Lfr is bad for the game

Pray to RNG Jesus to save you and give you good gear otherwise just go level up toons much funner.


I think professions should be removed from WoW because they teach capitalism.


Nice “gunpoint” argument.

Refer to my posts above(far above) and you’ll get your answers.

THAT is your laughable ‘proof’ ?
How many MILLIONS of WoW subscribers?
There are what…200 active posters in here in a given month MOST of whom never say a single negative word about LFR?

You know what ‘sample size’ means?
This forum AINT it…believe it or not


The threads are started by a handful of players, most of them alts of elitists pretending to be casuals who think LFR is bad for the game. They spam endlessly, just as you are doing here, and which is why those threads disappear.


I would, but you haven’t said anything that wasn’t stream of thought.


heh…most of them elistist wannabes with FAR more LFR than I have on my other wow Account…


Shame,you can’t dance either.

Good day.

And that’s an argumentum ad populum. I wonder if there’s a logical fallacy bingo card around here.

Appeal to popularity. “Because this viewpoint is popular in this space, it must be right.”

You wish to debate, but you don’t comprehend concepts like the burden of proof or logical fallacies, which are a big part of actual debate. Perhaps if you’d taken a few English and writing classes you might know this.

The thought pattern that if LFR was doing as much harm as the ex developer said it did, it would no longer be in game is pretty sound. That statement was made like… 2 years ago? They could have not included LFR in BfA at all, but they chose to. Why?


affirmative claims*

You can’t prove a negative even if it is a ‘hard’ claim.

The reward people were arguing for to even get LFR into the game was the ability to see the raid. And like I said, I don’t care what LFR people do with LFR gear. They aren’t playing my characters.

All I did was state my opinion.

Depends on how hard I watned the content to be. I was soling thigns pre WoD squish that I wiped in regularly because it was a challenge and I liked the challenge of completing the content solo instead of in a group.

But raiders regularly do content without rewards for streaches of time, so I’m not sure what you are advocating for exactly.

No. LFR shouldn’t reward loot because that causes people who don’t actually care about seeing the raid to do the LFR content. Remove the reason for players who don’t actually care about anything but the LFR loot to run the instance on LFR difficulty and you preserve the ability for the people who (came out en-masse in Wrath and into Cata arguing that they deserved the ability to see content) want to experience the instance to get that reward.

Here, I’ll requote myself becuase apparenty you didn’t read it:

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I’ll admit that I do have some fun in LFR. I thought Uldir was great. I would pull Mother and immediately take her to the 3rd room then watch the LFR Zombies blindly follow and kill themselves. Then I would solo her for the next 3 min or so while everyone complained in chat then bubble hearth out when the room got to 99%.

I guess if they make more bosses like that I could get behind LFR for the laughs.

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Well Decided to down load fortnite. Currently doing that, since so many elitists in this game. No longer want us LFR players to be in it. Nice thing I just found out. You can play Fortnite on mobile as well. I guess its a better game for casual people. Well bye guys was fun, playing with the other casuals. For the elitists thanks for ruining the game for me with your toxicity.


These threads are more common than trash mobs.


LFR Haters please leave this game and take your attiude with you. You haters are often Hardcore players so please leave game does not need you.

Have a good day and dont let door slam you to death on way out.




It’s not. Argument ad populum requires appealing to the masses to make a decision instead of an informed person. They are using an example that exists outside of the context of the existing conversation, at best it’s a red-herring and it’s a bad example of that.

The appeal isn’t to the masses that post on the forums, they are just bringing in data from outside of the current discussion.

They havnen’t made any formal logical fallacies by my reasoning. You are attributing informal rehetorical definitions to an informal discussion.

English and Writing classes don’t cover formal articulation or argumentation/debate. There are specialized skillsets needed for those interactions and they are generally done in special settings where both participants have agreed on the rules of the engagement.

Again, formal vs informal.


WoW you sound like my wife. Who is a lawyer, is that what you do in real life?


The world was fine before electricity too. Should we remove that?


Me? Not really I just know something about what they are arguing about.

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