'I dont think".
Sorry but what you THINK isnt relevant.
What matters is FACT.
Something very desperately lacking in this thread.
casual players arent the ones in here crying about LFR, thats pretty much a certainty.
The game has gone 6-7 years strong with LFR existing.
The game has a lot of problems right now, LFR is not one of them, in fact excluding the casual playerbase would hurt the game at this point a lot more than help it.
Do you think I missed your implications, son?
I am being nice.
Had this been on some other forum where mods werent standing over me with their finger hovering over the ban button Id have made you cry by now.
I don’t think the casual playerbase was being excluded to begin with. I was a filthy casual back in Wrath and I still got to do raids without a schedule or a guild.
Yup. It is one of the biggest contributing factors to killing the game.
Three of the biggest blunders of WoW. Aside, of course, from things like classes being incredibly unfun, lack of meaningful progression, Professions being literally useless, and other things.
probably because I was one of those 70 hour week sorts with a wife and three kids and a home business on top of it all and know factually that not everyones situation is the same…unlike some here seem to have deluded themselves into believing.
I don’t think most casuals cared. Blizzard created a reason for them to care. But it doesn’t change the fact, like PL in Normal to Mythic-- LFR isn’t going anywhere.
And this entire thread is pretty much a crap show of ego’s over who is right and who is wrong.
It is what it is-- either we accept it. Or we find a new game.
The game has been on a steady decline since end of Cata, only spiking up with expansion launches.
Something is not right and it needs to be fixed.
The person that linked me sub counts represent the graph of decline.