Lfr is bad for the game

Says the LFR player whose played more LFR than I have.


People have debunked this fallacy that “CASUALS” don’t have time to raid.

You’re a bad player, not a casual.

Gotcha. But when they do introduce an actual mechanic boy howdy will they let you know on GD Forums. Like G’huun!

Whats funny is starting LFR mother on my prot pally by dragging her to the 3rd room with 5 ppl alive and still downing her

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Sorry but screaming into the air over and election didnt change the results anymore than crying about people having lives and being unable to live for a video game changes that reality.


I’m sure the kiddies loved that.


Because I don’t need to do anything other than that.

If LFR goes away or gear ilvl gets nerfed, will I search for a group to raid with? Absolutely.

Also show me your armory.

Bet you can’t.

I think you have the wrong definition of casual. Casual =/= bad. I would say about 10% of the players are like you who have no desire to progress or get better and are just happy with how LFR is. 3-5% are Hardcore and try to get every advantage they can to progress their character, and the vast majority are inbetween. They want to progress but don’t necessarily care if they have the best gear/enchants/etc.

Are you talking about US elections? Not only am I not from US, but I also lean right wing, whom btw in popular opinion do not have mental breakdowns and spout incoherent gibberish like
well you

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Judging by the same few people keep liking thier posts, I’d say that’s where to look.

Yeah that shaman is as delusional as them
I think they’re the same since they claimed they have 2 acc.

Well played sir

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  1. dont need to show you squat. Again Im not the one crying to get something I play removed
that’d be you.
  2. Ive already said i did all the Legion LFR raids, son. NOthing else there to see. I started in legion. Nothing prior to that is relevant.
  3. You do that. And we will use the raid finder to gather a group for us, which has ZERO bearing on your game
well, unless youre playing LFR yourself again at that point.

I am casual (not in a raiding guild) yet on my 2 characters 8/8 lfr 8/8 normal 8/8 heroic and 2/8 Mythic ( with zek < 30%) and completed M+10 sooooooooo yea .





  1. relaxed and unconcerned.

There ya go.
Thats me.
Thats TONS of us.


Do you like the game IdleHeroes?

that must be it.
I dont need two accounts to post on multiple characters.
You know that
Pretty desperate


Like I said. I really don’t think there are a large percentage of players like you who have absolutely no desire to progress or get better. You can be relaxed and do Normal raids too. Actually a lot of groups running Normal are more relaxed and unconcerned than LFR groups.

Never heard of it. Video game?


If you eat McDonals or Burger King, do you go and advertise how healthy it is?

You’re clueless.

You’re crying to keep something in the game, judging by your frequent capitalization and lack of consistent grammar.

That doesn’t really matter to the situation. Though posting on your main makes you look better, rather than hiding behind a mask.

Expentional character growth is killing the game.

Did I say you had multiple accounts?