Lfr is bad for the game

Are you trying to misquote me on purpose? Or are you having issues or something?

A statement that is sheer tripe nonsense.
Do you walk 8 miles to work when you can drive?
you do the CONVENIENT thing and it has ZERO bearing on anything being ‘bad’.
The game has adapted to a newer player base.
I suggest you all get with the times and do the same.


just WOW.
not even sure what to say



idc if classic is ever launched it was a grind and thats it

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You quoted Turnberry, but swapped out them to be me in the quote, are you low functioning?

not my problem if the quoting feature aint working right, son.


you can still get a random group together
 It’s called custom group finder. Sure Its pressing 3 more buttons now instead of 1 but at least there people can determine what your ilv is and what bosses you have killed.

LFR is bad for the game period and it does not stop you from experience lower level content 
 God forbid you have to be social and find a group in an MMO.

Pretty much all the bosses are target dummies with large hp pools.

Don’t you know?

The “new” playerbase doesn’t know how to function properly, so the training wheels need to be on for the whole one-hundred or else it’s game over for them.

Thing is,if the game hits a really low point,it will either be buried or actually raise red flags that something within the game is causing the players not to be interested right after an expansion launch and people will try to fix it. The more we raise our voices about it, the more evident the problem becomes.
Simply covering your ears and eyes does no make the problem go away.

The first step to solving a problem is recognizing there is one.

And there’s a big issue with this game, tjat has been here for a long time.

LFR bad because;

-hurts feelings
-unfair for those who have to manually gather groups
-gear too good
-bar set too low?
-causes ADHD and laziness

one of those
thats why i hate it. Pick one.


Do you know what happens when you get zapped Phase 1 on Zek?.. oh thats right 
 he doesn’t even do that in LFR. Short answer is 
 you die 
 and everyone around you dies.

I picked the one you choose to ignore sweety.

And the problem is CRAP CONTENT
end of story.
LFR or no LFR this game has sucked since MoP, plain and simple.


I think more so it has created this group of lazy and apathetic players who don’t want to get better because LFR makes it so they don’t have to, then they are designing these expansions around those people.

I’m aware of the mechanic. Not sure what your point is.

Lfr is crap content.

It’s like the McDonals/Burger King of wow.

They’re saying mechanics that matter usually aren’t present in LFR, which is hilarious.

And I think its not your business that many players WANT to remain CASUAL.
I own businesses friend.
I can assure you that TELLING paying customers what they are going to get instead of giving them what they want is a sure fire way to make them take those $$$ elsewhere.


LFR is bad because it diminishes the quality of the game.
