Lfr is bad for the game

I don’t care what you think is bad for the game…just like you don’t care that you are trying to take away all the casual player’s content. None of the opinions on the forums mean squat because they are just that, opinions. The only opinions that matter are the ones of the devs, and since they purposefully put all the things you are railing agianst in the game, you are sadly SooL. And you will get all of the things you want soon, when Classic drops. And I promise I’m not going to jump into the Classic forums whining to get all the qol things put in, as long as you stop trying to make retail into classic.


Not sure why you made LFR the title of your post when it actually has nothing to do with LFR.


WoW you hit that nail right on the head, with just one shot.


They need to add a filter in LFR:

Don’t allow elitist jerks to join…

Casuals unite!!! Yay for having a life!!


Thank you for this post, sir.


LFR is for working adults and busy students who don’t have time to raid on a weekly basis. LFR ia for people stuck on unstable or slow DSL or satellite internet who have no other options. LFR helps gear up alts.

If you aren’t part of that crowd, that’s fine. You don’t need to run LFR if you don’t want, but it’s unfair to demand its removal at the expense of those who benefit.


What we really need is for Blizzard to make an automated system that scans for posts and threads like this, and link it to the person’s WoW account. If you make an anti-LFR thread or post, LFR is just hidden, permanently, from your game client. The system itself, the transmogs, everything just hidden and out of your sight forever.

Then the rest of us can play in peace.


The transmogs?

Then they’d be seeing people run around unclothed?


Well, I meant that they wouldn’t see the LFR tier transmogs in their Collections.

But they could make it so that all LFR players appear in Normal gear or something to them as well. Or just make them naked, or in greens. It would let them look down on people the way they always wanted.


You know I always ask the people that want to get rid of LFR, and only do Hardcore style of raiding what type of Job they have in real life. Funny thing is they never answer me, but get really pissed that I asked.
Myself I am a Paramedic, who does a seventy hour split shift work week. So LFR is really the only possible way for me to enjoy the story line in Game, that the raid is part of, due to the weird mix of hours, along with the amount of hours I work, to include spending quality time with the Wife and Kids. Myself I could care less about the gear that drops, just want to see it, and do it for the experience.


I’m a disabled full time college student pursuing a STEM major at a top engineering school. I have a lot of homework and activities I do outside of vidya games. I can’t commit to 9+ hours a week to some 20 something nerd guy screaming at me on voice chat on top of advanced mathematics homework and coding assignments.


Kudos to you. My nephew is going for Engineering as well in College. Those are definitely not slouch classes that call for a lot of commitment.


I’m pulling myself out of poverty in spite of disability. I’m doing so while also caring for my mentally and physically ill mother. Meanwhile some raging nerd is mad and poopooing on me because I’ve retired from raiding so I can better myself.


It’s funny how neither side can make solid arguments.
Also if you are super busy with life(70h+ work/study) you should probably try and not play videos games that require a lot of play time and consistency. That being more than 3h per week.
And even if LFR is not bad for the game,it’s certainly a cause for player decline, just like mythic level raiding(the switch from 10m to 20m killed a lot of guilds).


OP, I think your opinions are stupid.


Except the opposite of play is depression. Everyone, even busy people need fun sometimes. World of Warcraft can be enjoyed without logging 9-12 hours a week amd enduring verbal abuse from a raging 20 year old.



I think what you said is spot on and most people replying won’t understand how the system is currently so bung


That is your personal circumstance. Just like the remove LFR threads demand removal in a wrong way, so do the “work/study” folk demand stay in a wrong way.
Why do you think you have the right to judge whose time is better spent and how? And why do you think your personal circumstance should be the reason or affect for LFR as a feature to stay?

Edit: The goal to have features in this game is for them to benefit the game in a healthy way. Is LFR healthy or not is debatable, but please stop saying this “I don’t have time therefore I deserve to see content”. This isn’t a mobile game you pick up for 20min. It’s slowly turning into that, but not quite yet.


Translation we need more casuals to not be casual and join our empty end game raids which we limit entry with raider io so actually you aren’t allowed!


Is the subscription I pay not as valuable as yours? Why do you people feel entitled to take things that are already implimented away from others who benefit from them when you can just ignore it?

I do not see how it hurts the game at all?