Lfr is bad for the game

I gave you my point, you choose to ignore it.

The post your referring to is my statement on how LFR definitely has done damage to the game, saying it has zero effect is silly.

I agree. Four difficulties is too much. Let’s ditch Heroic and Mythic, they’ve clearly only bloated the iLevel and split up the raiding community.


yeah…Ive got a fairly long list of them on ignore.
I let it slide a time or two, but when they keep spamming I ignore and report them anymore.
Carries where ANY exchange goes on should be a permaban.
THAT is what is encouraging bad play…not LFR


Which, again…has NOTHING to do with my being able to gather up a random group.
That is a NUMBERS issue…NOT a convenience issue.


It it’s that bad, then don’t run it? I’m not a fan of it, so I don’t, but I also don’t do any kind of pvp but I’m not calling for the end of it. That’s problem with some wow players. If they don’t like, everybody should dislike it.

Again, don’t like it. Don’t do it.


Actually read what I wrote this time honey.

I did. You want to drop it to two tiers. I’m just arguing an easier way to do it. We’ll leave LFR the way it is, as an intro or leveling raid, like Normal dungeons, meant to get you through the story, and then we’ll have the Heroic mode for the people who want to feel epic. It cuts the gear level, and lets people do what they want to do.

Don’t want LFR? Don’t do it.


TWO DIFFERENT GROUPS of players there.
One who WANTS all that crap you mentioned.
The other who just wants to LFR the raid and get it over with.
Neither has any effect on the other except the former seems to want to cry about the latter.


You run it if you’re in a guild that’s progressing,say normal.

You need the higher ilvl, so you squeeze out more performance.

Of they equalized LFR ilvl to heroic dungeons, not a single raider would need to run them.

You’re arguing here as if heroic and mythic is equivalent to mythic.

Do you understand that normal mode,which was called ‘flex’,for people that actually know what they’re doing is tourist mode as well?

Funny thing is the ‘real’ raiders are spending their time doing that instead of whining about LFR in here on a daily basis.


Again you say nothing of worth.

More worthless arguments.

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Yep, it flexes. It adjusts for you. Want to make it harder? Do it with a smaller group. Five man it. Solo it. I’m sure you’ll find a challenge eventually.


Do YOU understand that by your arguments here that youre ignoring the same exact issue ?
IF this is about not having ‘tourist mode’ then ALL of the difficulties MUST be removed other than the hardest.
Plain, simple logic.
You dont get to whine about LFR mechanics being easy…then ignore the fact that ‘real’ raiding with multiple difficulties has the EXACT same issue with normal and mythic.


lack of understanding on your part does not negate valid arguments on mine.


Are you stupid, or blind like your Demon Hunter?

What are you talking about?

Have you started playing in Legion or something?

You’re trying to avoid providing a good solution


Every time I read about classic all the way up thru the point where the group finder was added and LFR was avaiable I get this feeling like fingernails on a chalkboard.
I read about WoW when it came out. I was excited to try it out…but reading comments on line pushed me away from even trying it.
The ONLY reason I gave WoW a chance 18 months ago was solely because my brother in law swore to me that current wow was nothing like vanilla.
I like TODAYS version.
Id cancel three subs tomorrow if it heads back down the path of classic.


Yeah, I did misread or misunderstand that. So you want to cut it to three, by purging LFR and making Normal able to be queued? Better idea: Purge Mythic, make Normal able to be queued, and leave the rest alone.

Don’t like LFR? Don’t do it.


I’m ignoring your incoherent blabbering. You and I are done.

You’ve done nothing to provide proof to back up your claims, and just keep foaming at the mouth like some sjw.