Lfr is bad for the game

I can’t breathe
That was a good one


Well Impressive you should try Law School, and clerking. LOL I hate arguing with my wife, so I do not even bother anymore. I just go what ever you say hunnybunny.


I watch/listen to a lot of intellectual debates and people reviewing them so the structure and style aren’t that alien to me.

As much as I dislike him now Matt Dillahunty from the Aethiest Experience has a youtube playlist that goes over debate basics and things like I pointed out. Once you get a handle on the general rules of engagement you can spot the flaws, it’s easier in written content like this as well.

I could live without electricity. As long as my internet connection still works.


I could not live without electricity. Hate reading by candle light.


I agree with you on a most of the things but first off, LFR is not an issue and glad it is in the game. Don’t use it if you don’t like it. It doesn’t “kill guilds” like some people say (when I first heard that I lmao). Plenty of people don’t have time to raid or don’t want to join a guild let alone join a pug group. Some people just want to see the content. Some use it to gear alts.

I agree there are too many difficulty levels. I really like the Ulduar version where it is normal but you can trigger hard modes on bosses. I don’t think every boss needs a hard mode but at least most of them wouldn’t be bad (unless it is a small raid then all of them).

As for titanforging etc. I agree with you on that as well. I am not a fan of it.

I definitely agree with you about the gear too. It is getting ridiculous people can now get 385 (and before 370) gear for afking an automatic win in a warfront. Not only that, 340 gear was raining from the sky too in the beginning in Arathi which made normal mythic dungeons useless.


What I’d like to see are scripts by the bosses that run when a raid wipes.

For example,
“You call yourself Mythic raiders?? Go back to Heroic and learn some mechanics scrubs!”

“I don’t even think another 10 stacks of determination will help you LFR heroes!”


OMG now that would be to funny.


Or maybe even

“Guess that’s what happens when you stand in fire”

It’d be awesome to have the bosses taunt us.


You LFR morons think your raiders, go back to Hello Kitty before trying again.


iirc General Nazgrim and Tichondrius both insulted the players if they died.

The General Vezax in Dragon Soul may have but that was a while ago.

Like bawdsami who laughs at you when you die in Zandalar.


Exactly, I laugh every time I die and hear him mock me…because yeah I deserved it.


That could be an interested game mechanic / afk detector. “%t couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag! He’s just auto-attacking.”


Yes wouldn’t it be funny if there was an AFK mechanic where some random boss would one shot the AFK and something like

“Not in my house!”


They actually did that in Hearthstone. Kel’thuzad Taunts you relentlessly throughout Naxx.

“There is no achievement for losing to Gluth!”


Nazgrim is the best LFR story if you want to see how it devolved to what it is today. Defensive stance was the bane of LFR groups, you had to do the incredibly difficult mechanic of not attacking the boss while he was in this stance.

The LFR crowd cried on the forums that the boss was too hard. To the point where there was a blue post explaining that you should be focusing on the adds during that phase and not attack the boss. This was ultimately met with “I pay $15 a month and if I wanna hit the boss I’m gonna hit the boss, don’t tell me how to play my game.”

So now Blizzard makes LFR void of mechanics and we end up with target dummies disguised as bosses. It all started with Nazgrim.


It’d be a great addition here. I’m just thinking up stuff since me and the fam are 30 mins into an hour wait for a table at BJs.


Well fortnite is done downloading. You all take care and goodbye.


Have fun !