Lfr is bad for the game

Its amusing how you think you have any say in the matter.
LFR isnt going anywhere…though it’ll be funny to watch it crash and burn so we can laugh while the raid servers are shut down soon after.


Yeah but the people who are cancelling their subs, are not saying LFR is why they are leaving. Just about everyone of them are blaming boring lackluster classes, and pruning, along with the horrible Azzerite system, for the reason, along with Pathfinder being time gated so bad, with no flying still. Not one thing about LFR as the reason for leaving!
You remove LFR will be just one more reason for a group of people to leave.


I like how most of my post discussing how raid guilds could change themselves to attract more people was entirely overlooked.

LFR is but a scapegoat.


And its hysterical how the LFR haters in here nearly ALWAYS have a full roster of LFR achievements.
I doubt a single person who has quit has ‘LFR’ listed as their reason for quitting.


How about you open up your profile enough so we can see how much LFR youve finished?


id wager most people are quitting because the content feels meaningless and hollow

the current gearing system is part of that, and lfr is part of that problem but no where near as bad as the other problems


Obviously Moka is posting on an alt, because they dont want you to see. They are 890 plus Ilvl, and are actually pissed that lFR is cutting into their WOW work revenue of making money for real life, selling runs.


My self I work four ten hour plus days a week, and I take care of my grand daughter when I’m not working I used to raid a lot work started taking me away from that back in WoD and I like that LFR is available so i can see the content. I like the way normal is now with the size flexibility.
I do wish they had left it the way they did when it came out in MoP just leaving it called flex, and then normal being called normal instead of heroic, and heroic just being called heroic I get why they changed it because of the third dungeon difficulty being called mythic. Doesn’t mean I like it, lol.


Really? Then why is everyone quitting saying the number one that bothers them is how the classes feel after the changes. From pruning to the GCD with Azzerite traits not feeling their characters are fleshed out on them, with no real new abilities from it. Not one thing about ILVL and LFR.


Finding a group for normal is probably faster than LFR q times.

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Not at all faster actually much longer. Trust me I have tried. Especially with RaiderIO.


I could raid normal and heroic with my guild my pc won’t allow me to at the moment. I am in a raiding guild. I still like lfr.


This is valid.


So no numbers or hard evidence but people are fools if they don’t believe the anti-LFR crowd

This game was never going to sustain 12M subs. Wrath was pretty much the perfect storm of everything coming together at the right time. In fact if you go back and look at old sub numbers there wasn’t an overly sharp decline until WoD

I’m not the one claiming sub numbers are down due to LFR, that was you. When you make stupid, asinine comments like that, you have to know you’re going to be called on it


Its not that LRF is “bad”, it just increases the toxicity level between players. I miss the time when if you wanted to do high end content you had to be social with others. Raids should not be 40 people not talking to each other; it should be all about forming a community within the game. More than anything I believe this is why people want Vanilla WoW so bad. They miss the community that actually cares about working together.


If that’s a reason, why not remove BGs or whatnot? I see tons of toxicity there.


For someone that “understands how the system is currently so bung” you seem to have a use for it, mr. 6/8 LFR.


Where you still in school or did you work back in Vanilla days. I was still doing a seventy hour swing shift even in Vanilla days. Back in Vanilla in order to raid, it was actually more hours then most real life jobs. Let me tell you. I did not see one raid during that time. I am so glad LFR came about.


LFR is not high-end content.


Round and round we go.