Lfr is bad for the game

Tbh, I have always considered LFR a great Learning experience before actually getting into Normal… and I’m sure that’s what it is intended for


Oh boy, here we go again.

You should probably call the cops if people are apparently putting a gun to your head to do LFR.


I think they should just rename LFR to Normal imo.


Normal = queue-able aka new LFR


Because they don’t like opening up an armory of someone else and not being able to say “haha noob” because you both have nearly the same if not the same ilevel. Why else would they grind hard content then to boast their e-peen to the lower class citizens


Click bait


There is this silly belief from raiders that LFR somehow takes people away from them, and that removing access to LFR will increase their pool of players.

It might increase the number of people trying to pug at low levels, but it will not increase the number of people at higher levels. Of course, they wouldn’t actually get into pugs often because things like raider io and ilevel will make them lower priority choices over more experienced players because people who don’t have progression already are less likely to have others take a chance.

There will be people who are too busy, too laggy, or too tired of abuse and nepotism in raiding groups and pugs to bother, and they’ll probably quit playing or just run warfronts or bgs endlessly.

If raiders really want to pull retired raiders and people at lower levels into higher levels they’re going to have to change.

Rage free raiding.
Raiding where the inappropriate GLs and officers don’t give preferential treatment to their girlfriend or their flirty girl.
Doing things on their own servers to foster community—The raiding guild I was in during MoP (we raided what was now mythic and top on our server) ran community flex (now normal) raids.
Adopt players who have potential and train them instead of relying on rankings and gear.

That will never happen.

I’d run my own guild and do this but I don’t have the energy on top of all the other things I do.

[edited by Forum Moderator: Please review the Code of Conduct we have available as a guide for forum use to prevent any future action. This post has been edited due to language.]


I’m going to assume you have some hard numbers to back that claim up and just forgot to include them


This again? How many new threads do we need on this same topic? LFR is not bad for the game. It provides people a way to do something in game that they would otherwise not bother doing at all.


Well NP then, they remove LFR. I will move onto a mobile game, just not one owned by Activision, since they obviously do not care for my business. After all Don’t we all have phones.


no…sorry…more options arent ‘bad’ for the game.
The perpetual crying about it is, however.


It most certainly is. Both of ours are important. Observe your response. You decided to personally attack me and lump me in a group of “you people”.
Your argument for lfr stay is “my money and I get to dictate what do with my time”. It’s the exact argument remove lfr folks use(the ones that actually understand the issue and not talk about loot and ilvl). It holds no water. It’s a generalized argument that can be used for anything you do,irl or in game.


sorry but the deal is done…the arguments are OVER.
LFR IS part of the game and YOU will have to come to terms with that…and WE will make ANY points WE feel valid regardless of the demands that we just shut up and accept the crap illogic to remove LFR.


Actually LFR only gives 340Ilvl. Where you get the higher gear is from Incursions, World bosses and World quests from the scaling currently in game, along with weekly quest rewards, for doing Warfronts.
I think their biggest issue, is about making money for themselves. Through group content. Where more people would have to then pay, to see the raid content, if a casual player.


No…BLIZZARDS argument is 'LFR makes us money, therefore its not going anywhere"
Your beef is with Bliz…not those of us who use LFR and enjoy it.


I do think there are too many difficulties for everything. It makes the reward structure needlessly complex. Then, they throw Titanforging into the entire thing and it’s all just messed up.


This is a fair assessment.


I do not have numbers, but you’d be a fool not to believe there’s an issue within the game that is causing player decline.
The sub numbers from DS release throughout now is super inconsistent(there are cata sub numbers,I’m at work so I’m speed typing,I’m sure you can google from vabilla to mop) and never could reach back it’s peak or sustain longterm subs.
Also if you’re talking about current player decline, just look at all the outlets(youtube/reddit/ah/twitch/ah goblin forums). It’s a clear indicator that people are leaving in droves and only an ignorant person would say that the game is doing good.
Also can you provide me hard numbers how the game is on a incline? See I can pull that argument too.


Short term yes, long term,that’s a hard no.

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uh…yeah…ONE side has very sound arguments.
I play in raids BECAUSE LFR exists. I wouldnt have touched it otherwise REGARDLESS of what some of you want to choose to delude yourselves into believing.

And no, friend…we are ‘super busy’ with life and BLIZZARD in their wisdom chose to give us LFR to use.
Sorry but again…its a done deal. LFR is here to stay.
Going to have to come to terms with that reality, sorry to say.


And we’d be a fool to take some forum members word that its LFR that is even remotely part of the cause.
BAD content…BAD business decisions…BAD class changes…BAD storylines…THAT is why this game is losing subs. It has nothing to do with LFR.