what made raiding raiding. I also haven’t played WoW in a few years, so it’s entirely possible they have solved the problem by now
Argument invalid.
sorry bubbles but the REASON for creating LFR doesnt change because some clown stopped liking it.
Pathetic argument.
and even YOUR post said the same thing
To be clear, the goal of getting more players into raiding is a good one.
How many times are you going to spam this? One argument from a former dev who was an elitist twit does not prove your point. Notice, again, that he offered no solution for how HE would get more people in. Nope. Just like you don’t. Just purge things other people enjoy because you don’t like other people getting things.
Yeah and tell me,on Jan 22nd,what will LFR gear scale up to?
Also warfronts are dogsheite. And should not give heroic ilvl loot.
How many times are you going to spam a CMs post 7 years ago that holds no water on what the current dev teams vision of the game is?
GC was the lead dev. He got poached by Riot, he didn’t get fired. You’re trying to be disrespectful.
Also answer my question, stop dodging.
And read what it says…it says EXACTLY what the WoW quote shows…even if this joker refuses to accept that.
LFR was created for a reason. That reason NEVER changes.
To be clear, the goal of getting more players into raiding is a good one. But the way Raid Finder turned out removed, IMO anyway, a lot of the epicness of what made raiding raiding. I also haven’t played WoW in a few years, so it’s entirely possible they have solved the problem by now
Joking aside, you understand what I’m trying to say right? We are going to be at 250k HP with 415 gear, likely 290k after Crucible, and 380k for the next 8ish boss tier.
The curvature isn’t healthy, and my ideal changes won’t remove content or experience from anyone.
I dunno. Count. How many times have I spammed the thread with a dev quote? To my knowledge, I haven’t done it in this thread once. I know I haven’t done it more than once. Yet I also know that you’ve put that exact quote in here at least five times, probably quite a few more.
Also, you didn’t ask a question, you just literally posted a quote that you admit to having on copy/paste with no additional comment.